Jumping fitness: what is it and what is it for?

We will tell you what jumping fitness is and why trampoline training is needed

Jumping fitness is a popular type of aerobic training that allows you not only to get your body in good physical shape, but also to cheer you up. Classes are held on special hexagonal trampolines with a diameter of 120–130 centimeters, complemented by a support stand, suitable for people of any age, and in terms of efficiency they are equal to running.

What you need to know about Jumping Fitness?

  1. As a direction of the fitness industry, jumping fitness was formed not so long ago, and this type of training came from the Czech Republic.
  2. In the process of training, trainees are constantly on the move, but do not jeopardize the health of the spine and joints.
  3. Thanks to the special design, the trampoline “works” like the surface of the water, pushing the user up after each landing.
  4. Jumping has no age or gender restrictions, helps relieve stress and is suitable for people who have joint problems.
  5. For jumping on a trampoline, you need comfortable sportswear (preferably tight-fitting) made of well-stretching fabric that wicks moisture away efficiently.
  6. During training, you can drink water (non-carbonated!), And the last meal before class should be at least half an hour before.
  7. You can do fitness on a trampoline at home, the main thing is to purchase high-quality equipment, install it correctly and master the basics of jumping.

Important! For 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline, the body spends as much energy as it takes for a three-kilometer cross. And for an hour-long jumping fitness workout, 500-800 calories are consumed.

Why do you need to do jumping?

Fitness on a trampoline allows you to train with maximum pleasure and causes an extraordinary emotional upsurge, while providing a serious muscle load – about four hundred muscles are activated when performing jumps.

As a result, jumping fitness guarantees:

  • active calorie burning;
  • the formation of the correct;
  • strengthening the muscles of the legs, back, abdomen, buttocks;
  • increased joint flexibility;
  • activation of lymph flow;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improved coordination of movements.

In addition, during the jumps, the vestibular apparatus is trained and practical skills are developed to maintain balance. Therefore, classes on trampolines are relevant in the organization of flight training, complex training of athletes involved in martial arts and team sports.

Features of training on a trampoline

Trampoline training usually takes 60 minutes, and takes place in several stages.

  1. Warm up: 10 minutes – Great for warming up: jumping rope; squats; swing your legs.
  2. Trampoline cardio: 30 minutes – The aerobic part of the training includes single jumps and their combinations, which are performed at low altitude with a landing on a full foot. At the same time, the arms are usually extended along the body, they do not help to maintain balance.
  3. Strength training: 10 minutes – The power block is made up of dynamic exercises based on the rack, jumping on one leg, with the spread of arms and legs, from a squatting / all fours position. And the complexity of the complex depends on the level of training and age of the trainees.
  4. Stretch: 10 minutes – Stretching is performed on the floor, it involves the study of all the muscles involved during fitness.

Important! Jumping fitness is not considered traumatic, but during classes, you must strictly observe safety precautions, remember!

  • only one person can jump on an individual trampoline;
  • you need to land exclusively in the center of the trampoline net;
  • do not keep sharp / heavy / hard objects in the pockets of sportswear;
  • if nausea or dizziness occurs, the training should be stopped.

Trampoline contraindications

Jumping is a dynamic and fairly intense workout, which has a number of contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • eye diseases (glaucoma, cataract);
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes.

To make sure that there are no contraindications, before starting training, it is better to consult a doctor who will assess the state of health and select the optimal load.

Jumping fitness is healthy and fun, so it’s no surprise that the popularity of such training is constantly growing. And in order to exercise with maximum efficiency, without harm to health and in the company of like-minded people, you need to sign up for group training with an experienced instructor.

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