For her, the need to do art has always been obvious. Her talents seem inexhaustible: a world-famous actress, an artist (she is preparing her exhibition), next autumn Juliette is preparing to dance in London, in a play by choreographer Akram Khan … She embodies success in every sense of the word and always plays a major role in her own life. With captivating simplicity, Juliette Binoche agreed to share with the readers of Psychologies the keys to her inner well-being.
Express your talent
For her, the need to do art has always been obvious. Her talents seem inexhaustible: a world famous actress, an artist (she is preparing her exhibition), next autumn Juliette is preparing to dance in London, in a play by choreographer Akram Khan…
“As a child, I felt lost in the harsh world of school grades, endless do’s and don’ts. In addition, due to constant traveling and parting in my family, I could not learn to read at the same time as my peers. My salvation was the school yard — there I was happy, I felt alive, I could give free rein to my imagination and invent all sorts of other lives for myself. (Laughs) And friends. The game has been my lifeline. At the age of 17, I staged Eugene Ionesco’s play The King Dies at the school theater — and when the performance ended, I felt with absolute clarity: this is mine. Although I did not yet know whether I would act, stage performances or paint scenery, the theater for me meant living in a family, all together. I realized my deep desire: to share with others what I have inside, through art.
I grew up in an acting family that was constantly at war with material problems, but always lived with this thirst for art. Today, having worked as an actress for so many years, I want to discover and give myself to something new. This desire to dance surprises even me. Everything turned out very simply: about two years ago, during a regular massage session, my masseuse asked: “Do you want to dance?” I answered: “Yes.” She answered so, without a second thought, she simply said how she felt. But it turned out that the masseuse is married to the famous English choreographer Akram Khan! Now, if then I began to argue: “Well, I don’t know how to dance” or “I have never done this in my life,” I would never have dared to take such a step.
Be responsible for your choice
The film by Leo Carax «Lovers of the New Bridge» was filmed for two and a half years. Entirely immersed in filming, Juliette abandoned many other film projects at that time. Today, she still considers it especially important to listen to herself …
“Choosing a film is not that difficult, despite all the questions and dilemmas. The most difficult thing is to relate the different aspects of my life to each other, to find harmony between the roles of the actress, mother and lover. Here you become the director of your life, and each of your decisions entails important consequences. This is sometimes a dizzying number, a test of intuition, which you have to rush into with the hope that everything will be fine when you refuse a film or decide to star in it. The life of an actor passes in instability, in passion, in search. No year is like another. Sometimes you have to think hard about how to find at least some balance in all this in order to give children a sense of confidence, the strength of life — from an emotional and social point of view. Sometimes I feel like I’m moving through life on pointe shoes, looking for support in a dizzying chaos. To hold on, you need strength and you need to understand where the sky is, where the earth is, otherwise you will not stand!
I had periods of terrible allergies, and with it severe doubts, mental fatigue, loss of strength, when I generally wanted to quit everything and stop playing altogether. But then you make a choice — and in a moment everything becomes clear. Regret is just a form of sadness, but it has a very different effect. It is worth remembering that a choice is a choice and, once made, there is no going back. The same is true in love. If you said “yes” to another person, or to another yourself, or to your own “I”, there can be no more regrets.”
Learn from your children
Juliette is the mother of two children, Raphael, 14 (his father is professional diver André Alle), and Hannah, 8. With her father, actor Benoit Magimel, Juliette Binoche broke up. “When I was 11 years old, I was already imagining how someday I would have a son, before going to bed I talked to him, imagined what an ideal upbringing I would give him: no weapons, no shooting games, I will drive museums… Twenty years later it all looked a little different! (She laughs.)
I had a very early maternal instinct. There were a lot of dolls, but not Barbie. From my sister and cousins, I got broken dolls, I laid them out on the bed, played in the hospital, repaired them. And sometimes they became vagrants who had to be sheltered, fed and treated.
I confess that I admire how my children help me to truly become a mother. I grow up with them. Children are the best school of life. I think they taught me how to speak. In my youth, I was quite squeezed, I didn’t know how to express my feelings in words, especially if it happened to part.
listen to your body
For many years, Juliette has been using organic products and practicing Pilates. She is treated with homeopathic remedies, uses alternative medicine and left her native Paris for the opportunity to live in nature.
