Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

If the bearing in the washing machine is worn out or crumbled, then the equipment will begin to buzz and malfunction. For normal operation and the preservation of its other components and parts, an urgent replacement of the bearing in the washing machine is required. In order not to buy a new machine, you need to know whether it is possible to replace the bearing yourself and how it is done.

In the case of a bearing, there are two ways to go:

  1. Обратиться за профессиональной помощью к мастеру. Этот вариант пугает владельцев СМА, так как стоимость ремонта может составить 30, а то и 50% от цены за всю машинку.
  2. Repair by yourself. So you can save on repairs if the work is done correctly.

Next, we will describe how to replace the bearing, give recommendations and useful tips.


Before you start repairs, you need to stock up on parts and tools. You will need:

  • Open-end wrenches – preferably a whole set in order to have access to different sizes.
  • Pliers.
  • A hairpin or metal rod no thicker than a pencil.
  • Two types of screwdrivers: thin and Phillips.
  • Sealant.
  • Water repellent lubricant.
  • Camera. This is necessary in order to film the disassembly process, and then assemble everything without much difficulty.

You will also need original parts: a pair of bearings and an oil seal. If you do not know what parts are needed for your car, you can first disassemble the tank, remove the parts, and go to the store with them – the seller will give you an analogue.

Important! Give preference to original parts that match the make and model of your CM. Only this guarantees a long service life of the equipment.

Disassembly process

Подготовившись к ремонту, можно начинать разборку. Схема разборки такова:

  1. Remove the top cover. It is attached with two bolts on the back of the case. Slide the lid back, lift up and set aside.
  2. Remove two more panels: top and bottom. The instrument panel can only be removed after removing the plastic powder flask. To remove the intake, pull it all the way out and hold down the button in the center, pulling the cuvette towards you. The dashboard is fastened with screws (their number and location depends on the model of the machine). Unscrew the fasteners and remove the tidy. Under it you will find the control board – from it comes a whole bunch of wires. You can disconnect them all by first taking a picture of the contacts, or you can carefully hang the panel on the service hook. The bottom panel is removed with a thin screwdriver or other object that can be used to release its latches.
  3. Remove the hatch cover. Without this action, you will not remove the front of the case, which is essential for disassembling the machine. The rubber band is attached with a clamp, find it and pry it with a slotted screwdriver to remove it. Direct the free part of the cuff inside the body.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  4. Снимите фронтальную часть корпуса, открутив саморезы. Снимая панель, не делайте резких движений, чтобы не оборвать провод.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  5. Remove the UBL wire, set the panel aside.
  6. Disconnect other parts: detergent box by twisting the bolts. Together with the powder intake, you will also remove the filling valve. But first, remove the wiring from the valve and disconnect the pipes by opening the clamps.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  7. Carefully pull off the drain pipe by loosening the clamp. On some machine models, the nozzle is accessed through the bottom, so you may need to lay the CM on its side.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  8. Disconnect the heating element from the wiring (the location of the heater in different models is different – it can be in front, behind and even on top).Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  9. Remove the wiring from the electric motor.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  10. If you see that the drain pump is interfering with you, disconnect the wires and remove the pump.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  11. Unscrew counterweights (large and small “stone” at the top and bottom of the tank). These elements can also have a different location – be installed both in front and behind.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  12. Disconnect the pressure switch connector.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  13. Remove the shock absorbers by unscrewing the fasteners (you will need a wrench, but it is most convenient to work with a head with an extension).Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  14. Remove the tank from the springs. The tank is not too heavy, but it is inconvenient to remove it, so it is better to ask for help. One person holds the tank, the second disconnects the springs. The tank is removed together with the electric motor, which can be removed after removing the tank.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  15. Unscrew the shock absorbers remaining on the tank.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

The next step is to replace the tank bearing. We will consider in detail the scheme and sequence of actions.

Dismantling or sawing the tank

The bearings can only be accessed by dismantling the tank. If the halves of the tank are fastened with bolts or latches, then there will be no difficulties. But if the bearings are in a non-separable tank, you will have to saw it.

In this case, pre-drill holes through which you will then fasten the tank, you will also need a good waterproof glue. Washing in a glued bin is risky, but cutting the bin is easier and more profitable than buying new parts or a new car.

Sawing can be done with a regular hacksaw.

Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

Important! After dividing the tank into two parts, clean the front half of the debris, since the opportunity presented itself.

Then follow this instruction:

  • Disconnect the drum. To prevent the pulley from interfering with this, you need to remove it. Remove the bolt holding the drum pulley, remove it from the axle and set it aside. Screw the unscrewed bolt into the shaft again so that, knocking out the drum, do not break the shaft and complicate the repair.
  • Using a normal hammer, use a little force to strike the shaft to knock it out. If the shaft goes easily, then calmly continue to apply light blows. If you see that your efforts are in vain, unscrew the factory bolt and take any unnecessary one, because after deformation it will need to be thrown away. When the shaft reaches the bolt head, remove the mount and remove the drum.
  • Perform a thorough inspection of the bushing and shaft. If you put off repairs for a long time, then the elements could wear out, and the crosspiece will need to be replaced. The integrity of the shaft is checked by the presence of wear on it – to see it, wipe the part thoroughly. Put new bearings on the shaft, if there is play, then the cross and the shaft must be replaced.

Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

  • The bushing needs to be checked for wear or grooves that shouldn’t be there. If there is too much wear, it is better to change the bushing with a new one.

Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

Replacement process

Replacing bearings and seals begins with the removal of old parts:

  1. In order to get the oil seal, arm yourself with a thin screwdriver and pry the part.
  2. Using a rod or stud and a small hammer, knock out the bearings. The pin needs to be moved each time to a different place. Since the bearing is double-row, the large one is knocked out from the outside, the small one from the inside.

Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

Important! In order not to damage the tank when knocking it out, it must be supported on the knee.

When you get the parts, clean the seats and the back half of the tank. They should shine and be perfectly clean.

The washer is ready for replacement, you can proceed:

  1. Unpack the repair kit.
  2. Insert the small, then the large bearing first. You need to score in the same way as they knocked out – with light blows to different places. The process goes on until you hear a ringing sound – this means that the part is “sat down” reliably.Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками
  3. Pack the seal with grease and install. If you cannot do this manually, it can also be clogged, but be careful not to damage the parts.

Как заменить подшипники в стиральной машине своими руками

Important! If you could not find a suitable lubricant, it is undesirable, but you can use the Litol-24 automotive version.

If you have a top loading machine, the process will be a little different. We offer you to watch a video on how to replace bearings (and other parts) in a vertical washing machine:


По окончании работ соедините бак. Если есть возможность, поменяйте уплотнитель или промажьте швы герметиком. В целом, сборка идет в обратном порядке:

  • Сборка бака и его установка.
  • Attaching all parts, connecting wires and chips.
  • Installation of panels and covers.
  • Connection to communications.
  • Test wash.

If you have taken photos or filmed a video of the disassembly process, this will help you put everything back together as it was.

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