Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper vodka is a pleasant and fragrant drink. This is not only a relaxing alcohol, but also, when used wisely, a medicine that can be prepared at home from berries picked by one’s own hands. Observing all the stages of the technological process, it will be possible to prepare a balm in the walls of a household kitchen, which is popular among connoisseurs of high-quality alcohol.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

What is juniper vodka called

Juniper vodka is a fairly popular drink, but many people know it as “Dutch Gin”. Alcoholic tincture is the brainchild of Danish manufacturers. In the original, this is a vodka with a dense texture and intense aroma.

During the manufacturing process, juniper berries, along with other constituents, are immersed in grain must before distillation. Alternatively, essential oils can be extracted from the plant mixture.

Strong juniper gin is popular around the world and is served chilled in bars without additional impurities or in small volumes as an ingredient in a cocktail.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

The benefits and harms of juniper tincture on vodka

Juniper vodka is a strong alcoholic drink, therefore, the benefits of its use are possible only with reasonable use. Using homemade tincture for medicinal purposes, you can feel firsthand its following healing properties:

  • tonic;
  • eliminating inflammation;
  • regenerating;
  • antiseptic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • bronchodilator.

Juniper tincture is used to treat toothache, liver and lung diseases. It is effective in dermatological pathologies (scabies, dermatitis). Homemade alcohol on juniper berries helps to cope with coughs, bronchitis, asthma attacks. With minor deviations from the norm, vodka on the fruits of a fragrant shrub can normalize blood pressure.

Alcohol tincture has a wide spectrum of action. It is effective for external use, and can also be used internally for therapeutic purposes. Juniper vodka eliminates the symptoms of a cold and is used for inhalation. With hematomas, compresses are made from tincture. When adding a drink to the bathing bath, the first signs of neuralgia and depression can be stopped.

Like any substance with medicinal properties, juniper berry tincture has a list of contraindications that should be taken into account so as not to cause irreparable harm to health. Do not drink strong drink in the following cases:

  • diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, erosion, gastritis, acute colitis);
  • with inflammatory processes in the kidneys and other pathologies of the organ (glomerulonephritis, nephrosis, nephritis);
  • during the period of gestation;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • if there is immunity to the components or an allergy to herbs;
  • with a diagnosis of alcoholism;
  • if there is a history of serious pathologies of the nervous system.

With special care, juniper tincture is used to treat children and the elderly.

Important! If it is necessary to combine alcohol with medications, the treatment is agreed with the attending physician. The benefits and harms of juniper tincture have a fine line between them. When used, the dosage should be observed, abuse should be avoided.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Why is Juniper useful?

How to make juniper vodka at home

Juniper vodka is prepared from the berries of the plant. If you want to make a strong drink at home, you need to understand that not all varieties are suitable for food use.

The fruits of the Cossack shrub contain sabine oil in the structure of the berries, which is essentially toxic and dangerous to human life. Once in the body, the substance can adversely affect kidney function, cause spontaneous abortion, and lead to fainting.

In order to prepare homemade juniper tincture with the taste of real gin, the choice is stopped on the fruits of the common juniper. They are considered the most successful solution and have blue or blue-brown coated berries.

Signs that the bush is suitable for the production of vodkas and tinctures are as follows:

  • the number of seeds in the berry – 3 pieces;
  • the absence of a pronounced smell of turpentine;
  • leaves of an ordinary juniper bush resemble needles.

If bushes of prickly juniper with rich red-brown berries grow on the site, a drink can be prepared from them. They are also available for purchase in pharmacies.

Some people are interested in doing all the steps in the production of juniper vodka with their own hands. This is what encourages independent “hunting” for raw materials. Before picking berries in park areas, within the city, you need to know some of the nuances:

  1. The collection of juniper fruits should be carried out away from industrial centers, roads, places of active human activity.
  2. Harvest is considered suitable for use only after full ripening – they are guided by color.
  3. When drying the collection, all conditions should be provided (canopy, dry, ventilated room).
Important! For accelerated production of raw materials, the use of an oven and a dryer is not allowed. Under the influence of high temperatures, intensive evaporation of essential oils occurs, therefore, part of the beneficial properties also disappear.
Juniper tincture, three recipe options.

To make juniper tincture of good quality with a pleasant aftertaste, strong alcohol is used in the manufacturing process:

  • vodka with excellent characteristics;
  • previously diluted ethyl alcohol;
  • moonshine of double cleaning without fusel oils and smell.
Important! When diluting alcohol, you should make a fortress 2-3% higher than gin. Do not add alcohol with tannins (rum, cognac).

