
It is a natural antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic and antiseptic. In ancient times, juniper berries treated infectious diseases, and they were also given to women in order to facilitate childbirth. Today, the aroma of this tree is known to many thanks to gin, for the flavoring of which juniper is used. These forest fruits are also known to cooks – they add berries to meat dishes and sauces.

General characteristics

Perhaps many of you have seen conifers with small blue berries. This juniper is an evergreen cypress tree family growing in the forests of the northern hemisphere for the past 50 of millions of years. Scientists who have studied the life cycle of these trees, say that in favorable conditions juniper can grow about a thousand. They say that more than fifty species of juniper grow on the planet, most of which are grown as decorative today. The fruits of juniper ordinary – an amazing drug, but unfortunately, few are aware of this.

Interestingly, the ancient Greeks in their records mentioned the healing properties of juniper long before humanity tasted the berries as food. For the ancient inhabitants, the blue berries were something of a modern dope. Athletes participating in the Olympic Games, before the competition, ate a certain amount of berries to increase physical stamina.

They knew about juniper in Russia, but the Slavs used this plant in a slightly different way. From his bark, dishes were made in which the food retained its freshness for a long time (milk did not sour even in warm weather). Juniper branches for the Slavs served as protection against evil spirits. And not knowing anything at all about the chemical composition of cypress plants, Rusich intuitively used juniper branches for disinfection: they smoked houses and clothes with smoke, rubbed the floors where the patient was juice, and juniper brooms were taken with them to the bathhouse.

Now these berries are a traditional spice in Scandinavian cuisine. In addition, the plant extract is contained in many cosmetic products. For example, in lipsticks, conditioners and shampoos for hair, in foams and bath oils. And of course, this plant is a well-known remedy among herbalists and representatives of traditional medicine.

Health benefits

In herbal medicine juniper is known as a remedy against inflammation, arthritis, diseases of the bladder. Its essential oils are added to inhalation mixtures for the treatment of bronchitis. Broths, tinctures of berries and needles are used as a carminative agent to accelerate wound healing and stimulate menstruation. For therapeutic purposes, apply for 2-10 g of berries or 0,1 ml of oil. Then we will talk in more detail about the beneficial properties of the plant.

Improves digestive organs

If regular indigestion does not give you rest, juniper will help relieve the condition. This plant belongs to the medicinal with astringent effect. According to scientists at the University of Michigan, all medicinal herbs with a bitter taste (and juniper belongs to these) have a common ability to improve digestion. By the way, the creators of Ayurveda expressed a similar opinion. And now a rational explanation. Researchers have determined that bitter food activates the production of saliva, digestive enzymes, and also enhances the secretion of stomach acid. As a result of this complex effect, food breaks down faster without stagnating in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also known that juniper relieves intestinal parasites, has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, activates the production of insulin and, therefore, reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood.


Juniper berries can not only speed up the digestive process, but also contribute to the rapid elimination of excess fluid from the body, thereby eliminating edema. The juniper possessing diuretic abilities is useful to the people struggling with excess weight, and also the persons abusing salty food. Sodium, as is well known, retains excess fluid in the tissues (it is believed that 1 g of sodium chloride retains lN of water in the body). A juniper will accelerate its elimination. But increased diuresis is important for many therapeutic purposes. For example, for more effective removal of toxins and bacteria from the genitourinary system. The diuretic effect of juniper will also be useful in cases of renal impairment, and the antiseptic abilities of the berries will help in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary organs.

Antimicrobial and antifungal

The berries of this coniferous plant can destroy gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. This was stated by scientists, after some laboratory experiments. But back to the bacteria. To make it clearer how important this discovery is for humanity, it is worth explaining that gram-negative bacteria cause diseases such as pneumonia, gonorrhea, as well as infection with E. coli, while gram-positive bacteria cause Staphylococcus aureus. And now the amazing discovery of scientists. These bacteria live and develop together with a person; over time, they develop resistance to certain types of antibiotics. This means that pharmaceutical preparations are sometimes powerless in the fight against bacteria. But juniper berries can be an alternative.

Laboratory experiments have shown that even those dangerous bacteria against which pharmacology is powerless kill the fruits of this coniferous.


According to scientific research, juniper contains a large amount of antioxidants. These compounds help to neutralize free radicals in the body, which ultimately lead to diseases such as cancer, arthritis, cardiac disorders. In addition, antioxidants support the health and youth of the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, promote cell regeneration, and reduce inflammation.

