The undeservedly forgotten cabbage kale has only relatively recently begun to regain its former popularity. Among the adherents of a healthy lifestyle, she has become a real bestseller. What is the value of this plant, and why nutritionists love it so much, you will learn from our article.
Description of kale
Kale, or kale, is a bright representative of the Cabbage family. An annual herbaceous plant is distinguished by the absence of a head of cabbage and a lush openwork green part. The leaves are curly, with a rigid stem and petiole, arranged in several rows. The color and height of the leaf plates depend on the variety. Often, kale is used for decorative purposes, decorating a garden or summer cottage.
An annual herbaceous plant characterized by the absence of a head of cabbage
Curly cabbage came to Europe from Our Country, which is why it got its name – . There it was actively grown until the XNUMXth century, until the culture was gradually replaced by head species. They gave more yield and were more resistant to infections. The popularity of kale was revived thanks to American dietitians who rediscovered its beneficial properties.
The plant does not have a pronounced aroma, but sniffing, you can catch a slight smell of white cabbage. Salads, green smoothies, dressings and many other dishes are prepared from kale.
Video «Cabbage kale: from planting to preparation»
This video shows how to grow a vegetable crop on your site.
Useful properties and nutritional value
Kale is low in calories (28 kcal per 100 g). Cabbage is easily digestible and contains a lot of useful substances:
- proteins;
- carbohydrates;
- amino acids;
- omega-3 acid;
- vitamins: A, C, K, PP, group B;
- lutein;
- zeaxanthin;
- minerals: Mn, Fe, Zn, Ca, K, P, Na, Se, Cu;
- sulforaphane;
- indole-3-carbinol.

Table: chemical composition of kale
Being a storehouse of minerals and vitamins, the plant helps to cope with many diseases and has a positive effect on the body:
- is a powerful antioxidant, removes toxins, cleanses cells;
- strengthens joints;
- has a positive effect on vision, is used to prevent eye diseases;
- relieves PMS symptoms;
- slows down the aging process, fights age-related skin changes;
- supports oral health;
- reduces high cholesterol;
- has anti-inflammatory effects;
- increases immunity;
- reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.
Contraindications and harm
Despite the many advantages, kale is contraindicated:
- with an allergic reaction to feces;
- people suffering from kidney disease;
- in the presence of stones in the bladder or ureter.
Kale contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which is harmful to people with the above diseases.
Species and varieties
In appearance and chemical constituents, feces are divided into five main groups. Varieties differ among themselves in color, shape, size, useful qualities.
Green curly cabbage
The leaves of the plant are strongly curly, saturated green. Some varieties tolerate winter well and can produce a crop for the second season. Salads and soups are prepared from green curly cabbage.
Reflex F1 is the most popular kale hybrid with medicinal properties and good taste. Very much loved by supporters of a healthy diet or people on a diet. The bush grows up to 0,8 m, weight – 0,3–1,4 kg. Belongs to the mid-late varieties.
Red curly cabbage
The leaf plate of cabbage is openwork, similar to lace. The color can be rich red, maroon or deep purple. The species is valuable for its rich vitamin complex, as well as the content of magnesium and calcium. Red kale is used to make soups, stews, cabbage rolls.
In landscape design, the Redbor F1 hybrid is often used. Its height reaches 0,8 m, weight – 0,2–0,7 kg. The leaf part is dark purple, strongly curly. Refers to late-ripening varieties.
Italian black kale
The leaf plates of the plant are long, narrowed, tuberculate. Color – dark green with a bluish tint. Italian kale is high in omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, and vitamin C.
The most famous variety is Black Tuscany. Despite its southern origin, cabbage is winter-hardy and can withstand frosts of -15 °C. The length of the leaves is 0,6 m. It ripens 60 days after planting.
Scottish kale
Scottish kale, or Siberian cabbage, is characterized by increased frost resistance. The plant is suitable for cultivation even in regions with severe winters (Siberia, Urals). The color of the kale is bright green, the foliage of a small degree of curliness.
Among gardeners, the most popular variety is Hungry Gap. The height of the bush is 0,9 m. The hybrid of early ripening, winter-hardy, gives a bountiful harvest. Used to make salads. Frozen is suitable for long-term storage.
red cabbage
Leaf plates of cabbage are narrow, elongated, carved. Painted green, with raspberry veins. At low temperatures, the shade changes to eggplant. The variety ripens 60 days after planting. Kale is not capricious, it winters well at frosts down to -18 ° С. The plant is often found in recipes for various dishes, and is also planted for decorative purposes.
Growing kale seedlings
In breeding, kale is unpretentious and does not require special care. However, in order for cabbage to give a big harvest and not get sick, you must follow the rules for growing this plant.
Terms of planting
To ensure a constant harvest, gardeners advise sowing feces several times a season. Despite the fact that cabbage comes in different ripening periods, it is prepared for open ground in 6–7 weeks. Planting material begins to be prepared in the last days of March.