To enhance the taste and give special notes to the drink, the following ingredients can be added to the raw materials:

  • sugar, honey, fructose;
  • spices and seasonings;
  • medicinal fees;
  • almonds or walnuts;
  • citrus peel.

The recipes for making juniper vodka are identical, but each housewife has her own zest, adding which you get something special, unique.

Juniper tincture – two recipes / Recipes for tinctures / Moonshine Sanych

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper berry tincture with vodka

It is not difficult to prepare a tincture on berries, provided that the instructions are followed. To make a homemade drink you will need:

  • dried juniper berries – 10 pcs.;
  • good quality vodka – 500 ml;
  • lemon zest – from half the fruit;
  • granulated sugar or honey – depending on preferences;
  • water – if necessary (100 ml).

Before preparing a tincture of juniper berries on vodka, they select the basis of the necessary strength. After the berries give off essential oils, adding water is not desirable, as this action can lead to cloudiness of the drink. The addition of sugar is considered optional, but its presence in the recipe softens the taste, and the citrus zest adds a touch of freshness.

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. Juniper fruits are crushed, put in a container for aging, poured with vodka.
  2. The zest of a pre-washed lemon is added to the main ingredients.
  3. The container is sealed and infused for 2 weeks at room temperature without access to sunlight.
  4. Every 3 days, the jar is shaken, so the berries give off their beneficial properties better.
  5. The finished concentrate is filtered, the berries are slightly squeezed.
  6. Sugar is added to the finished drink to taste, and if necessary, water.

After going through all the stages of preparation, the drink on juniper is bottled and stored under a tightly closed lid. When adding sweeteners, the drink should be kept cold to stabilize the taste.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper bark tincture

Healing tincture can be prepared from the bark and roots of juniper. This composition has a powerful therapeutic effect. Taking 30 ml half an hour before meals for 60 days can smooth out the symptoms of kidney stones and even dissolve stones.

For cooking you will need:

  • juniper bark and roots – a glass filled to the top (100 g);
  • good quality vodka – 400 ml.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The drug collection is poured into a container for infusion.
  2. Top up with 0,5 l cans of vodka to the top, close tightly.
  3. Kept without access to light at room temperature for 14 days.
  4. Shake the container every 3 days.

The output is a tincture that resembles strongly brewed tea in color.

Important! Juniper roots on vodka are used for a course of treatment no more than 1 time in 2 years.

Tincture on juniper berries on alcohol

To feel the aftertaste of heady gin, you should use alcohol. To prepare an alcohol tincture of juniper with such an unusual taste, you will need:

  • juniper berries -25 g;
  • alcohol with a concentration of 96% – 610 g;
  • coriander – 3 tsp;
  • thyme – 2 h. l.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Alcohol is poured into two containers (330 and 280 g).
  2. For the most part, 70 ml of water is poured, berries are added – juniper alcohol is prepared.
  3. To the smaller part, where 60 ml of water, add coriander, cumin.
  4. Two compositions are kept in a dark place for 5 days, periodically shaking vigorously.
  5. Both mixtures are filtered separately and each volume is increased by 1,5 times by adding water.
  6. Liquids should also be distilled autonomously until evaporation from each volume of 260 g.
  7. Only at this stage, the two compositions are combined and boiled water (1 l) is added.

Before starting the tasting, the drink must be infused for a week in a cold place.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper tincture 🥃 (almost gin)

Juniper leaf tincture

Alternative medicine uses all the constituents of the plant for good. To cure dropsy and to improve the quality of blood, it is recommended to prepare a tincture from young juniper leaves and stems.

For cooking you will need:

  • crushed collection – 10 g;
  • cold water – 200 ml.

Combine the two components and incubate up to 8 hours. The finished tincture is filtered and consumed before meals, 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Juniper and cardamom tincture

To get a product that evokes the taste of London dry gin, you need to tinker a little with making homemade vodka. Before proceeding to the second distillation, juniper berries, cardamom, lemon peel, cinnamon, coriander, anise, dandelion root are added to alcohol. From the variety of herbs and spices for a more natural taste of Plymouth, it is important to add iris and cardamom. The output is a pleasant drink without a clear juniper flavor and bitterness.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper vodka with horseradish

Usually the classic of the genre is vodka with pepper, but true gourmets know that with horseradish and juniper the tincture is quite spicy and worthy of attention.

For cooking you will need:

  • good quality vodka – 0 l;
  • fennel seeds – 25 g;
  • juniper berries – 20 g;
  • horseradish root – 20 g;
  • coarse salt – 5 g;
  • black, ground pepper – 1 g.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Horseradish is cleaned and crushed.
  2. Combine all ingredients, pour vodka, shake.
  3. Determined in a dark place with room temperature – for 2 weeks.
  4. Stir the mixture periodically.

