Juniper tincture: 6 recipes at home

Juniper tincture is no less popular with us than cherry or cranberry. But if you are cooking it for the first time, then you should choose the berry itself very carefully. Since some are very dangerous for our health. The most common of them are Siberian and Cossack juniper. The latter contains deadly sabine oil in its fruits.

three gin recipes

How to distinguish edible varieties of berries from poisonous

  1. An edible berry has three seeds, while a poisonous one has only two.

  2. При растирании съедобного шишкоплода можжевельника появится ярко выраженный запах скипидара.

  3. The leaves on a bush of poisonous juniper look like fish scales, and edible ones look like needles.

If we talk about the alcohol base, then it is better to use diluted alcohol to the desired strength, but you can also use high-quality double-distilled moonshine or, in extreme cases, store-bought vodka.

And before moving on to the recipes, I would like to once again focus on the right choice of raw materials. If you are not sure about the edibility of the berry, then it is better to prepare any other tincture.

Simple juniper tincture


  1. Juniper berries – 10 pcs.

  2. Vodka – 500 ml

  3. Sugar syrup – optional

Method of preparation

  1. Berries should first be crushed in a mortar and then transferred to a glass container.

  2. Pour in the alcohol base and leave for two weeks in a dark place at room temperature.

  3. After two weeks, you can add a little sweetener and stand for another 2-3 days under the same conditions.

  4. The finished tincture should be filtered, filtered and bottled.

Aromatic juniper tincture with zest

Этот напиток готовится в два этапа: концентрат и непосредственно сама настойка.

Concentrate Ingredients

  1. Juniper berries – 50 g

  2. Alcohol / moonshine (50%) – 2 l

  3. Peel of four oranges

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the juniper and pour 1 liter of alcohol.

  2. In a separate container, fill the orange zest with the remaining alcohol.

  3. Leave both mixtures in a dark place for one week

Tincture Ingredients

Fructose can be replaced with granulated sugar (1,5 teaspoons)

  1. Juniper concentrate – 100 ml

  2. Citrus concentrate – 100 ml

  3. Alcohol 45% – 1 l

  4. Fructose – 1 tsp.

Method of preparation

  1. We mix all the ingredients in one container and take a sample.

  2. If the drink seemed to you not as saturated as you would like, then you can add another 100 ml of any of the concentrates.

  3. After entering an additional amount of concentrate, the tincture must be kept for another 10 days.

  4. The finished drink should be filtered and bottled.

Spicy juniper tincture


  1. Juniper fruits – 2 tbsp. l.

  2. Alcohol 50% – 2 l

  3. Mandarin – 2 pcs.

  4. Orange – 2 pcs.

  5. Kernels of three walnuts

  6. Granulated sugar – 100 g

  7. Lemon juice – 0,5 tsp

  8. Water – 100 ml

Method of preparation

  1. To begin with, we need to prepare all the ingredients: chop the juniper and nuts, remove the zest from oranges and tangerines and squeeze the juice.

  2. In a glass container, mix the prepared ingredients and the alcohol base. We leave for three weeks in a dark room at room temperature.

  3. After the end of exposure, the tincture must be filtered.

  4. Cooking caramel syrup. In a saucepan, mix sugar and lemon juice. As soon as the sugar turns into a thick mass, add water. Cook over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly.

  5. We introduce tincture into the cooled syrup, shake well, and then filter the drink.

  6. Before tasting, the finished product should be kept in the refrigerator for 3-4 days and then bottled.

Острая можжевеловая настойка


  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Dill seeds – 50 g

  3. Juniper berries – 40 g

  4. Horseradish root – 40 g

  5. Coarse salt – 10 g

  6. Ground black pepper – 2 g

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the horseradish root, mix all the ingredients and pour into a vessel.

  2. Pour in vodka, cork, shake several times and insist in a warm place for 14-15 days.

  3. Shake the container with the contents every 2-3 days.

  4. Ready tincture decant, filter and store under a tight lid.

Juniper berry ratafia


  1. Juniper berries – 40 g

  2. Spicy mixture – 2 tsp.

  3. Sugar syrup – 200 ml

  4. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. For the spice mixture: 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. cloves 1/4 tsp nutmeg, 1/8 tsp. coriander, 1/8 tsp, 1/2 tsp allspice peas.

  2. Mix juniper berries with a spicy mixture, place in a bottle, add sugar syrup, pour strong vodka and leave for 4-5 weeks in a warm place.

  3. Then strain, filter and bottle. The longer this ratafia stands, the better the taste and aroma.

Juniper honey infusion


  1. Juniper berries – 20 g

  2. Honey – 100 g

  3. Vodka – 2 l

  4. Water – 200 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Всыпать ягоды можжевельника в холодную воду, поставить на огонь и довести до кипения.

  2. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, strain hot, cool the broth well.

  3. Pour the broth into a vessel with honey, stir until smooth, add vodka and mix well again.

  4. Let it brew for 6 days, pour (you can strain again) into bottles for storage, keep in a cool dark place.

Relevance: 22.07.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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