Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

In a broad sense, Kalanchoe is a whole group of perennial succulents, which includes more than 200 species. Madagascar is considered the birthplace of the plant, where the most unusual specimens are found. Various species grow in South America, Africa and China.

In modern society, Kalanchoe is purchased for interior decoration, without thinking that some species have unique healing properties. Traditional medicine uses drugs based on Kalanchoe to treat diseases of the oral cavity, ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes, and some oncological diseases. We will describe in detail about why and how to use Kalanchoe below.

Botanical characteristics of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

Kalanchoe is a succulent perennial that is green throughout the year. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family, has shoots with beautiful dense foliage. On the erect stems of Kalanchoe there are large leaves located opposite from each other. In this plant, the serrated leaves have a different color depending on the location on the stem, for example, at the top they are bright green in color, and the lower leaves are bluish-green in color with a purple tint.

The flowers of the plant are pale green in color with a pinkish tinge, collected in panicle inflorescences. The flowers of this plant have unusual petals, as they are triangular in shape and brick red in color. The fruit of Kalanchoe is a multi-seeded leaflet. Kalanchoe blooms irregularly, but there are also years when the plant is strewn with beautiful flowers.

In the wild, Kalanchoe grows only in Africa and on the islands located next to it. Also, this medicinal plant can be seen in Madagascar on rocky slopes. Kalanchoe is often grown indoors not only as an ornamental, but also as a medicinal plant.

Types and names of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

As mentioned above, more than 200 types of Kalanchoe are described in botany, among which there are medicinal and decorative ones. We will focus on the most popular ones that you can grow on your own windowsill:

  • Flaming – a compact, incredibly beautiful plant with bright red flowers collected in umbrellas. The leaves of the fiery Kalanchoe are ovoid, attached to the stem with a sharper end. The species is very resistant to low humidity, tolerates moderate temperatures well.

  • Rosalina mix – a beautiful decorative view, the flowering period of which lasts about 2,5 months. Double flowers of the plant can be pink, light orange, purple or crimson.

  • Mangini – belongs to the group of ampelous Kalanchoe. Differs in thin shoots, oval leaves. The height of the bush can reach 30 cm. During the flowering period, lush red-orange flowers appear on the plant, collected in panicles. Mangini looks great in hanging planters.

  • in Blossfeld – The popularity of the species is due to its unpretentiousness, easy care. The flowering period of Kalanchoe usually falls on winter holidays. The plant has wide emerald leaves and bright red flowers, collected in fluffy inflorescences.

  • Degremona – an unusual species that is characterized as viviparous. Kalanchoe deserved such a definition because it reproduces by the formation of special children’s buds in the notches of the leaves. These babies eventually separate from the mother plant and take root in the ground.

  • cirrus – one of the tallest species, reaching 120-150 cm. The shoot of the plant is quite powerful, large leaves similar to a bird feather are attached to it on short petioles. Violet veins are visible on the green leaf blade. During flowering, a long arrow-shaped peduncle appears, on which several elongated bells of pink-green color are formed. The species is also viviparous.

  • Lucia – one of those species that are more attracted not by flowers, but by leaves. At Lucia, they are oval, with powder coating. Under the influence of bright sun, the leaves change color to red or burgundy red.

  • Pygmy pumila – a miniature plant that grows no more than 20 cm. Green leaves are covered with powdery coating, over time their color changes to purple. Pumila flowers are quite large, purple or purple-pink.

  • Felt – the main highlight of the species are oval, as if velvet leaves, which resemble small hare ears. A brown stripe runs along the edge of the leaf blade. The whole plant is covered with hairs, which give it fluffiness. During the flowering period, red, velvet flowers appear on a long peduncle, collected in a panicle.

  • paniculate – Looks like a cabbage. The leaves are quite large, gray-green, covered with a whitish powdery coating. When exposed to bright light, they turn red. During the flowering period, a tall peduncle is thrown out from the center of the plant, on which incredibly fragrant tubular flowers appear. The base of the flowers is green, and the petals are bright yellow.

15 medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, bactericidal properties. In addition, Kalanchoe is a remedy used as a healer of various wounds. Fresh plant juice contains many useful substances, such as tannins, enzymes, flavonoids, organic acids, micro and macro elements. Due to the content of a large number of useful substances in the juice of the plant, it is used for ulcers, purulent wounds, tissue necrosis, boils, burns, bleeding and erosion of the cervix.

Kalanchoe relieves acne, rashes and spots on the skin of the face. Preparations based on Kalanchoe can help in the treatment of eye diseases. If Kalanchoe is grown in a dark and cool room, then a lot of biogenic stimulants accumulate in it, which help in the treatment of various diseases.

Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

1 Heals the mouth

With inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis, Kalanchoe juice is recommended. The juice obtained from the leaves of the plant is brewed with hot boiled water, left to infuse. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, the drink is consumed like tea.

Kalanchoe juice has proven effective in the treatment of stomatitis. A container with squeezed juice is placed in a water bath to heat up to body temperature. Cotton swabs are moistened in it and the lesions on the inside of the cheeks, tongue, and palate are treated. After that, the juice is used as applications, 3-4 times a day.

2 Eliminates the symptoms of rhinitis

For the treatment of rhinitis of any origin, you can use juice in the form of a pharmaceutical preparation or self-prepared. At home, Kalanchoe leaves are finely chopped with a knife, squeezed and filtered through a fine sieve or gauze. The resulting juice is brewed with hot water and taken 2-3 times a day. A positive result appears after a few days.