After 14 days, the drink is filtered and stored in a cool place under a tightly closed lid.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Juniper tincture with anise

If, when preparing juniper tincture, a little anise is added, then the taste of spicy gin will be provided to the drink.

For cooking you will need:

  • vodka, moonshine – 1 l;
  • juniper fruits – 10 berries;
  • anise seeds – 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon – 3 g;
  • lemon peel – that’s 1 fruit;
  • coriander – 3 g.

Preparation is not difficult: all the ingredients are mixed, kept for a week in a dark place, filtered. Consume chilled.

Juniper berry tincture with honey

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

You can give a special taste and enhance the beneficial properties by preparing a tincture on juniper fruits with the addition of honey and ginger. To prepare a drink you will need:

  • vodka or moonshine – 1,8 l;
  • natural honey – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • juniper fruits – 10 berries;
  • ginger – 140 g.

Vodka is poured into a container for infusion, grated ginger, crushed juniper berries are also added there. All components should be thoroughly mixed until the honey is completely dissolved. The jar is hermetically sealed and kept for 14 days without access to light. The result is a unique combination of juniper smell and bittersweet taste.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Recipe for juniper vodka from dried berries

If it was not possible to get the berries of a simple juniper, pharmacy fees suggest trying the fruits of the prickly juniper, but it should be noted that as a result, the smell of medicines may be present in the drink. Recipes can be used any, harmoniously combine the ingredients. It is also quite possible to combine a tablespoon of medicinal collection with vodka (1 l) and insist in a dark place for 14 days.

The use of juniper tincture

It is undesirable to use juniper infusion on vodka as an alcoholic drink, as it is a medicinal composition with a storehouse of useful inclusions. Drops of a valuable substance added to tea or milk give a good therapeutic effect. The product is an excellent immunostimulating agent, improves performance. You can gargle with a home remedy, do rubbing and compresses. A little juniper tincture added to the bath will relieve fatigue and stress.

How to drink juniper vodka

Homemade juniper vodka must be consumed correctly. It is especially good chilled without additional additives. Connoisseurs of good alcohol claim that this is the only way to feel all the flavor notes of the drink. A couple of hours before serving, a bottle of homemade gin is placed in the refrigerator.

Glasses are poured in 30-50 g each and drunk without stretching the pleasure. The taste value of this alcohol is in the effect that is felt a little later – freshness in the mouth and heat in the stomach.

An alcoholic drink made from juniper is taken before meals as an aperitif, as it stimulates the appetite.

For those who do not like strong drinks, juniper vodka is recommended to be diluted with non-carbonated mineral water or cranberry juice. Lemon, grapefruit juice is also excellent as a diluent. If there is room for experimentation in life, you should know that juniper vodka harmoniously combines with soda water and white vermouth.

As a snack, and a tincture of juniper berries is recommended not to drink, but to have a snack, a wide variety of dishes are suitable. It can be fruit cuts or meat, fish, salads, desserts.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe

Terms and conditions of storage

Bottled juniper alcohol is placed in nest boxes. It is recommended to store the drink at 10-20 degrees in rooms with a relative humidity of 85%. The maximum shelf life under optimal conditions is 12 months. The more additional ingredients and sugars, the shorter the shelf life of the tincture. Experts recommend using the healing composition for 6 months.

Juniper vodka: homemade recipe


Juniper vodka is a pleasant invigorating drink with a characteristic taste and aroma. It is popular and has its own history, but you can still cook it at home and feel the delicate smell of spruce branches and a tart aftertaste. By following all the stages of the technological process, the craftsmen manage to get an elite drink for their pleasure and to the surprise of guests.

Juniper vodka reviews

Larisa Viktorovna, 48 years old, Moscow.
For many years now we have been using pharmaceutical juniper berries to improve the quality of store-bought vodka. We serve such a drink to guests as an aperitif and always get only good reviews. From such a tincture there is no headache and hangover symptoms. In small doses, it invigorates and improves the general condition.
Vasily, 65 years old, Bryansk.
I softened the taste of moonshine in many ways, adding herbs, good teas and spices. Among the variety of favorite flavors, I really like juniper tincture. I cook it a little for myself and use 50 g for dinner. I have no health complaints. I also noticed that colds in winter bypass me.
Sergey, 45, Balashikha.
I use juniper tincture as a medicine when I feel an infection creeping up. Since autumn I have been preparing homemade vodka with berries and after work I take 30 g each for prevention. This is especially true if people are frightening the flu epidemic on the street. It is worth noting that the wife uses the composition for rubbing the joints and arthritis does not bother her as before.

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