Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

Juniper horizontal Andorra Variegata belongs to coniferous shrubs of low growth and moderate branching. A distinctive feature of this variety is the cream color of the growing cone of each young branch, which is different from the main color of the needles. The plant is very decorative and is used in landscape design.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

Description juniper Andorra Variegata

At a young age, Andorra Variegata is a relatively small compact bush with a very dense crown. Bushes of a more respectable age grow significantly in breadth and resemble creeping varieties of juniper (for example, Cossack juniper). They can reach a very large diameter, more than 2 m, but in any case, the height of the Andorra Variegata juniper does not exceed 35-50 cm.

The location of the shoots in the bush is radiant. They always grow upwards (rarely at an angle exceeding 45 °), but very quickly the direction of growth of young branches changes, and they go into a horizontal plane. The needles of the bushes are short and thin, it is quite tightly pressed against the shoots. The texture of the needles is scaly, pronounced. The color of the needles in summer for this variety, located in the Sun, is ash green, and for those that grow in the shade or partial shade, it is emerald green.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

At the end of October, with the arrival of the first frosts, the needles change their color to purple-violet. In the spring, with the start of growth of new shoots, the color changes again. The growth cone of each branch for almost the entire season is creamy with a yellow or whitish tinge. This is a characteristic feature of this variety.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

The fruits of Andorra Variegata are small, inconspicuous. Unlike most junipers, which have a contrasting blue fruit color, the whitish fruits of the Andorra Variegata juniper are almost invisible against the background of its branches.

The annual increase in the length of the shoots rarely exceeds 10 cm. However, due to the large number of annually formed shoots, it covers the entire surface of the soil with its vegetation, where the tips of its branches reach.

Juniper horizontal Andorra Variegata is presented in the following photo. The coloring of the bush corresponds to the summer period.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

Andorra, although it is a light-loving shrub, tolerates partial shade perfectly. At the same time, growth rates decrease slightly.

Important! You can try to grow in the shade, but botanists do not recommend this, because after 5-7 years, growth can completely slow down.

Juniper Andorra in landscape design

Creeping juniper Andorra Variegata stands out against the background of dark or grayish shades of the “background” of rock gardens – bark mulch or pebble mound. That is why designers love it so much. In addition, the neutral ash green or emerald green colors of this variety can be perfectly combined with almost any conifer on the alpine hills.

A shrub can be a wonderful decoration not only for a rock garden, but also for a rocky garden, clearing, edge, roadside or coastal zone. Separately, it should be noted that the tips of the shoots of the bush give it a very elegant look, which can also be played up in design by combining it with cream or white shades of flowers in the flower beds.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

One of the advantages of the shrub is the possibility of its use in design without the need for a stationary planting – the horizontal juniper Andorra Variegata can perfectly perform its decorative functions, being in a pot or container.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

The excellent “operational” qualities of this variety of juniper are also highly valued by designers. Endurance and unpretentiousness make it possible to place this juniper on almost any soil and conditions that are most unsuitable for the growth of other plants.

Planting and caring for juniper horizontal Andorra

Juniper planting is carried out in mid-spring or early autumn. Usually there is no preliminary preparation other than digging a hole for the plant. Caring for the horizontal juniper Andorra Variegata is quite simple and does not require much time from the gardener, and especially complex procedures.

Seedling and planting preparation

Although Andorra variegata horizontal juniper can grow in almost any light, the plant prefers sunny areas with low acidity soil. The optimal soil for it will be fertile, well-permeable loam for moisture. If there is no suitable soil nearby, you can make it yourself. The composition of the soil mixture includes the following components:

  • peat – 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 part;
  • sod land – 1 part.

The pit under the bush should be about twice as large as the earth seedling. There is no treatment of the seedling, except for sanitary pruning of diseased and damaged branches.

Rules for planting juniper Andorra

Landing is carried out according to the scheme 2×2 m. Pits for adult specimens must have a depth of at least 70 cm, for young ones – according to the size of an earthen coma. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer of broken brick or rubble is laid. The thickness of the drainage layer is at least 15 cm.

The plant is installed in a pit, leveled and covered with earth, after which the surface is carefully tamped.

Important! The root collar is not deepened during planting, but placed at a height of 5-7 cm from the ground level.

Within a week after planting, the plant needs abundant watering.

