Kakadu pepper – a sweet fruitful large-fruited variety

Many amateur vegetable growers prefer to grow large-fruited sweet peppers. One of these varieties is “Kakadu” – a pepper with very large fruits.

Variety description

The Kakadu pepper variety is highly productive, large-fruited, the size of the fruit reaches 25-30 cm in length and weighs up to 500 g. The fruits are rich red in color, slightly elongated, curved cylindrical in shape, with a fleshy thick wall.

Plants grow up to 1,5 m. The yield is up to 2,5 – 3 kg per bush.

Kakadu pepper - a sweet fruitful large-fruited variety

The variety is early, ripens in 105-110 days from the moment of planting the seeds. This variety is thermophilic, so it is more suitable for planting in warm regions. When planting plants in open ground, you need to choose the right place for the beds: it should be on the sunny side of the site. The plant immediately reacts to the lack of sun: its leaves wither and turn yellow.


It is known that sweet pepper is rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals, it contains a lot of fiber, so its benefits cannot be overestimated.

The fruits of this wonderful vegetable crop must be included in the diet of people suffering from anemia – they contain iron. Fiber stimulates metabolism, so it is useful for those who follow their figure.

Kakadu pepper - a sweet fruitful large-fruited variety

The use of the fruits of this vegetable crop with reduced immunity, deterioration of the skin, hair and nails, impaired memory and brain activity will restore the lack of vitamins. People with cardiovascular diseases also benefit from this vegetable: it contains potassium.

Red fruits will help people with poor eyesight: they contain more vitamin A than carrots. The fruits of this plant help even with cancer: they slow down the growth of cancer cells. In cosmetology, juice is used (as a moisturizing tonic) or pepper pulp (in the form of a face mask).


Usually cockatoos and other varieties are grown using seedlings. Growing cockatoos requires proper plant care. The bushes are watered and fed, loosen the soil around the plants and weed out the weeds. Plants should be watered when the topsoil dries out, but the complete drying of the earth is unacceptable. After watering, the soil must be loosened. Plant nutrition is carried out at a certain time.

Kakadu pepper - a sweet fruitful large-fruited variety

The first – two weeks after landing in a permanent place. For this top dressing, you can use urea, but better – diluted bird droppings (proportion 1 to 15). Under each bush you need to pour 1-2 liters.

The second top dressing is done during fruit set. Use cow dung or chicken manure in the same proportion as in the first feeding. It is desirable to add wood ash to the bed with plants.

 For the third time, the plants are fed with liquid chicken manure, starting the harvest of the first crop.

Kakadu pepper is a heat-loving plant, therefore the optimal conditions for its growth are created in a greenhouse. Care for vegetables in the same way as for those that grow in the open field.

Before planting this vegetable crop in open ground, you need to wait for the establishment of stable warm weather. In the southern regions, it is better to plant seedlings in late May – early June, in others – in the middle or at the end of June. The threat of night frost should be completely gone.

Seedlings are planted early in the morning or in the evening according to the 30×30 pattern. After planting, the plants must be plentifully watered with warm water. Kakadu pepper will delight you with a big harvest if you follow the rules for caring for the plant.

Video “What varieties of pepper to plant”

The video gives a brief overview of the different varieties of pepper. What are their advantages and disadvantages, which is typical for individual varieties.


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