A great habit of all effective people is not to delay things and decisions, live energetically, make decisions quickly, get down to business quickly and execute them quickly. What can be done in two minutes, we do right away.
In the evening I’m talking on Skype with colleagues (group call), a question arose about a branch in another city, we are discussing, we need to clarify something, yes, I need to call them tomorrow … And suddenly the thought: why tomorrow? Looking at the clock — still not sleeping. Fine! Without leaving the conversation, he took the phone, immediately dialed the number, beep — wow, got through! Q&A, got it. I return to Skype: “Colleagues, I have already spoken, everything is in order!”
A letter by e-mail, if the answer in three sentences fits in two minutes, we write immediately. If you see a birthday reminder, congratulate them with a call or a message right now. Remove the bed or hang clothes immediately in the closet, and not throw it on a chair — right away, right away! Ate — the dishes immediately in the dishwasher. We get up from the computer, the extra papers were immediately sorted out — this is in a folder, this is in the basket — that’s it!
It’s the same with health initiatives: I don’t wait for the alarm clock. I’m not looking forward to Monday. I don’t wait for spring — I start all interesting projects at once!
Fine! Things are done faster, you don’t have to remember anything, everything is in order, it’s easy on the soul. Not every business can be done in two minutes, but in two minutes all important things can at least be started. And then — let’s continue energetically: speed! speed! It is always easier to continue than to start, therefore, both the speed and the efficiency of your life increase!
But not everyone lives like this… We also have other habits: habits of delaying and postponing everything. I’ll sort it out later, I’ll answer the letter later, I’ll still have time to call … Plus, or rather, minus also in the fact that we have a habit of doubting and not deciding on this … Really, why start like this right away? Well, somehow it’s not customary … You need to think … — And soon everything is safely forgotten. Nothing is being done. Others are moving forward, are ahead, and we are lagging behind.
It suits you? Do you want to add energy to yourself, disperse yourself?
Then take this rule into your piggy bank: “I do everything quickly! I don’t slow down! Thought — done! Just do it!”
Stop. It’s not all that simple here.
Thoughtless, inaccurate adherence to this rule has its drawbacks. Which?
You have planned the following things for yourself for the day: one, two, three. These are important and urgent matters. We sat down to work, suddenly a great idea flashed through my head to arrange a meeting with a friend in the evening: I’m calling right away! The conversation, along the way, it turns out that she needs to repair the headphones, I can tell her — where is the right address-phone? Looking for it right now! By the way, I have a mess in my notes, I need to put things in order … I do it, I figure it out! Oh, what great notes are here, they should definitely be tweeted! … An hour later, you realize that you are doing complete nonsense, and important and urgent things have not been done.
Doing everything that came to mind and wanted at once is already a controversial decision. Doing things at once is not the same as “grabbing everything at once”. Not everything needs to be done immediately and quickly, but only what will not distract you from important, top-priority matters. Things must be done immediately, but “wisely”.
Therefore, we clarify the “rule of two minutes”.
Limit: 10 minutes every hour
Yes, every hour you can be distracted — and it will be great! — for the instant execution of any quick deeds, but within reasonable limits. I usually have 10 minutes for every hour, which is essentially rest. Switched, distracted — rested. But I didn’t forget about the main thing, if 10 minutes have exhausted themselves, that’s it: I return to the main things. What limit you set yourself: 5, 10 or 15 minutes — you can decide for yourself, it is only important that the main things remain a priority.
So, the second clarification is as follows:
Complete freedom within priorities
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