Seeds are sown several times a season
Soil preparation and containers
Cale is comfortable in neutral soil. The permissible level of acidity pH is from 5,5 to 6,8. If the indicator is lower, sulfur or peat is added. Excessively acidic soil is diluted with wood ash.
It is better to take a container for landing wide, with low sides.
The process of planting seeds
Sowing seeds for seedlings consists of the following steps:
- Small depressions of 1,5 cm are made in the soil. You can also use the tape method. The distance between rows should be at least 10 cm.
- Planted planting material is abundantly moistened with a sprayer.
- Put glass on top of the container or cover with plastic wrap.
Seedling care and picking
Seedlings will sprout well and will be strong if comfortable conditions are created for them. The ambient temperature should not exceed +20…+22 °С. The soil should be constantly moistened, not allowing it to dry completely. Sown seeds should be aired regularly to prevent steaming.
When the first shoots appear, they must be thinned out. The procedure is carried out after 5 days, removing weak and poorly developed shoots. Picking is carried out after 1 month.
Planting seedlings in the ground
Seedlings are transplanted after 5-7 weeks, when its height reaches 10 cm, and 4 full-fledged leaves are present on the stem. Landing holes are dug 10 cm deep with an interval of 0,5 m from each other. The bottom is covered with a layer of wood ash or humus. The young plant is placed in a recess so that the root collar is at ground level. The procedure ends with abundant watering.

Landing in open ground is carried out as the seedlings grow.
Growing kale outdoors
Curly cabbage can be grown in another way. Often, gardeners sow kale immediately in open ground. At the same time, the beds should be located in sunny areas without excessive shading.
Dates and landing scheme
Kale can be planted in the last days of April, when it is warm and there is no threat of frost. A bed for cabbage has been prepared since autumn. Before wintering, the land is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers.
When sowing, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the holes. It should be 0,4–0,5 m. Sometimes a chess method is used. The landing pattern is as follows:
- make holes 1,5 cm deep;
- put humus at the bottom;
- have planting material;
- fall asleep with soil;
- cover the bed with covering material;
- thin out emerging shoots;
- remove spunbond.
Care of seedlings
Young shoots require similar care, as well as cabbage-headed representatives of the Cabbage family. In order for the harvest to be plentiful, it is necessary:
- regularly moisten the soil, preventing it from completely drying out;
- apply complex fertilizers with an interval of 14 days;
- weed weeds;
- periodically loosen the ground.
Gardeners recommend covering the bed with a layer of mulch to reduce the amount of weeds.

Crop care involves watering, fertilizing and removing weeds
Pests and diseases
To make feces less painful, it is better to plant it after tomatoes, legumes or cucumbers. Despite resistance to infections in some hybrids, prevention should not be forgotten. It is necessary to regularly weed the beds and prevent soil compaction.
Most often, the key is attacked:
- aphids;
- fleas;
- flower beetles;
- wireworms;
- scoop;
- cabbage flies;
- rapeseed sawfly;
- slugs
- weevils.
Since the edible part of the cabbage is the leaves, the use of chemicals is not recommended. You can fight pests with no less effective folk remedies:
- sprinkle with wood ash;
- spray with an aqueous solution of acetic acid or an infusion of bird droppings;
- treat the leaves with diluted ammonia or iodine.
Harvesting and storage of crops
You can harvest from the moment when the cabbage has become at least 20 cm high. There are two ways:
- The leaves are cut off as they grow. Removal starts from the bottom so that the feces look like a palm tree.
- Cut off the cabbage completely. The cut point should be at a height of 5 cm from the surface.
The bare trunks of the plant are soon covered with new foliage, ready for re-harvest. Cabbage must be harvested on time, otherwise it will become tough and bitter. For cooking, only the leaf is used, but the stems are given for animal feed.
Fresh feces keep for a week. So that it does not wither, it is placed in a glass of water. The shelf life of frozen cabbage is 6 months.

Cabbage leaves are cut off as they grow.
Kale in cooking
Fresh cabbage is most useful, as the useful qualities of the product are lost during cooking. A salad is made from it, adding tomatoes, basil, garlic and green onions. For dressing use oil from flax or sesame. Adherents of a healthy diet interrupt the stalks of kale into vegetable smoothies. Also, the leaves of the plant can be salted for the winter or pickled.
Some cuisines offer their own original kale recipes. Cabbage is stewed, fried, added to meat or potatoes. Often, green chips, lasagna are made from the leaves.
Forgotten for several centuries, kale is once again experiencing its revival. The richness of minerals and nutrients makes this cabbage not just a vegetable, but a real superfood.