Juniper Horstmann: photo and description

Juniper Horstmann (Horstmann) – one of the exotic representatives of the species. An upright shrub forms a weeping crown type with a variety of shapes. A perennial plant of a hybrid variety was created for the design decoration of the territory.

Juniper Horstmann: photo and description

Description of juniper Horstmann

The evergreen perennial forms a cone-shaped crown. The lower branches of the creeping type reach a length of 2 m, the upper shoots grow vertically, the tops are lowered. The older the plant, the stronger the branches descend, creating a weeping type of habitus. The Horstmann juniper reaches a height of 2,5 m, the crown volume is 2 m. The shrub forms a well-defined trunk, thanks to this property it is possible to grow a culture like a low tree, by pruning to give all kinds of shapes.

In a year, the length of the juniper branches increases by 10 cm, the height by 5 cm. When it reaches 10 years old, the shrub is considered an adult, its growth stops. Juniper is a medium drought tolerant seedling that tolerates high temperatures with moderate watering. A sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation is necessary for the decorative effect of the crown. Vegetation is not affected by periodic shading; in the shade of tall trees, the needles become smaller, thinner, and lose their color brightness.

Juniper Horstmann was created for cultivation in a temperate climate, according to gardeners, the variety tolerates a drop in temperature. The frost resistance of Horstmann juniper is high, it can withstand frosts down to -30 0C, frozen tops are restored during the season. Perennial on the site can grow for more than 150 years without losing the decorative habit. A slight increase does not require constant pruning and the formation of a bush shape.

External characteristic:

  1. The branches of medium volume are dark pink in color, the shape of the bush is cone-shaped, the lower part is wide and narrows upwards, in an adult plant the volume of the lower part and growth are the same.
  2. The triangular light green needles are up to 1 cm long, prickly, grow densely, remain on the branches for 4 years, then gradually renew themselves. Color with the onset of autumn does not change.
  3. The plant blooms with yellow flowers, fruits in the form of cones forms annually in large quantities. Young berries are light green, becoming beige with a blue bloom as they ripen.
  4. The root system is superficial, fibrous, the root circle is 35 cm.
Attention! The fruits contain a high concentration of essential oils, they are not used in cooking.

Juniper Horstmann in the landscape

Due to its exotic appearance, the spreading crown of a weeping shrub is widely used by designers to decorate the landscape of gardens, household plots, recreation areas, and areas adjacent to administrative buildings. The frost resistance of the Horstmann juniper makes it possible to cultivate the perennial in the Central, European part of the Federation, in the Moscow region, the Leningrad region.

Horstmann juniper is grown as a single element against the backdrop of an array or in the center of an open area. A shrub planted in the background of the composition favorably emphasizes dwarf varieties of conifers. Used as a tapeworm (single plant) in the center of a flower bed. The weeping type of Horstmann juniper crown harmoniously looks on the shore of an artificial reservoir, near the rock garden. Creates an accent in rockeries near the main composition of stones. Group planting in a line along the garden path visually creates the perception of an alley. Bushes planted along the perimeter of the garden gazebo give the impression of a corner of wildlife in a coniferous forest. A plant placed anywhere in the garden will give the area a special flavor. The photo shows an example of how Horstmann juniper is used in landscape design.

Juniper Horstmann: photo and description

Planting and caring for juniper Horstmann

Common juniper Horstmann can grow on any soil, but the decorative effect of the crown directly depends on the composition. When planting, plants choose soils that are neutral or acidic. Even a slight concentration of salts and alkali will affect the appearance of the plant.

When planting Horstmann juniper, preference is given to well-drained loams, rocky soil, the best option is sandy loam. Wet soils are not suitable for cultivation. The site should be well lit, temporary shading is possible. The neighborhood of fruit trees, especially apple trees, is not allowed. With a close location on the juniper, a fungal infection develops – needle rust.

Seedling and planting preparation

For planting, choose Horstmann juniper of good quality without damaging the bark, there should be no dry areas on the roots, and needles must be present on the branches. Before planting, the root system is disinfected in a manganese solution for 2 hours, then immersed in a preparation that stimulates the growth of the root system for 30 minutes.

The planting hole is prepared 10 days before the plant is placed on the site. The size of the hole is calculated taking into account that the width of the recess is 25 cm wider than the root. The stem of the seedling is measured to the root neck, a layer of drainage (15 cm) and soil (10 cm) is added. The root neck remains above the surface (6 cm above the ground). The sum of the indicators corresponds to the depth of the hole, approximately 65-80 cm.

