Julia Vysotskaya: recipes, photos, latest news 2018
At a lecture titled “Rebooting” Yulia told how you can eat everything, cook a lot and still not get fat.
– Everyone is used to the fact that I usually act in the guise of a person who cooks. Someone, on the contrary, knows me as an actress. And this is correct, since I first took place as an artist, and then I started to cook.
Today we will talk about what and when to eat. I am not a nutritionist, not an athlete, not a doctor or even a psychotherapist. Why am I taking the liberty to speak with this expertise and am going to tell you what to eat when? First, because you endlessly ask: “How can you cook so much and not get fat?” Secondly: “How can you work so much and have so much energy?”
Happiness does not depend on the number of kilograms
Women all the time think about what to eat in order to lose weight. We are looking for more and more new ways to be irresistible, because female beauty in our minds is closely related to the number of kilograms that we have. But the number of kilograms is not at all a guarantee of attractiveness and happiness. We need to think more about how we feel. Of course, these sensations are made up not only of the physical state, but also of the emotional.
How can I improve it? First, understand what we really want. For example, I know that I want to do only what brings me pleasure. Something that I do, I do at least 120%, and preferably 1200%. And I love myself and respect for the way I function, how I work, communicate with people, achieve the goals that are in front of me. I want to be an effective person. Effectiveness is not only an emotional urge, not just motivation. My effectiveness directly depends on my physiology. If I want to continue to be an in-demand actress, I must always stay fit and attractive. Not only should I be of one size or another, but I also have to jump and not choke, my face should at least fit into the frame and be fresh. So, in order for my instrument to function, I must always be in a great mood.
We cannot live without a reward
There is nothing worse than the abbreviation HLS. The expression “healthy lifestyle” affects me like a red rag bull. It implies proper nutrition. What does it mean? Complete absence of sugar, alcohol, spicy, fatty, salty, high-calorie, flour, coffee, chocolate … Lack of happiness and joy! Has anyone tried giving it all up? I – yes! And I just think days, weeks, months are wasted. It’s good that not years. An absolutely wasted time, when the body did not understand at all what was happening to it, was in complete panic and began to stock up like a madman. Because instead of a reward, we give him 10 kilometers of jogging and another hour of power yoga. What did I look like while doing this? Precisely not like a woman of dreams: with huge bruises under my eyes, and it was impossible to come closer than two meters to me, because I bit very hard. We cannot live without a reward, we are so made. For some, this is a new dress, for others, a trip to warm countries … We must have a beacon ahead.
There is nothing worse than the abbreviation HLS. The expression “healthy lifestyle” affects me like a bull red rag
What do we do most often? Holiday the day after tomorrow, we do not eat anything, scotch tape on our mouth. What do we get in the end? Losing weight? No. From improper nutrition, water is retained, we swell. We give a load in the gym – the body is in shock, it begins to store fats. We will talk about such a nutritional system in which the body will not experience stress. What is a reboot? This is when all the joys are removed – salty, fatty, sweet and so on, but they are not removed forever. There is no other way. Remember all mono-diets – how many people ruined their metabolism, planted kidneys and liver.
The best nutritionist is your body
First, let’s figure out what a diet is. Diet is our diet and what we eat. I am on a diet, which means that I am on a certain diet, I observe discipline. I understand that if I have a performance today, then I will not be able to drink champagne with a friend until one o’clock the night before. It is desirable to be in this order all the time. But it happens that you get so tired that you no longer understand what you ate – some kind of drying, bread with butter and cheese. And where are my boiled vegetables? It seems that I even brought them with me, but I don’t have the strength for boiled vegetables. Give joy! This happens to everyone, but such nutrition should by no means become the rule. This is your discipline. Apparently, I have already reached the level where you understand what you will have for it. This is the choice we are talking about.
You cannot change your meals on the same day from Monday, but you can and should come to this. To do this, you must listen to yourself very honestly and carefully. If you understand that you cannot do, for example, without chocolate, then buy good chocolate and determine how much chocolate you will be happy with, but it will not harm your figure. No need to mock yourself: your best dietitian is your body. But first you need to establish all the processes, cleanse the body, and then eat intuitively correctly.
I have tried everything on myself – both mono-diets and detox. But over time, I came to what I call a reboot. My reboot cycle is 7 days.
First two days we do not let the body know that we are under stress. We eat a lot of fiber, complex carbohydrates. We got it into our heads that you can’t eat carbohydrates, but that’s wrong. Nothing provides as much energy as carbohydrates. Give the athlete a piece of meat, and he will not run anywhere. He needs pasta, rice, and so on. For these first two days, we eat slow growers and a lot of fiber. We need the body to relax, calm down. And we remove fat from the diet as much as possible. Thus, reminding that the body has an intestine that needs to be turned on. This is a very short period for the body to get into a stupor and enter the “I am stocking up” state.
And then our favorite proven topic, when we add protein to fiber: chicken, beef. Just don’t eat this boring boiled chest, this is generally already the last century. You can bake it whole and remove the skin. But even if you eat a small piece of skin, there is nothing to worry about. because there is nothing worse than fanaticism. You cannot live without chocolate – eat, just determine how much and when. Understand that chocolate at night is at least insomnia, at least for me. A piece of chocolate in the morning with coffee – please. And since this is not a forbidden fruit for me, there is no shaking in it for me, and thus food does not turn into some kind of fetish for me. Which means “when I can’t, I want it permanent.”
28 days are enough for the formation of correct habits and readjustment of the body
After the second phase, when the muscle tissue has started to work, comes the most pleasant third – it consists of three days. We add good fat. Avocados, any vegetable oil, preferably cold pressed, nuts, of course without salt and sugar. Since we’re not talking about throwing a cocktail party right now, we’re talking about a reboot. Again, we keep a small amount of slow carbs in all three phases. You are used to living on porridge – you are great, because porridge, like sauerkraut, is more our property. But eat cereals with the maximum amount of fiber. Semolina porridge – there is no fiber in it, there is just as little of it in millet, but it has another amazing property – it is a good antioxidant, and it contains a large amount of alkali. It relieves acidity in the body. That is, if we eat a little millet in the morning in the protein phase in the morning, it will restore the alkaline balance. The same is buckwheat. The main thing is that at this moment it is good to understand that now we are establishing a balance in the body in order to work as well as possible again and get a thrill from life. In total, 28 days are enough for the formation of correct habits and readjustment of the body.