Just one night of drinking has a dramatic effect on the body. Here’s what happens to the brain, liver, and stomach

One night of heavy drinking may not only lead to short-term negative health effects, but also long-term consequences. This means that drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short time can end up not only with an unpleasant hangover. What is “binge drinking” and what are the risks? How much can you drink so as not to overdo it?

  1. One night of drinking large amounts of alcohol not only affects the well-being, but also the functioning of many systems of our body
  2. Drinking significant amounts of alcohol in a short period of time can be described as “binge drinking”
  3. The long-term effects of drinking alcohol can include increase in blood pressure
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

A night of drinking alcohol – how much is too much?

An intense night, accompanied by large amounts of alcohol, can end in a classic hangover. Can it also have long-term consequences? According to Martin Preston, founder and CEO of Delamere, the UK drug addiction center, repeating this ritual frequently or even regularly may already pose some health risks. He uses the term “binge drinking” which means drinking a lot of alcohol in a short period of time. He emphasizes that such behavior does not necessarily mean alcoholism.

How much alcohol is drunk as “binge drinking”? For men, this will be to drink at least five alcoholic drinks in a few hours, and for women, at least four alcoholic drinks in two hours.

Drinking alcohol can leave a mark on the body for a long time. In order to check the alcohol content in the exhaled air, you can use the quick AlcoTEST.

What could be the consequences of one night of drinking?

After consuming alcoholic beverages, the alcohol is transported through your bloodstream and into your brain. This leads to blurring of the image, impaired motor coordination and memory impairment. Excessive drinking can also lead to a “broken film” effect, as alcohol in large amounts causes the brain to stop creating new memories. The risk of holes in the memory increases when we decide to “binge drinking” and do not eat anything beforehand.

Zobacz: What food to combine alcohol with? The liver will not forgive you for these mistakes

The digestive system is also affected by the consequences of drinking in large amounts at night. Alcohol damages the lining of the stomach and can cause stomach pain and chest pain. Drinking can also result in vomiting, with a certain risk of damaging the esophagus and causing dangerous bleeding.

Drinking alcohol is also associated with an increased likelihood of the deposition of fat in the liver and the development of liver disease.. “Binge drinking” can also cause heart palpitations and in the long term weaken the heart and raise blood pressure.

A night of alcohol sprinkles will not remain indifferent to the kidneys. Their task is to filter and remove excess fluid from the body, but even one episode of drinking large amounts of alcohol quickly disrupts this function. Alcohol reduces the production of hormones that normally allow the kidneys to recover the filtered water and return it to the body. This causes dehydration and may aggravate the severity of the hangover the next day.

The effect of drinking alcohol is a drop in sugar levels, so it is worth supplementing it, using, for example, glucose for the preparation of oral solutions. The body tolerates a hangover better when it has adequate amounts of vitamin C and B12 at its disposal, the deficiencies of which can be supplemented by supplementation:

  1. Vitamin B12 SOLHERBS;
  2. Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin 500 mcg Terranova;
  3. Vitamin C 1000 with Vivoforte bioflavonoids;
  4. Intenson Vitamin C Powder.

In order to reduce the risk of negative effects of drinking alcohol, it is advisable to drink no more than 14 portions of alcohol a week. One 500 ml beer is the equivalent of about two alcohol drinks, so it is not recommended to drink more than seven beers a week. One way to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume may be to plan a few days a week without your favorite drink.

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