June food

Spring has passed, May has passed imperceptibly … Let’s welcome summer!

June is the first summer month, which brings with it not only the long-awaited rays of sunshine, but also the day of the summer solstice, or the longest day of the year.

In the old days, June was called “multicolored”, “light dawn” and even “grain grower”. In addition, people believed that the warm June nights were fruitful. And even the rains of June were valued above gold. It was in June that the time for long hayfields came in the villages, and working days in the fields began.

Moreover, June is a great time to boost immunity and improve the general condition of the body. After all, it is during this period that berries, fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and nutrients, begin to appear, the lack of which we acutely experienced in winter.

Therefore, at this time, nutritionists are advised to actively include them in your diet. Moreover, during this period, one should not forget about fiber, which, in addition to the vegetables and fruits themselves, is contained in beans and cereals, as well as nuts. It will help to normalize the digestive processes in the body and, thereby, prevent excess weight.

Also in June, you need to change your drinking regime, increasing the amount of fluid you drink 2 times.

And most importantly, you need to remember that any radical changes in the diet in the summer are not desirable for people of age, as well as for those who suffer from chronic diseases, since it is at this time that the peak of sharp surges in blood pressure is noted.

However, so that neither they nor any other troubles spoil the coming summer season for you, it is enough to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and give up bad habits!

And then nothing can darken you with the arrival of the very first and long-awaited summer month!


One of the most popular products in Europe. Cauliflower is very healthy, low in calories and, moreover, is well absorbed by the body.

It contains mineral salts, amino acids, B vitamins, as well as C, PP, H, and also calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic and pantothenic acids.

Regular consumption of cauliflower protects from the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin and from seborrhea, and also has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin and hair. It is actively added to the children’s menu and is widely used for gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, cauliflower reduces the risk of cancer in both women and men. And its juice is used for diabetes, bronchitis, liver and kidney diseases.

The calorie content of cauliflower directly depends on the way it is prepared. This should be taken into account by people adhering to diets. This vegetable is boiled, fried, stewed, steamed, and also added to various dishes.


Incredibly tasty and healthy roots that came to us from Central Asia. This vegetable was known and loved in Ancient Egypt and Greece, as well as in Ancient Japan.

Radishes contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, B vitamins, as well as C, PP. In addition, it contains riboflavin, thiamine and niacin.

Radish is a unique choleretic and decongestant remedy. Its regular use helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as stimulate appetite. Doctors advise adding this vegetable to their diet for people suffering from gout, obesity and diabetes.

The use of radishes has a positive effect on the condition of the skin of the face and the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also helps to lower blood sugar levels and prevent the development of colon cancer.

Traditional healers have long used radish for constipation, and beauticians prepared nourishing face masks from it.

In cooking, radish is most often used as an additional component to various vegetable salads or consumed raw.

A pleasant addition to all of the above will be its low calorie content, which allows you to consume radishes even if you are overweight.


These are vegetables from the Pumpkin family, which can differ from each other in shape and color depending on the variety. Squash were grown in ancient Egypt, and today they are popular all over the world. At the same time, not only fruits are consumed, but also their shoots, flowers, young leaves.

Young squash are considered the most delicious and healthy. They contain potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, molybdenum, zinc and other useful substances. In addition, they are rich in B vitamins, as well as E. And in yellow fruits, among other things, there is ascorbic acid and carotene.

Squash is a low-calorie and dietary vegetable that, among other things, improves metabolism, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, as well as anemia and hypertension.

There is a huge amount of useful substances in squash seed oil, which, however, is high in calories.

In folk medicine, squash is used to treat edema, endocrine and nervous system disorders, liver and kidney malfunctions. Squash juice is used to calm the nervous system.


One of the most ancient vegetables, India is considered to be its homeland. Doctors call cucumber the most dietary of all dietary foods, as it contains more than 95% water and a minimum of calories. Even so, it is very useful.

Cucumber contains B-group vitamins, C, as well as carotene, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, zinc, copper and other minerals.

Regular consumption of cucumbers has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine and cardiovascular system due to the presence of iodine in it, and also improves bowel function due to the fiber content.

It is known that cucumbers relieve swelling, bring down high blood pressure, and help to lose weight due to its mild laxative effect. Cucumber seeds are used to cleanse the body of cholesterol.

Folk healers make extensive use of cucumber juice. It helps to get rid of a lingering cough, calm the nervous system, alleviate the general condition of patients with tuberculosis, and keep teeth and gums healthy.

Most often, cucumbers are eaten raw, although they are often used to make sauces, salads and other dishes.

Fresh dill

Since ancient times, dill has been cultivated both in Africa and Europe, since it has been known since ancient times about its medicinal properties.

The thing is that dill leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, PP, as well as ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium and other useful mineral salts.

Regular use of dill has a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis, improves digestion and perfectly disinfects. In addition, dill improves lactation, normalizes blood pressure and has a positive effect on vision.

