Julia Wang’s 10 Predictions for 2019

The feeling of anxiety at least once in a lifetime, but visited any person. And will visit more than once. Especially in this unstable world, the future is worrying. Obligations to aging parents, growing children, unfinished family homesteads. I want to do everything in my lifetime, preferably in my own.

Predicting the future makes it possible to “lay a straw”, if everything is already predetermined, there may be a chance to prioritize urgent matters, and finally write a sensible will.

But these are all trifles compared with the expectation of the future on the scale of the state or, even larger, of the whole world. Many people undertake to predict the future of Russia. This, in part, speaks of the professionalism of the prophet, his horizons. About the connection of a medium with spiritual practices and their own powerful volitional attitudes.

Of course, one should not trust one hundred percent and fanatically predictions. There is nothing even to discuss here. But it is definitely worth listening, drawing some conclusions, discussing with relatives and colleagues.

The predictions of a gifted clairvoyant are especially interesting. Julia herself stated that she is the Spirit of Chaos when she is magic and spirit in a human body.

The girl was born in a family rich in miracles, and from childhood she was unusual and original. The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” contest has reliably proven her connection with magic and the ability to predict.

The Spirit of Chaos literally recommends the following:

10 The decline in the income of Russians

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The citizens of Russia will have to tighten their belts, but not as much as before. The decline in income continues, which negatively affects the quality of life. An increase in the retirement age, an increase in the price of food and basic necessities.

The introduction of new taxes on utility bills, on self-employment, gasoline really makes us set priorities and rethink the already familiar way of life in a new way.

Financial literacy training in families is carried out. Slowly but optimistically. In addition, economic instability in people leads to a craving for the earth. Pets are bred. Good, solid, life-affirming skills that will undoubtedly come in handy in the future, even if it turns out to be much brighter and more rosy than Julia predicts.

9. Unemployment

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The world community will face unemployment. Of course, it makes sense to analyze this forecast for each country separately.

But it is already obvious that the number of work visas around the world is declining. Many countries accept emigrants with degrees and professions that are in demand in the host market. And of course, with excellent knowledge of English. It’s not even discussed.

Entrepreneurs must prove the transparency of their business and have a financial cushion in case of “burnout”. Thus, unemployment, poverty and violations of law and order are prevented.

At present, it will not be possible to abruptly “take” and move to live in another country. Such a decision requires careful and thorough preparation.

8. Big business problems

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

Large entrepreneurs will go through hard times. Data on this issue will be harder than ever to obtain. More often this information will come up in connection with scandals.

But it is better, to the extent of modest forces, to remain optimistic. Where business is successful, taxes are paid. This means that the Russians will not have to tighten their belts.

7. Prosperity of small and medium business

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

Small and medium businesses will avoid falling and head for prosperity. A wonderful prognosis in every respect. New company – new jobs. New opportunities will appear for families who have lost confidence in the future.

Small business always develops close to the consumer. This means that the product is always fresh, always in demand, and there is an opportunity to avoid wholesalers, which makes the pricing policy for products quite soft, and this cannot but please a potential consumer.

6. Reshaping the financial and economic spheres

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The financial and economic sectors are now in an interesting position, as they are waiting for fever and restructuring. Success or failure in these areas are directly related.

A simple person, not convicted of power, can only hope that these departments are headed by professionals who are vitally interested in success and prosperity.

5. Gradual strengthening of the ruble

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The foreign exchange market will demonstrate sharp fluctuations in rates, not always in favor of the ruble. The ruble is moderately strengthening, one might even say that it is relatively stable.

The dollar continues to “demonstrate” strength. The reasons are known. Correctness in the discussion of this issue does not hurt. Chickens are counted in the fall – this is what folk wisdom recommends to do and think.

4. Decrease in gasoline prices in Russia

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

Gasoline prices will fall in Russia, but will continue to grow rapidly abroad. According to official sources, from January 21, 2018 to February of this year, prices have decreased and are kept at the same level from February 11 to this day at the level of 45,49 rubles per liter, on average in Russia.

3. There will be no third world

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The third world war will clearly not start in 2019, but will continue to threaten the world.

In Russia, the military potential is being strengthened, innovative weapons units are appearing. The goal is to prevent the destruction of civilization.

2. Local hotbeds of conflicts

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

local conflicts. What can be said about them? Old conflicts will begin to be resolved, but new ones will continue to flare up, including those dangerous for Russia. Limited war, low intensity conflict.

1. World War III could start after 2019

Julia Wangs 10 Predictions for 2019

The danger is that internal wars are not only fraught with great human losses, they undermine the economic situation of the country and lead to the impoverishment of the nation, and most importantly, because they can become the same impetus for flaring up a third world war.


The psychic’s predictions have no scientific justification; at the end of the year, every person, whether a man or a woman, will have the opportunity to analyze what really came true.

In this situation, it is worth paraphrasing the folk wisdom a little – “hope for a clairvoyant, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

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