Jumping rope: a set of exercises for a week
Skipping rope exercises for weight loss are a good way to simultaneously pump up the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, shoulders and abdominals. Especially for you, has compiled a set of exercises for the whole week – this is the next stage of preparation for the vacation!
And if you have already returned from vacation, jumping rope will not hurt you all the more. Firstly, you will “shake” the fat folds, and secondly, you will develop coordination and a sense of rhythm.
Exercises with this simple sports equipment, with the right attitude, can be equal to grueling workouts on various simulators. With some preparation, you will be able to do 130 jumps per minute. And in this minute you will burn as many calories as in a five-kilometer jogging.
Exercise 1. Jump high enough to skip the rope below you. Land on your toes. The rope rotates forward. Now do the same, but the rope rotates in the opposite direction.
Exercise 2. Jump on one leg. With each rotation of the rope, change your leg in the jump. Now do the same, but try to pull your knee as close to your chest as possible when changing legs. It will be hard at first – so do not get carried away with the stress.
Plastic rope cuts air easier and therefore moves faster. But the jump rope made from natural materials (flax or soft leather), does not hurt so much if it touches the legs or back. Heavy metal handles help put additional stress on the muscles of the arms and shoulders.
Exercise 3. Place your feet together and visualize a line parallel to your gaze and going through your legs. Start jumping so that each time you land on opposite sides of the imaginary line. Try to increase the amplitude over time.
Exercise 4. To stretch the calf muscles – while lying on your back, lift your leg, throw a rope over the heel and gently pull the leg towards you. Then stand up, take a step back, place your heel on the floor and lean forward slightly. For the shoulders – grasp the rope so that your hands are shoulder-width apart. Then begin to move your arms, as if rowing with one oar alternately from each side.
Exercise 5. Place one foot slightly in front of the other. The meaning of the exercise is to jump out of this position and change the position of the legs in the jump. At the same time, you still skip the rope under you, land in the same position, but your legs have already changed places, now there should be a leg in front that was in the back. If you wish, you can change legs every 2 or 3 jumps.
Exercise 6. For the quads, while lying on your stomach, place the rope over your right ankle. Take both handles in your right hand and gently pull your heel towards your buttocks. For the muscles of the buttocks – while lying on your back, pull your left knee towards your chest. Fold the rope in half and slide it over your shin. Pull the rope towards you gently.
Exercise 7. Jump on two legs, then cross your arms at waist level (it turns out that you are crossing the rope), on the next jump, return your arms to their original position. Repeat 20 times.
Before starting a workout always need to warm up without a skipping rope – jump in place for a minute. After that, you need to slightly stretch the muscles of the legs and abs. For training, it is best to wear sneakers that stabilize the foot and protect it from injury. You can jump on a wooden floor, plastic or carpet. Concrete or tiles are strictly prohibited.
Exercise 8. We change legs by crossing the rope. We try to spend as little time as possible in contact with the surface.
Exercise “just in case.” It’s good to do it in between others. It will keep your muscles cool. Take both handles in your right hand and begin to rotate the rope, first from the right side, then try to describe “eights” with it, rotating the rope from the left to the right.
Move the handles to your left hand and continue the exercise. Then take the rope with both hands and repeat all the rotations again. To move on to jumping, just spread your arms to the sides – and start jumping.
On weekends, do not be lazy and forget about the rope. Get out to the park or beach and start your workout!
Exercise 9. You jump on two legs, but not strictly vertically, but alternating alternate jumps forward and backward. You must jump as far as possible without losing your balance and pace.
While jumping push off with your whole foot. Jumping on tiptoes does not allow for a sufficiently efficient use of energy and worsens the development of the ankle muscles. It is best to jump to the rhythmic cheerful music. Ideal – audio recording for aerobics with a tempo of 130 beats per minute.
Exercise 10. During one jump, try to skip the rope under you two or even three times.
Backfill exercise. Stand in the starting position with your legs crossed (one in front of the other), from this position you jump out, and during the jump you change your legs, land in a similar position, but the leg that was in front of you is now behind.
Based on materials from the site