
Do not part with a notebook and a pen — this seems to be the main principle of the unusual diet of the writer Julia Cameron. She noticed: as soon as a person blossoms creatively, he is also transformed physically. And offers several tools based on written practice to help you build. Indeed, if we can drown out feelings with food, then why not do the opposite and drown out our appetite with words?

1. Morning pages. This is the main method of unlocking creativity. And long-term successful weight loss — too. Every morning you have to sit down and write three sheets of A4. No «high art»: you just move your pen over paper and write whatever comes to mind. Even the «absence» of thoughts will do. Write about what annoys you, upsets you, worries you, or makes you happy.

Morning pages cannot be written wrong. The daily habit of writing gives us the opportunity to connect with our feelings and reflect on our own thoughts. Moreover, the pages «analyze» all our relationships — not only with people, but also with food.

Emotions that we have long avoided become habitual. Perception is clearer. We break unhealthy addictions and habits that poison our lives. We stop lying to ourselves — and therefore to others. And at the same time we get rid of excess weight.

2. Diary. Unlike morning pages, a food diary should be kept throughout the day, writing down everything you ate, as well as the feelings and emotions that you experienced. This is not necessary in order to condemn yourself, but in order to understand exactly what exactly you ate, in what quantity and, most importantly, why.

For example, you may find that the reason for frequent snacking is the desire to «cloud» the mind and avoid an unpleasant event. Whenever and whatever you want to eat, write it down. Grab your diary at the first hint of an attack of hunger.

Walking is a conscious way to get inspired and connect with the world

With text, you soothe raging emotions and explore your unhealthy addictions. Once you admit to yourself what kind of shadows darken your inner “I”, frighten you and harm you — and they immediately fade, lose their strength..

3. Walks. Daily walks, at least half an hour, give a load not only to the legs, but also to the soul. We tend to consider creativity as an intellectual construction, as something weightless, incorporeal. But creativity is not an incorporeal phenomenon, it is an energy that is awakened largely due to movement, walking.

Walking is a conscious way to gain inspiration and connect with the world. And you don’t have to wait for hard times to go for a walk. In fact, if you walk often enough, you can get rid of almost all the difficult moments in life or significantly mitigate them.

Walking reduces our problems. When we walk, we see things from a broader perspective than they usually appear. We feel that we are not alone in our struggle with problems. There are other, higher powers that protect, guide, and comfort us.

The habit of walking develops in us the art of listening to ourselves, our intuition. Walking enhances what the mystics call «the quiet voice of the soul.» As Saint Augustine noted, solvitur ambulando — «decisions are born on the way.»

Little culinary adventures add flavor to life, because we are not on a diet.

4. Four questions. Julia Cameron suggests asking yourself these questions every time you open the refrigerator or cupboard door in search of something tasty.

The first question is: “Am I hungry?” It turns out that very often the answer to this question is unequivocal: no. No, I’m not hungry, I’m just bored or disappointed, and a slice of cake promises a wonderful culinary adventure.

If you still want to, ask the second question: “Do I want to eat this?” Perhaps you are not at all attracted to this pack of cookies, and would rather eat an apple or a handful of prunes.

The third question is: “Do I want to eat this right now?” Many dieters complain that they get hungry late at night.

And if you find yourself unable to resist the temptation to eat at night, ask yourself the fourth question: “Can I eat something else instead?” In this case, store in the refrigerator products that can be eaten at any time of the day. For example, fruit jelly or light cottage cheese, not a thick creamy dessert.

Through these questions, you do not close your eyes to your own weaknesses, but at the same time reduce possible damage and develop healthier habits.

5. Culinary dates. Once a week, be sure to make forays with a gastronomic bias. It can be a trip to a previously unknown restaurant with a tasting of curious dishes of one or another national cuisine — Italian, Mexican, Jewish … Or a trip to the famous kitchen utensils store. Or a master class with a chef. Or shopping at a farmers market.

Be prepared to face your own resistance when planning a date like this. Remember: this is a very effective way to know yourself, even if it seems frivolous to you. Little culinary adventures give flavor to life, because we are not on a diet. We comprehend a new, diverse life.

When we understand that our body is a delicate mechanism that needs to be carefully looked after, we realize exactly how to do it.

6. Prevent hunger, discouragement, anger and fatigue. Cameron abbreviated this rule as GUGU. In fact, if we are too hungry, sad and tired, or experiencing strong anger — hello, overeating. But anger, for example, is a spark that can be fanned into a creative fire. Entire books, plays, even operas were written in a fit of anger. Skillfully directed anger is a true magnet for creative endeavors.

So it never hurts to vent our anger on paper by describing everything we feel. In general, this rule works like this: as soon as you notice that you are tired, hungry, engulfed in anger or discouragement, quickly find a way to take good care of yourself.

It can mean anything: eat healthy food, describe your feelings in a journal, meet a friend, even just go to bed early. When we understand that our body is a delicate mechanism that needs to be carefully looked after, then we realize exactly how this should be done.

7. Body friend. This is someone who will always cheer you up in a situation of breakdown and believe in you. He does not criticize or teach you what to eat and when. This is a balanced, objective and at the same time emotionally responsive person with whom you can be frank as much as you like.

Some need a friend who is harsh but fair, others are willing to endure only a gentle approach. Having outlined exactly who you are looking for, ask yourself: is there a person among my acquaintances who fits these requirements?

It is quite possible that you will immediately understand who it is. Call him, explain your plan and ask him to help you. If no one immediately comes to mind, you will have to be patient. A future body friend can sometimes appear from the most unexpected side.

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