Watering and top dressing

Watering a rooted bush is carried out no more than 1 time in 2-3 weeks. At the same time, it is recommended to apply sprinkling with each watering, because, despite the good drought resistance, the horizontal juniper Andorra Variegata does not like dry air.

Top dressing is applied twice a year:

  • mineral nitrogen or complex (for example, nitroammophoska) – the end of April or the beginning of May;
  • organic (mulching with a peat layer of 10 cm) – just before the start of winter.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

Mulching and loosening

Within 1-2 years after planting young plants, the soil under them should be loosened with each watering to a depth of 3-5 cm. An adult plant does not need loosening, since almost always the soil under it is mulched with the bark of coniferous trees or spruce branches. The mulch layer can be replaced once a year. This is usually done in early spring.

Trimming and shaping

According to the description, the horizontal juniper Andorra Variegata has a crown, the shape of which does not change with time. In addition, it has a low growth rate, and no formative pruning is provided for it.

If it becomes necessary to change the shape of the shrub to suit the design whims of the owner, then this can be done at any time of the year, but it is best to form a bush in the spring.

Preparation for winter

The bush does not need any specific preparation for winter, since it has winter hardiness of the third zone, that is, it is able to tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C. In those cases where there is a desire to insure and protect plants from frost, it is recommended to cover the Andorra Variegata juniper bushes with a layer of polyethylene. A layer of fallen leaves 20-30 cm high is laid on top of it.

Important! In order to avoid damage to the plant from damping, after the snow has melted, all thermal insulation must be dismantled.

Reproduction of juniper Andorra

The process of propagation of juniper Andorra Variegata is carried out using the seed method or by cuttings. It is believed that obtaining semi-lignified cuttings with their subsequent germination is the most optimal way to divide this subspecies of juniper. If seeds are used for this purpose, then there is a high probability of losing the characteristic exterior qualities of this variety.

Diseases and pests of juniper Andorra Variegata

The main diseases of the juniper horizontal Andorra Variegata are rust and drying of the branches. Both are caused by fungi (sporangium and cytospore), living mainly on coniferous and pink plants.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

Rust is practically incurable, although the symptoms can be significantly stopped with the help of fungicidal preparations, and drying out can be dealt with using a conventional spray of copper sulphate at a concentration of 1%. At the same time, damaged branches should be removed by treating their cut points with drying oil and garden pitch. The main form of plant prevention from diseases is planting them from each other, as well as from representatives of the Pink family at large distances.

Juniper Andorra Variegata: photo and description

The main pests of juniper are juniper aphids and juniper scale insects. They are helped by drugs related to systemic insecticides – Confidor, Calypso or Mospilan. Usually there are no preventive pest control measures, insecticides are used only upon their appearance.


Juniperus horizontalis Andorra Variegata is a low growth plant that is widely used in the design of gardens, parks, alpine slides and rockeries. The plant is a typical representative of junipers and has all the pros and cons of this species. The features of Andorra Variegata are exclusively external, consisting in a special crown shape (up to half a meter high and no more than 2 m in diameter) and cream-colored tops of the shoots, giving the plant an extremely elegant look.

Reviews of juniper horizontal Andorra Variegata

Ivan Sergeevich Zagranichny, 57 years old, Bobruisk
Of all the low-growing horizontal junipers, Andorra Variegata is one of the most convenient for the gardener. The plant is characterized by unpretentiousness and endurance. It seems to exist on its own, requiring almost no maintenance. It even grows slowly, and, as a result, does not need pruning. Of the plants of the lower tier, this is one of the most unpretentious and at the same time the most interesting inhabitants. In autumn, the unsightly ash-green branches of the juniper change their color to dark purple, which completely transforms the flower bed around it. If you need a plant that can fill all the “voids” in the center of the color composition, then it is hardly possible to find something better than Andorra.
Elena Andreevna Boyko, 35 years old, Tambov
I work as a florist for a design firm and we often do park and garden projects. Low-growing horizontal junipers, in particular Andorra Variegata, have long attracted us and are used very widely in our business. Unlike many of its relatives, this variety is not particularly demanding on the Sun, so it can be used in the design of almost any area. The plant is quite bright and attractive, despite the fact that it occupies only the lower level. The disadvantages can only be attributed to its low growth rate, but this is typical of most undersized horizontal junipers.
Juniper Andorra Variegata | Garden center Agro24

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