3 Promotes healing of ulcers

The results of several independent studies have shown that Kalanchoe juice stimulates regenerative processes in the treatment of stomach ulcers, trophic ulcers on the venous walls, and post-traumatic ulcerative lesions. The therapy involves the internal and external use of the juice. Some experiments have shown that topical application of Kalanchoe leaves in the form of multi-layer dressings is effective for skin ulcers.

4 Has antitumor properties

According to a number of scientists, Kalanchoe can be used as part of the complex therapy of oncological diseases. The fact is that an organic substance was found in the structure of the greenery of Kalanchoe, which has a depressing effect on the mechanisms of proliferation, self-renewal and growth of altered cells.

Kalanchoe leaves contain high dosages of valuable chemical compounds – flavonoids, fatty acids, triterpenoid bufadienolides, which have pronounced cytotoxic properties against several types of altered tumor cells.

5 Protects women’s reproductive health

For the treatment of genitourinary infections, diseases of the cervix, juice or tea from Kalanchoe has long been used. There is evidence that to protect against bacteria that cause vaginal diseases, it is enough to treat the vaginal area with Kalanchoe ointment. Corresponding results were recorded during the experiment, in which women applied the therapeutic composition every eight hours for 15 days.

6 Eases back pain

Medical observations suggest that back pain for various reasons occurs in the spinal and lumbar regions. To alleviate discomfort, it is recommended to apply hot Kalanchoe leaves to painful areas. To keep the temperature of the leaves warm, you can put a hot heating pad on them. This simple measure helps the release of valuable Kalanchoe substances. If there are foci of allergies, wounds or ulcers on the back, warm Kalanchoe leaves will bring relief and eliminate pain.

7 Is a natural analgesic

Kalanchoe leaves effectively stop attacks of a headache or migraine. To do this, pick a couple of leaves from the plant, place them in the microwave or oven for 1-2 minutes. When the leaves become hot enough, they are applied to the forehead for 10 minutes. After cooling, the procedure is repeated again. The leaves are finally removed after the person’s condition improves.

8 Helps get rid of stye in the eyes

Barley is one of the most common eye diseases, which causes a lot of inconvenience. To eliminate inflammation and redness, a hot Kalanchoe leaf is applied to the barley area for 1-2 minutes. The procedure can be carried out 3 to 6 times a day.

It is recommended to alternate the application of a Kalanchoe leaf with washing the barley area with a solution of boric acid. After 2-3 days, redness disappears, the size and pain in the barley area decreases.

9 Keeps feet healthy

Most people suffer from some degree of skin irritation of the feet, calluses and corns, fungal infections of the feet. The use of Kalanchoe helps to cope with all these problems.

Kalanchoe leaves are placed in a bowl of hot water, mint, eucalyptus oil are added. The feet are immersed in the prepared composition for about 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, the feet are thoroughly dried with a towel and socks are put on, in which a couple of hot Kalanchoe leaves are first placed. At night, while you sleep, active plant substances are fully absorbed through the skin of the feet.

10 Restores skin after sunburn

Kalanchoe: 15 useful properties, recipes + care secrets

Hot kalanchoe leaf compresses are effective in soothing and restoring skin after sunburn. Leaf blades can be finely chopped with a knife, rubbed in a glass bowl until a pasty mass is formed, which is applied to painful, reddened areas. Applications are made daily for 5-6 days. As a result, a person does not experience pain, the skin is moisturized and recovers faster.

11 Eliminates warts

Warts are keratinized skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus. To eliminate them, a fresh, finely chopped Kalanchoe leaf should be applied. The plant mass is applied to the warts twice a day. As a rule, treatment lasts 7 days. If after this period the skin does not clear up, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

12 Stimulates wound healing

External use of Kalanchoe juice stimulates the healing process of wounds and skin ulcers. The pre-damaged area is treated with an antiseptic. Next, the wound surface is irrigated with Kalanchoe juice using a syringe without a needle, after which it is covered with a 4-5 layer gauze napkin, which should extend beyond the edges of the wound. The gauze bandage is also moistened with Kalanchoe juice.

Dressings are changed daily, paying attention to the condition of the wound, the healing process. Depending on the severity of the damage, treatment can last up to 30 days.

13 Treats ENT diseases

Otolaryngologists recommend Kalanchoe-based preparations for the treatment of diseases of the ear, throat and nose. Kalanchoe nasal drops are recognized as one of the best preventive measures in the autumn-winter season of respiratory infections and flu.

Studies have shown that Kalanchoe helps with chronic tonsillitis, in which the inflammatory process is localized in the middle ear. For this purpose, gauze swabs are impregnated with Kalanchoe extract and carefully, in order to avoid damage to the eardrum, they are injected into both ears. After 30 minutes, the swabs are removed. The procedure is carried out daily, until the complete disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

For gargling with tonsillitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, it is recommended to use Kalanchoe juice diluted in a small amount of water.

14 Helps keep skin youthful

The results of the first studies on the ability of Kalanchoe to rejuvenate the skin have been published. It turned out that the active plant components perfectly cope with age-related wrinkles.

Experts in the field of cosmetology recommend mixing equal parts of Kalanchoe juice and honey. The resulting mass is applied to a cleansed face, lightly patting with fingertips on problem areas. The mask on the skin can remain for quite a long time – more than an hour, after which you should wash with cool water. Regular use of Kalanchoe promotes proper nutrition, moisturizing the skin, restores its tone and elasticity.

15 Has a relaxing effect on the muscles

Experts note the ability of Kalanchoe to have a muscle relaxant effect on muscles tense after heavy physical exertion. To improve well-being, hot Kalanchoe leaves or a napkin richly moistened with its juice are applied to the painful area. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day.

[Video] Kalanchoe – home doctor! Healing properties, treatment of diseases, recipes:

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