Kale – properties, preparation, recipes

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Kale is one of the healthiest leafy vegetables. It is a variety of cabbage very popular and eagerly eaten in many countries, especially in Scandinavia. For some time in Poland it was forgotten and treated as an ornamental plant, now it is returning to favor due to its pro-health values ​​and the wealth of valuable nutrients it contains.

Kale – health properties

Kale is a variety of cabbage. It has long, green, sometimes also purple-green, wrinkled and rather hard leaves. It contains a lot of fiber, protein and a treasury of vitamins, including vitamin K, which is rare in vegetables. It also has a lot of mineral salts, mainly calcium, potassium and sulforaphane, which is one of the strongest antioxidants. In addition, kale contains beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, which also help scavenge free radicals from the body.

See also: Vitamin K – where can we find it?

Sulforaphane contained in kale is an antioxidant that has anti-cancer properties, which has been confirmed by scientific research. Other antioxidants in this vegetable have a similar effect. Eating kale is therefore a great way to prevent many serious diseases.

Vitamin K, present in kale, is also an excellent protective shield against the appearance of certain neoplastic changes, especially liver, gallbladder, breast and ovarian cancer. Vitamin K also reduces excessive bleeding during menstruation, so eating kale is especially recommended for women who struggle with this problem. Vitamin K is also important a factor that prevents internal and external hemorrhages and accelerating wound healing.

B vitamins contained in kale leaves have a protective effect on the nervous system, while vitamin C strengthens immunity and also has antioxidant properties. Kale contains magnesium, iron, zinc and phosphorus – valuable elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Eating kale improves the work of the cardiovascular system, clears blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Iron supports the production of red blood cells – therefore kale is recommended for people at risk of anemia.

  1. YANGO kale extract in capsule form is available on Medonet Market. Order today.

Kale in the fight against disease

Kale is a great source of beta-carotene, from which our body can produce vitamin A, which in turn is of great importance in reducing the possibility of night blindness. Night blindness is manifested by the deterioration of our vision, especially during twilight. Vitamin A also works in the case of the so-called syndrome. dry eye.

It is worth mentioning that kale is also a source of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin or lutein, which are components of the macular pigment, which protect the retina from various damage caused by radicals, as well as excessive sunlight.

The consumption of kale plays a role in the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is related to the presence of potassium and calcium in the plant. The first one helps to increase the patency of blood vessels, causing more free blood flow and a drop in pressure.

The second, in turn, is responsible for the proper pumping of blood to the rest of the body’s tissues, and thanks to the combination with the previously mentioned potassium, it is able to significantly reduce blood pressure. In turn, the vitamin C present in kale is a great prevention of atherosclerosis, reducing the oxidation of the so-called bad cholesterol (LDL), as well as the strengthening and sealing of blood vessels. Vitamin C, like iron, affects the formation of red blood cells, and thus reduces the risk of anemia.

The appropriate level of omega-3 fatty acids in the body has a positive effect on the stabilization of blood pressure. At Medonet Market you can buy a high-quality Super Omega 1540 mg dietary supplement with omega-3 acids, the natural composition of which strengthens the circulatory system.

Kale can also be useful for people struggling with gastric and duodenal ulcers thanks to the sulforaphane it contains. Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which often contribute to the development of ulcers or various disorders including gastritis, are neutralized by a chemical compound, sulforaphane.

Kale belongs to cruciferous vegetables, which means that it is a great source of goitrogens, i.e. ingredients that can significantly affect the metabolism of iodine, which can lead to decrease in the concentration of iodine in our body. Lowered iodine concentration can cause disorders of the synthesis of thyroid hormones, as well as the hypertrophy of this gland, therefore kale and other cruciferous vegetables are not recommended for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Importantly, chemical compounds such as goitrogens are released under the influence of high temperature, which is why cooking can reduce their negative impact on our body.

Kale, like vegetables such as spinach or beetroot, has large amounts of oxalates, i.e. hardly soluble salts in water, which are problematic for people with kidney stones.

It is best to steam the kale for no longer than 3-4 minutes. During longer thermal processing, this vegetable loses many of its health-promoting properties, especially anti-cancer ones.

Of course, it is best to eat the kale raw, but not everyone likes it, and the leaves are quite hard. If you want to eat kale raw, it’s a good idea to blend it and serve it as a smoothie. You can add your favorite fruit to a drink prepared in this way to break the rather sharp cabbage flavor of raw kale leaves.

The kale can also be fried or blanched. It can be used as an addition to salads, pasta and served with porridge or rice. It tastes great baked in the oven and served as a healthy snack in the form of chips. It goes well with potatoes and meat.

Also try BIO kale powder, which will be a great addition to various types of dishes.

Also read: Smoothie – tasty and healthy drink

Kale – calorific value

Kale has few calories (about 40 kcal per 100 g), so it is perfect for people who want to reduce weight and at the same time provide the body with all the nutrients it needs for the proper functioning.

Kale recipes

One example of recipes for using kale in the kitchen is kale leaf salad and Chinese cabbage. For its preparation, in addition to the previously mentioned, you will need fresh onion, tomato, cucumber and vinaigrette sauce. To prepare the salad, separate the thick tails from the kale leaves and slice the rest of the salad. Chop the onion, Chinese cabbage and dice the cucumber and tomato. We mix everything together with the vinaigrette sauce.

It is popular as well as easy to prepare kale cocktail. To prepare it, you need 2 or 3 kale leaves, a glass of milk, a banana and an apple. As in the previous recipe, the kale leaves should be separated from the stems and then mixed. Then add the sliced ​​apple and banana and blend them all together. It is worth remembering that the recipe can be freely modified, e.g. by adding other fruits or replacing milk with juice or kefir.

Another recipe is to use fresh kale leaves to make a much healthier version kale chips. In addition to the main ingredient, you will also need salt, as well as 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Separate the kale leaves from the hard stems and place the soft parts of the vegetable in a bowl. Then add the olive oil and salt and mix everything thoroughly.

Kale leaves, soaked in salt and olive oil, should be placed loosely on a baking sheet, previously lined with baking paper, and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for about 10 minutes. The finished chips should be crispy and slightly brown at the edges. Of course, nothing prevents you from changing the recipe depending on your preferences and adding your favorite spices such as curry, sweet pepper or pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds.

Kale is a leafy vegetable, but it lasts much longer than, for example, lettuce or regular cabbage. It is harvested in the fall and throughout the winter. Young kale shoots are the tastiest after frost, because when they are slightly frosted, they lose their characteristic cabbage flavor, which does not suit everyone.

Kale can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees Celsius and can be successfully harvested on winter days. In stores, you can get kale packed in plastic bags. It is best to keep it in the refrigerator. You can also put it in the freezer – it will not lose any of its valuable properties and will stay fresh longer.

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