Useful properties of juniper oil

Juniper oil is obtained from the berries of the plant. In industry, the product is made by steam distillation. But you can make juniper oil at home. For this, a clean 3/4 sterilized jar is filled with juniper berries and poured with their base oil (for example, coconut or olive). Tightly closing the vessel, the contents insist in a cool place away from the sun for 4-6 weeks. An important requirement: shake the contents of the jar daily. After the specified period, the home remedy is ready for use.

Juniper essential oils are just as useful as fresh berries. Due to the extremely rich chemical composition, the product can come to the aid in many situations. Here are some of its benefits:

  1. Antiseptic. Even in ancient times, people noticed that juniper oil helps to heal wounds. This tool treated cuts, bruises and other injuries during wars, as well as used in childbirth. Today, herbalists use ointments containing an extract of this coniferous plant to disinfect and quickly heal wounds.
  2. Antirheumatic. This product improves blood circulation, removes toxins and uric acid from the body. Because of this, it is useful to relieve the condition of rheumatism and other diseases of the joints.
  3. Antispasmodic. This type of essential oil is effective in almost all types of seizures, including muscle, intestinal and respiratory.
  4. Cleansing. Juniper essential oil cleanses the blood of toxins, heavy metals, some dangerous compounds that enter the body from a polluted environment, and also prevents excessive production of hormones that do not have the best effect on the human body.
  5. Diuretic. Like fresh berries, juniper oil quickens and increases urination, which is useful in some conditions and diseases.
  6. Stimulating digestive process. The essential oil of this conifer is useful for the treatment of gastric ulcers, the regulation of the production of gastric juice and bile.
  7. Tonic This natural remedy tones muscles and skin, activates the work of organs and systems, maintaining the activity and healthy functionality of the whole organism.

In addition, it has been observed that juniper essential oil eliminates toothache, stops hair loss, treats dandruff, strengthens the gums, prevents dental diseases and serves as a prevention of kidney stones. This fragrant coniferous product eliminates diarrhea, strengthens blood vessels and stops bruising. And it also affects the body as an “elixir of youth” – it slows down age-related changes.

Juniper oil is rich in chemicals that are beneficial to humans. But such a rich composition in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, before use, it is advisable to apply a drop of substance on the wrist and wait a day. In aromatherapy and cosmetic procedures, juniper oil goes well with oils of cypress, cedar, lavender, lime, lemongrass, grapefruit, geranium, bergamot, sage.

How else use juniper

The fresh and soothing aroma of juniper oil is often used in aromatherapy. It is believed that this smell is useful for relieving stress and anxiety. And he is able to clean the air.

A few drops of coniferous oil, added to a warm bath, are useful for relieving pain in arthritis, gout, rheumatism, muscle fatigue, urethritis, cystitis, hemorrhoids. Creams and lotions containing juniper extract are recommended for psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, acne, as well as for narrowing pores on oily skin. By the way, for rheumatism, arthritis and eczema, juniper compresses are useful. Topical use of preparations based on juniper has proven itself for the treatment of warts, growths, athlete’s foot. It is believed that this plant also helps with snake bites.

Possible side effects

Despite the fact that in traditional medicine juniper is often referred to as a plant useful for the kidneys, therapists still do not recommend it to patients with reduced organ function. Fruits and essential oils are strictly prohibited for pregnant women, women planning pregnancy, and nursing mothers. In some cases, this plant can cause allergies.

Overdose of juniper oil (when used inside) causes irritation of the kidneys. One of the signs that the juniper extract in the body is abundant is that urine takes on a slightly violet hue and the smell of violets, and there are traces of blood in it. In addition, excessive consumption of coniferous extract can cause tachycardia and increase blood pressure. Fresh berries are also dangerous: more than 50 fruits eaten in one sitting can cause serious poisoning.

Important! The juniper (Juniperus communis), which grows in forests, has exclusively curative properties.

Cossack juniper (Juniperus sabina), a small shrub (up to one and a half meters in height) looks like it, it is grown as an ornamental plant. But this decorative juniper is poisonous. If it is used for therapeutic purposes, it is very carefully and exclusively outwardly.

For many, juniper and now remains one of the mysterious plants on the planet. It can grow for a thousand years, its wood does not rot, and berries heal from many diseases. In some cultures, juniper is considered a symbol of eternal life. And if you think about the abilities and beneficial properties of this plant, one cannot but agree: this characteristic is best suited for the juniper tree.

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