“My life is subject to some discipline. While exercising my body, I try not to separate consciousness and physical sensations: when you do exercises, you need to think that thoughts do not wander somewhere far away, but fill your movements. I have been familiar with bioproducts since childhood — they were eaten in my family. But at the age of 15, I ended up with my sister in Paris, we had neither time to cook nor money, and we mainly bought canned food. And three years later, I began to notice that this is reflected in my health. I realized that the body sends us signals, this is a kind of language that needs to be deciphered constantly. I was treated with conventional drugs, but then I was forced to look for another way. That’s how I discovered homeopathy, acupuncture… I try to treat children with homeopathic remedies, although I’m not fanatical about it. And the quality of the air we breathe is very important to me. We live outside the metropolis, I chose this green corner for children. And I just need to feel the change of seasons and know that the forest is somewhere nearby.
To tell the truth
She always strives to be accurate — both in life and in roles. Everyone who worked with her testifies: she gives everything to others without a trace, with great professional honesty.
“In order to build your personality, you need truthfulness. This is the main condition for coexistence with oneself. The truth is not an easy road that leads us forward on its own, but it cannot be bypassed. Lately, if I had to lie, it was only in response to the question of whether I had seen this or that film. I am both embarrassed and irritated by this, and I don’t want to demonstrate my ignorance at all … and I say that, of course, I watched. (Laughs) Actually, I don’t watch many films.
I try to encourage in my children the desire to tell the truth. A lot of things are allowed in our house: breaking glasses and plates, dirtying or losing things, but I am very vigilant in everything that concerns words. Lies are an internal brake, our fears and fears block us. But if we openly confront them, these fears make us grow, courage gives strength.
Acting is a wonderful exercise in truthfulness. When you are truthful, your performance is accurate, the audience follows without analyzing, because they are not being manipulated. There are different styles of play, but the truth is out of style. Sincere play rules out any form of manipulation.»
Protect your heart connections
Juliette gives her fees from filming in advertising to the association for helping children in Cambodia. She believes that personal assistance is more effective than high-profile collective campaigns.
“I remember once, after a long quarrel, my sister came to the shooting of Country of My Scull She had an idea to make a documentary about the era of reconciliation. I, of course, agreed. This movie helped us rediscover the heartfelt connection we had created together.
I have a very close friend, almost a sister. I met her not so long ago, but between us immediately there was some kind of interpenetration. She teaches me a lot. My other teachers are some of my theater teachers. These are people who can see for real, with them I enter into resonance, and this helps me move forward, develop. At the same time, I remain a “free electron”: I have strong friendships, but I do not depend on them. I need a heart connection. I have a need to love, but without dependence. And since I am demanding of myself, then I am demanding of others too. I need spiritual support, without it I cannot survive in life. And the people I work with tend to give me a lot more than I expect.»
Talk to the invisible
The title of her handbook is Dialogues with an Angel* and she looks to many spiritual traditions for inspiration. Today, a new subject of her interest is the physical properties of time.
“Since childhood, in the most natural way, I have retained the feeling that in addition to the visible, there is another, invisible world around us. Although sometimes it turns out that I move away from him. When I was a teenager, during periods of spiritual decline, I happened to find myself very far from him.
To be an actress means to turn to someone other than yourself, to the highest silence, because you alone cannot cope with this work. And in these moments of loneliness, no director will help: he is busy with other things. Then I speak to my angel: if I do not know what to do, I ask him for courage to decide to step forward, even if I get awkward. Angels are great helpers. And our job is to find the right words that will be heard, and to feel a response in the soul that will give strength to move forward, surpassing ourselves.”
* G. Mallasz «Dialogues with the angel», Aubier-Montaigne, 1994.
Private bussiness
- Photo Shoot:
- Capital Pictures,
- 1964: March 9 was born in Paris, in an artistic family.
- 1985: Hail Mary by Jean-Luc Godard; «Date» by Andre Teshine.
- 1988: «The Unbearable Lightness of Being» by Philip Kaufman.
- 1993: César Award for his role in Three Colours: Blue by Krzysztof Kieślowski. Birth of son Rafael.
- 1997: Oscar for his role in Anthony Minghella’s The English Patient.
- 2000: «Code unknown» by Michael Haneke. Birth of daughter Hannah by Benoit Magimel.
- 2001: «Chocolate» by Lasse Hallström.
- 2005: «Maria» by Abel Ferrara.
- 2006: «A Few Days in September» by Santiago Amigorena.
- 2007: «Hacking and Intrusion» by Anthony Minghella.
- 2008: Flight of the Red Balloon by Hu Hsiao-Sen; «Paris» by Cedric Klapisch; «Summertime» by Olivier Assaya; «Disengagement» by Amos Gitai.