Kale cabbage: what it is, useful properties and how it is eaten

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing an article on this site! Here you will receive a complete answer to the question: “Kale cabbage: what is it”.

It is easy to guess that this plant is one of the species of the Cabbage family. I confess that I have never heard of such a cabbage before. Why only now did she make itself felt? Where was she before? But Mrs. Cabbage would ask a similar question.

The fact is that ancient Calais appeared on the planet before our era. For example, in the XNUMXth century BC. NS. the inhabitants of Ancient Greece happily gnawed on its juicy leaves. In the Middle Ages, Calais was one of the most widespread cultures in European countries.

Kale cabbage: what it is, useful properties and how it is eaten

Over the millennia, the venerable Cabbage has acquired many names: Calais, Keil, Brauncol, Gruncol, Bruncol, kale and curly cabbage.

An unpretentious plant withstands a sharp temperature drop. Grown in soil and greenhouses. Its green, burgundy, purple lace leaves do not form a roach. Many grow this crop as a wild plant in the flower beds of country houses. It looks unusually beautiful!

In America, the popularity of this culture is off the charts! The “trick” is that Keil can be classified as a superfood – products with a high concentration of nutrients. For example, kelp, Goji berries, nuts are superfoods.

Cale leaves and stems contain a lot of vegetable protein. Cabbage dishes can be substituted for meat. For vegetarians and raw foodists, this is a staple! Plant proteins are easier to digest than animal proteins and provide more benefits and energy to the body. And there is more calcium than milk!

Surprise further: Cale contains an essential fatty acid – Omega-3 and a bomb of vitamins!

Kale: calorie content, chemical composition

100 grams of fresh leaves

  • calorie content – 50 kcal;
  • water – 84 g.
  • carbohydrates – 8
  • dietary fiber – 2 g.
  • fats – 0,7 g.
  • squirrels – 3
  • ash – 1, 5 g.
  • vitamins of group B;
  • vitamins A, PP, C, K;
  • magnesium (47 mg per 100 g.);
  • calcium;
  • lutein;
  • antioxidants and carotenoids;
  • oxalic acid;
  • Omega 3.

Kale cabbage: what it is, useful properties and how it is eaten

Kale cabbage: useful properties

  • assists in the treatment of cancer;
  • has a beneficial effect on the retina of the eyes (lutein);
  • helps with chemical poisoning;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • good for skin and teeth health;
  • increases immunity;
  • reduces harmful blood cholesterol;
  • improves stomach function;
  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • neutralizes the harm of free radicals;
  • prevention of oncological diseases;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • gives strength and vigor;
  • helps in the fight against extra pounds.


  • kidney disease;
  • with urolithiasis (due to the content of oxalic acid).

How to cook Kale cabbage

In Holland, Keil is mixed with mashed potatoes and served with sausages. In Japan, curly kale is a food supplement in the form of a drink. The Turks prepare a traditional cabbage soup.

Kale is best consumed fresh to get all the vitamins and minerals. The leaves are adorable but harsh. The stem is not eaten due to its hard character and fibers. Therefore, it is separated from the leaves.

Collard greens are added to okroshka, vegetable soups. Served as a side dish (salad) with meat and fish. This will help you digest fatty foods more easily. If you dry the leaves in the oven, you get a healthy snack for snacks. Add Cale to smoothies and green smoothies to gently cleanse the intestines and give you new strength.

😉 Friends, have you tried this vegetable? How do you like it? Write your opinion, favorite recipes, tips for growing. I wish you all good health!

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