Rules of landing

Planting work begins with the preparation of a nutrient mixture consisting of peat, compost, sand, and a sod layer in equal proportions. The prepared soil is divided into 2 parts. Sequencing:

  1. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the landing pit: small stone, broken brick, expanded clay, gravel.
  2. Top one part of the mixture.
  3. Juniper seedling Horstmann Pendulla is placed vertically in the center of the pit.
  4. Separate the roots so that they do not intertwine, distribute along the bottom of the hole.
  5. Pour out the remaining soil, supplement the recess with soil.
  6. The root circle is compacted, watered.
Important! The distance between the bushes is maintained at least 1,5 m.

The lower branches of the Horstmann juniper are sprawling, the plant does not tolerate tightness during mass planting.

Watering and top dressing

The Horstmann juniper variety is drought-resistant, an adult plant can do without watering for a long time. Seasonal rainfall will be sufficient for growth. In dry summers, sprinkling is carried out 3 times a week. Young seedlings need more moisture. Within two months after being placed on the site, the seedling is watered under the root. Watering frequency – 1 time in 5 days.

Top dressing for adult culture is not required. In the spring, fertilizers are applied to seedlings under the age of three. Use organic and complex fertilizers.

Juniper Horstmann: photo and description

Mulching and loosening

After planting, the root circle of the Horstmann juniper is covered with a mulch layer (10 cm): sawdust, dry leaves, the best option is sunflower husks or chopped tree bark. The main task of mulching is to maintain moisture.

Weeding and loosening the soil is carried out on young Horstmann juniper shrubs until the lower branches lie on the ground. After the lodging of the crown, loosening and weeding is not necessary. Weeds do not grow, moisture is maintained, the topsoil does not dry out.

How to form juniper horstmann

Improving pruning culture is carried out in early spring, frozen and dry areas are removed. The formation of the Horstmann juniper crown in accordance with the design decision begins with three years of growth.

A frame of the desired design is constructed for the plant, branches are fixed to it, giving all kinds of shapes. If the Horstmann juniper is left in its natural form, in order to maintain a pyramidal shape, a long pole is installed, to which the central stem is tied. Pruning of branches is carried out at will.

Preparation for winter

The level of frost resistance of Horstmann juniper allows an adult plant to winter without additional shelters. In the autumn, water-charging irrigation is carried out, the layer of mulch is increased. Seedlings are more susceptible to low temperatures than mature plants. In the fall, they are spudded, mulched, if severe frosts are expected, then they put arcs, pull covering material, and cover it with leaves or spruce branches from above.

Reproduction of juniper Horstmann

There are several ways to propagate the Horstmann Pendula juniper variety:

  • grafting to the trunk of another type of culture;
  • cuttings from shoots not younger than three years;
  • layering of the lower branches;
  • seeds.

Horstmann juniper is rarely propagated by seeds, because the process is long and there is no guarantee that the result will be a bush with the characteristics of the parent plant.

Diseases and pests

The juniper variety has a stable immunity to infection, if there are no fruit trees nearby, the plant does not get sick. There are few pests parasitizing on shrubs, these include:

  • juniper sawfly. Get rid of the insect with the help of “Karbofos”;
  • aphid. It is destroyed with soapy water, cut off areas of accumulation of parasites, get rid of nearby anthills;
  • scale shield. Eliminate insects with insecticides.

In the spring, for the purpose of prevention, the bushes are treated with products containing copper.


Juniper Horstmann is a perennial shrub used in landscaping. An evergreen plant with a weeping crown shape tolerates low temperatures well, does not require special care, and can be in one place for more than 150 years. The growth for the season gives an insignificant, there is no need for constant formation and pruning of the bush.

Juniper ordinary Horstmann. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy seedlings

Reviews of the common juniper Horstmann

Raisa Zvereva, 45 years old, St. Petersburg
5 years ago Horstmann juniper attracted me with its weeping shape. I saw a shrub at a friend’s dacha. In the same year, I purchased 6 seedlings and planted them around a small lake in my country house. Now my culture has reached a height of two meters, the lower branches are sprawling, lush. Near the water, the optimal humidity for the plant, the shrub feels comfortable, during this time I have never been sick and I have not seen pests on it.
Mark Zavialov, 51 years old, Moscow
Incredibly beautiful plant, it is difficult to look away. At the dacha, the Horstmann juniper grows in the center of the rock garden, the rockery is decorated in the Japanese style, without a shrub, the composition would lose most of its decorative effect. Near the bush there is a frame in the form of a pheasant, a juniper is formed in the image of a bird. I remove extra fragments once every two years in the spring, there is no need for frequent pruning.

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