Jump rope, sex and 6 more activities that will replace 1 hour of running

We are looking for worthy alternatives!

When it comes to sports, here most of us immediately have legs: there are many excuses, then there is no time, then there is no strength, desire, motivation … Therefore, most often we choose fast, but effective exercises! The most motivated people do not neglect regular workouts, among which, it seems, is a panacea for all ills – running! But in the current rhythm of life, it is true that it is not always possible to devote an hour or more to running. And what, then, is equivalent in efficiency to replace it?

Calorie Burning Alternative: Bicycle

This method is suitable for introverts and home workers who do not like gyms at all and are ready to buy an exercise machine at home rather than go for a run in the fresh air. On average, an hour’s run will burn 600 calories. An exercise bike will help you achieve the same results. So if running isn’t yours, then pedal!

Exercise: rider and chair

These two exercises are as effective as running. Only now they will take less time.

Exercise rider: you stand up straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders and squat a little. Keep your back straight all the time, and collect your hands in a lock. It is enough to hold out for 7-10 minutes to achieve an effect equal to an hour’s run.

Exercise high chair: everything is simple, you take a pose as if you are sitting on a chair. For convenience, you can lean your back against the wall. In this position, you need to hold out as long as possible. And then 2 more of the same approaches! The tension should be felt in the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, and legs. Yes. This is hard. But you were looking for alternatives to running !?

The nicest way: sex

You can replace an hour of running without sportswear and grueling exercise. All you need is a man! Scientists from Canada have found that three intercourse a day for 20-25 minutes can burn as many calories as an hour’s jogging. So, training can be combined with pleasure. Losing weight has never been so enjoyable!

Rhythmic and musical way: dancing

This option is for those who have a lot of time, but do not have the desire and love for running, and the words “plank”, “chair” and “rider” immediately make their head spin. If you dance for 2,5 hours, you can burn as many calories as you would burn in an hour of running. Only dancing is much more pleasant, you must agree! Now to the disco not only for fun, but also for a beautiful figure.

Most unusual method: cold shower

Agree, a very controversial option. But you can’t argue with numbers: in 9-10 minutes of a cold shower, the body will spend as many calories as during an hour’s run. Everything happens due to the release of energy in order to warm the chilled body. In general, an option for extreme lovers!

Jumping rope

In terms of efficiency, an hour on the rope is equal to an hour of running. An option for those who do not like to run or have restrictions for this. But only jumps will help to pump what is not always within the power of running. And the load on the joints from such activity is much less. But you will perfectly pump endurance, strength and speed! We bet ?!


If running keeps the muscles in good shape, then swimming, on the contrary, relaxes them, relieves tension. In this case, the body acquires a beautiful relief, fit. Of course, in terms of efficiency, an hour of running outperforms an hour of swimming, but if time permits, then be sure to include water training in your bodybuilding program!

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