Moms say “no” to junk food
Balanced diet: setting an example for your child
“Preventing junk food starts with avoid junk food from an early age, so no small pots, cakes, compotes, ready-made dishes… At home, we cook, and we cook together. We garden together too, we go shopping together. Then mom and dad eat fruits and vegetables, we give the example. In the end, my three year old son likes it, and so does my eight month old.
On the other hand, he doesn’t like all vegetables, for example he doesn’t like green beans and carrots at all, but loves cucumbers, radishes, eggplants, all fruits in general. I think that in a family where you really cook and where the parents themselves eat fruits and vegetables, naturally the children will eat them too. With times easier than others, of course.
I never force to eat or to finish his plate. We just move on and that’s it. Snacks, we don’t even think about it. If parents don’t snack, kids can’t imagine snacking either. And no deprivation or demonization of any food either. ”
Fresh vegetables for my baby
“The meal is quite an art. Fortunately, I have no problem with my little Noah. Accustomed from the diversification to eating everything, we have not lost the habit at his 21 months. I most often try to give him vegetables from the garden grandpa and grandma or fresh vegetables from the market and if I can’t find them, I have frozen vegetables. I avoid industrial pots as much as possible, even if I sometimes give some.
How to preserve it from junk food? By getting him used to do not salt or just lightly the dishes, by making him discover the aromatic herbs which give taste, by putting a small knob of butter or a little oil, by giving only special baby cookies (because less rich in sugar) or dry cookies. There are no snacks outside of meals (this is not the habit of the family). No burgers, pizzas, fries … he will have the opportunity to be tempted as he grows up so let’s save it for the moment and try to teach him that it is normal to have fun from time to time, but that it should remain occasional. I think that we should above all never lose our habits and set an example. Often, we see snacks limited to filled cakes (I admit giving them to my grown-ups because unfortunately I made them lose their good habits). But if you always keep a piece of fruit (in a jar or gourd), a dairy product (in a jar or to drink) and a small cookie, then everything will be fine. ”
Homemade pizzas and burgers
“When she was a baby, I cooked a maximum and then I would freeze the purees. Even though she still had some industrialist, she preferred what I was doing. And then junk food, she only discovered two and a half years, in small quantities and rarely. Now, we make pizzas or hamburgers at home, well, hamburgers less often because they are thick and she cannot eat them with her little mouth… ”
Purees and compotes in advance for my baby
“Even though I don’t really like to cook, I’ve always made an effort for my kid. When she was little I used to do purees and compotes in large quantities and I froze them. Now she eats much like us and I try to make as much as possible of balanced meals. She likes cookies, but not too much pastries (except chocolate éclairs) or brioches / croissants (she eats two bites and leaves the rest). What is funny is when I go to the small local supermarket: she takes a plastic bag and uses apples, tomatoes, etc. She heads for fruits and vegetables, but not for cakes or chocolate. ”
Baby food jars, practical and reliable
«Not all moms have time to cook and I find that industrial products are pretty good and especially super practical when at 18 p.m. your child is hungry when we come home at 30 p.m. Junk food, for me, is water with syrup, sodas, candies, Mac Do, pizzas, take-out meals … You don’t have to buy fresh vegetables to eat properly, whether you buy frozen food or cans, that doesn’t change much … ”
A real restaurant with our child
“At almost 2 years old, our daughter amazes everyone with her ability to eat everything. On the other hand, she wants to eat like us. I think that’s the main thing … If you want your child to eat vegetables, you have to eat them yourself … As for junk food, we can wait until our children are over 3 years old before letting them know, right?!? Here, even if it means making a restaurant, we make ourselves a real restaurant. Our daughter does not eat the children’s menu (often steak and fries), but we ask for a small portion of a real dish… ”
High heels