In folk medicine, it is used as an anesthetic for ulcers and cholecystitis. And from the seeds of dill, a tincture is prepared that increases appetite and helps to get rid of insomnia and inflammation of the kidneys. Dill oil is used to treat bronchitis and pneumonia, heal wounds, and eliminate manifestations of allergies.

In addition, dill has a low calorie content and an amazing taste, due to which it is often added to fish, meat dishes, sauces and soups.

Red currant

Red currant came to us from Western Europe, where for quite a long time it was grown as a medicinal plant. Later, the extraordinary taste of its berries was revealed, thanks to which they began to eat it.

Red currants contain vitamins A, C, E, as well as iron, potassium, selenium, pectin and other minerals.

Currants have a positive effect on the work of the heart, relieve swelling, relieve nausea, improve appetite and even treat diabetes. Currant juice has astringent, choleretic and diuretic properties, and berries – anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, tonic, antipyretic and tonic.

Red currant is especially useful in old age and under heavy loads, as it recovers well. In addition, it lowers the temperature, helps with chronic constipation, as well as anemia.

Another pleasant bonus of eating currants is its low calorie content, thanks to which it can be consumed even with obesity.


In fact, nectarine is called a mistake of nature, a kind of mutation that happens in the process of self-pollination of peach trees. Gardeners have learned to plant and grow this fruit on their own relatively recently.

Nectarine is an amazingly healthy fruit, which contains vitamins A, C, antioxidants, pectins, as well as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, sulfur and other substances.

Consuming nectarine improves digestion, metabolism and overall skin health, and also prevents cancer development.

Doctors advise drinking nectarine juice for constipation and anemia, high acidity and heart rhythm disturbances. While the fruit itself is important to consume for the prevention of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

It is noteworthy that some varieties of nectarine are distinguished by the sweetness of the kernel kernels and are used as almonds, since they have a biochemical composition similar to it.

The calorie content of nectarine is relatively small, but it contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so you should not abuse it. Salads, jams and ice cream are made from nectarine. They are baked, stewed, canned, dried or eaten fresh.


Not only delicious, but also a very healthy fruit. It contains vitamins of group B, A, C, H, P, E, as well as boron, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, potassium and other useful substances.

Regular consumption of apricots prevents the development of diseases of the endocrine system, removes toxins from the body, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and resistance to infections. In addition, apricots are prescribed for vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the cardiovascular system and obesity.

It is also known that these fruits are very beneficial for people engaged in intellectual activities, as they have a positive effect on all thought processes.

Apricot juice is known for its antibacterial properties, which is why it is widely used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Apricot seeds are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, as well as diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

And it is also worth adding that the calorie content of fresh apricots is small, so their use is indicated even if you are overweight.


One of the earliest berries. It is considered low in calories and does not harm the figure if consumed in moderation.

Cherry contains vitamins of group B, C, E, K, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, manganese, iodine and phosphorus.

When eating cherries, the metabolism is normalized, the work of the heart, liver and even the brain is improved. Cherry is also useful for anemia, arthritis, hypertension, rheumatism, bowel disorders, diabetes, skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis and acne, as well as coughs.

Its berries have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antiseptic and purifying properties.

Most often, sweet cherries are consumed fresh, but they are often added to desserts, pastries, fruit salads and other dishes.


One of the low-calorie and incredibly healthy foods. Blueberries contain vitamins B, C, as well as salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus.

Regular consumption of blueberries normalizes blood sugar levels, has a positive effect on digestion, metabolism and vision. Blueberries have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and astringent properties. Doctors advise using it for the prevention of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

In folk medicine, blueberries are used to restore vision, treat skin and intestinal diseases, as well as urolithiasis.

Fresh green peas

A culture that was very much loved even in Ancient India and Ancient China, where it was called a symbol of wealth and fertility. Today it is one of the most popular products around the world.

And not in vain, because green peas contain vitamins A, B, C, PP, as well as protein and fiber. Of the mineral salts, it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, cobalt and many other useful substances.

Fresh peas are an excellent diuretic. Moreover, it helps to relieve stomach ulcers, but for this you need to eat it in the form of puree.

Peas also prevent the appearance of cancer, heart attack, hypertension, normalize blood sugar levels, participate in metabolic processes in the body and fight aging.

In addition to all of the above, it has a low calorie content and a fast cooking speed.

Mashed potatoes, soups, stews are made from it, and also consumed raw or added to meat and vegetable dishes.


Scientists call the homeland of this fish China. It was there that, in ancient times, carps were prepared for emperors.

Today this fish is loved almost everywhere, as its meat is incredibly tender and sweet. Its disadvantage is bony, and its advantage is the presence of a whole complex of useful substances. Among them: vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, as well as salts of calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, iodine, copper, chromium, nickel, etc.

Carp is especially useful for the spinal cord and brain, as it increases the consumption of oxygen by cells. Moreover, its regular use has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as on the digestive and nervous system.

In addition, carp meat is able to normalize blood sugar levels and participate in metabolic processes in the body.

