Jump with barbell from support browsing
  • Muscle group: Buttocks
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Quads
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Difficulty level: Professional
Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя
Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя Прыжок со штангой из упора сидя

Jump with barbell from lock-sitting — technique exercises:

  1. Get on your knees with a barbell on the shoulders. If you carry out exercise for the first time, you will have enough of your own weight, without the use of the rod. Exercise can also be performed using the squat rack.
  2. Sit down so that the buttocks touching the heels. Socks feet resting on the floor. The head and chest hold it steady.
  3. Run the push with the thighs sufficient in order to bounce and get on his feet. Straighten the spine. Return to starting position.
  4. Complete the required number of repetitions.
exercises for buttocks exercises with a barbell
  • Muscle group: Buttocks
  • Type of exercises: Basic
  • Additional muscles: Thighs, Calves, Quads
  • Type of exercise: Power
  • Equipment: Rod
  • Difficulty level: Professional

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