Kalanchoe transplant and home care

Kalanchoe transplant and home care

A Kalanchoe transplant is necessary in the same way as watering or feeding. Ornamental varieties grow quickly, so they require enough space for development. So that the flower does not lose its attractiveness and does not get sick, the transplant is done on time.

Kalanchoe transplant at home

Most often, the plant enters the house already flowering, but it cannot be transplanted at this moment. Wait until all the inflorescences wither, cut off the peduncles and only then change the pot. Transplanting during the flowering period for a pot culture is stressful and has a negative effect on acclimatization.

Kalanchoe transplant is done in spring

The first plant transplant is done carefully, trying not to damage the bush. At the purchased plant, the root system is carefully examined, all suspicious areas are cut off. The earthen lump is placed in a new container, where the drainage is poured in advance, and sprinkled with nutritious soil, slightly compacting it. After transplanting, the plant is watered abundantly.

A new pot for growing Kalanchoe is chosen a few centimeters larger than the old one, but not too deep. The soil for transplanting is selected nutritious, loose, which passes water well. A ready-made flower mixture for succulent plants or flower soil diluted with sand is suitable. If the substrate is prepared independently, then it must be disinfected so that the shrub does not become infected with fungal diseases.

Basic rules for transplanting Kalanchoe:

  • the procedure is carried out every spring;
  • the pot is chosen 2-3 cm larger than the previous one;
  • cuttings are planted in small containers;
  • Kalanchoe is not transplanted during flowering.

Experienced growers use these simple rules to keep the bush in good condition.

But there are exceptions when the plant needs to be transplanted immediately, for example, the roots are visible from the drainage hole in the store specimen. Do not wait for the bush to finish flowering, immediately move it to a new container, and cut off all flower stalks.

Kalanchoe care after transplant

After transplanting, the shrub begins an acclimatization period, during which it needs careful care. Watch out for watering first. It should be abundant, but do not allow the soil to acidify. Stagnant moisture leads to various diseases, the plant withers and dies.

Top dressing is carried out every month until autumn. But often you do not need to fertilize the plant, otherwise it will have a bad effect on flowering. It is enough to feed the bush once a month with a complex fertilizer for succulent plants.

For the flowering of Kalanchoe, full lighting is necessary. Place the pot on west or east facing windows. With a lack of lighting, the shrub sheds its leaves, stretches out and refuses to bloom. It is important to carry out pruning and shaping of the Kalanchoe bush in time. After flowering, the shoots are cut as low as possible, and in the summer they pinch the top of the bush. Such care allows you to form a magnificent specimen.

There is no need to spray Kalanchoe, but it will not hurt to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

Transplanting the Kalanchoe and caring for it in the subsequent period is an important condition on which the flowering and life of the shrub depend. Adhere to all the rules, and the Kalanchoe will thank you with a long and bright flowering.

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