Doctors advise using it for diseases of the endocrine system, since it has a high iodine content.

Usually the meat of this fish is fried, boiled, stewed or baked. When consumed in moderation, it does not cause obesity.


One of the most popular types of fish. It should be noted that herring is well absorbed by the body and perfectly saturates it with protein. It contains vitamins A, B, PP, D, as well as phosphorus, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine and omega-3 fatty acids. It is the latter that prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases and improve blood flow in the capillaries.

Regular consumption of this fish has a positive effect on vision and brain processes. Doctors advise eating it during pregnancy, and folk healers – for psoriasis.

Also, studies show that the meat of this fish prevents the development of diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma.

And introducing it into your diet helps to increase immunity, improve the nervous system and strengthen bones.

Herring meat is quite fatty and high-calorie, so it should not be overused. Most often it is salted, pickled, smoked, stewed or added to salads.


One of the most popular mushrooms, which got its name from its oily cap.

They have protein, as well as useful amino acids, which, moreover, are perfectly absorbed by the body. Oil contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, as well as iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper and iodine.

But even despite such a large list of useful substances, it is worth remembering that these mushrooms are included in the “risk group of radioactively dangerous mushrooms” because of their ability to accumulate harmful elements.

Butter is rarely used as an independent dish and is almost always an addition to salads, etc. They are boiled, fried, salted, stewed, pickled or dried.


An incredibly tasty and healthy dietary product. Shrimp meat perfectly satisfies hunger without adding extra pounds to the figure.

Shrimp contains vitamins A, B, C, E, K, D, PP, as well as carotene, iodine, copper, calcium and other useful substances.

Regular consumption of shrimp meat has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine, immune, muscular, cardiovascular systems, as well as on bone tissue, hematopoiesis and kidney function.

In addition, shrimp improves the condition of nails, hair and skin and reduces allergies.

Most often, shrimp is fried, boiled, baked or steamed.


A fermented milk product with a high protein content, which is distinguished by the degree of fat content. It is important to remember that fatty varieties are characterized by high calorie content, as opposed to fat-free ones.

Curd contains vitamins A, E, B, P, as well as calcium, iron, zinc, fluorine, magnesium, sodium, copper and folic acid. It is well absorbed and has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as on bone tissue and hematopoiesis processes. However, it is especially appreciated for its ability to restore the body’s strength after prolonged exertion.

Doctors advise eating cottage cheese for hypertension, liver and heart diseases, and folk healers advise making a compress from it for pneumonia and bronchitis.

It is also worth noting that cottage cheese is included in the dietary menu for a variety of diseases and in the diet of baby foods from 5-7 months of age.

Previously, cottage cheese was consumed salty or sweet, adding milk, honey or wine to it. Today, various desserts and pastries are prepared from it.


One of the types of meat that contains a number of useful substances. Among them: vitamins A and B, chromium, zinc, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper, etc.

It is worth remembering that duck meat is very nutritious and high-calorie, as it contains a large amount of fat.

However, its use enhances sexual potency, improves vision and general skin condition. Duck fat helps to cleanse the body of carcinogens, normalize metabolism, and also stimulate potency and improve complexion.

In cooking, duck is fried, stewed, baked, boiled, served with or without sauce. By the way, in order for its specific smell to disappear during the cooking process, 1-2 cut apples are placed in it.


A plant common not only in Russia and the former USSR countries, but also in Europe, America, Africa, etc.

Lemon balm contains vitamins B, C, as well as carotene, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium and other useful substances.

Melissa is widely used in medicine in the treatment of neuroses, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, skin, immunodeficiency and toxicosis.

In addition, lemon balm leaves have been used to treat toothache, bruises and rheumatism since ancient times.

Due to its delicate aroma, lemon balm is used in perfumery.

In cooking, it is added to fish, meat, mushroom dishes, as well as to soups and salads as a spice. In addition, teas are brewed from it, liqueurs and drinks are prepared.

Kedrovыe walnuts

In Russia, cedar nuts are called the kernels of cedar pine seeds.

This product is very useful due to the presence of vitamins A, B, C, E, P, D, as well as macro- and microelements such as copper, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, iodine, boron, cobalt and etc.

Pine nuts are indispensable in the diet of vegetarians, as they make up for protein deficiencies. In addition, they are useful for immunodeficiency disorders, allergies, heart and gastrointestinal diseases.

Pine nut oil contains vitamins A, B, C, E, P, F, as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

Its regular use cleanses the body of toxins, strengthens the nervous system, and participates in metabolic processes.

Doctors advise to use pine nuts for dysbacteriosis and vitamin deficiencies, hypertension and atherosclerosis, as well as during the period of intensive growth of children.

In folk medicine, pine nuts are used for salt deposition, rheumatism, gout, metabolic disorders, hemorrhoids and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Usually these nuts are used as an independent product or added to desserts, baked goods, cottage cheese, muesli, etc.

It is also important to remember that they are high in calories, so they should not be overused.

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