Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

For most people who prefer a healthy diet, natural fruit drinks have become an integral part of the daily diet. Pear juice for the winter through a juicer is distinguished by the maximum set of useful substances, and to prepare it, it will take quite a bit of time and effort.

How to cook pear juice in a juicer

Many housewives use a juicer when harvesting natural juice for the winter, since this device makes work easier, and as a result, more juice is obtained than when using a juicer.

Important tips from experienced chefs:

  1. As ingredients, you can use pears of any variety. It is important that the fruits are ripe, without signs of spoilage, rotting processes. Since the drink from unripe fruits is distinguished by a small amount of sugar, aromatic and healthy components. And when using overripe fruits, sugar, acids break down, and biologically active substances are lost.
  2. Before cooking, it is necessary to wash each pear separately with special care. Then chop, but not finely, because during the cooking process the pear will turn into mashed potatoes and clog the hole for the juice to drain.
  3. When cooking, use utensils made of enamel, glass or stainless steel.
  4. Sugar can be omitted, since the juice obtained as a result of such processing is sweet and aromatic.
  5. Preservation jars and lids must be thoroughly washed with hot water and baking soda and sterilized.

Properly made pear juice in a juicer retains all the beneficial properties of fresh fruits and has a fruity aroma and taste.

Benefits of making juice from pears in a juicer

A juice cooker is considered a convenient and fairly simple kitchen appliance, the principle of which is to heat fresh fruits with steam and separate the juice under high temperature.

The device consists of a container designed for water, which forms steam during the heating process, a container for collecting juice, a lattice fruit pan, a lid and a tube through which liquid flows.

Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

To prepare natural pear juice in a juice cooker for the winter, you need to put the prepared fruits in a sieve pan, add sugar. After that, fill the lower part of the device with water to the level recommended by the manufacturer, insert a container for collecting juice, close the pot with pears with a lid and send it to the stove. Substitute a jar under the tube, which, after filling with juice, close using sterile lids.

Advice! The first 300 g of the drink is recommended to be used immediately, since this liquid does not have the necessary degree of sterility. The rest of the juice can be safely rolled into jars.

The undeniable advantages of such a kitchen appliance as a juicer include:

  • versatility due to simple design;
  • safety and convenience in work;
  • a process that does not require constant presence, and products during manipulation do not need to be added, they should be initially loaded into the compartment intended for these purposes;
  • ease of care – the device can be washed in the dishwasher, unlike other wringer food processors that need manual cleaning;
  • the product that is obtained as a result can be immediately rolled into jars without sterilizing them, and the pulp remaining from the pears can be used to make marmalade, mashed potatoes.

Therefore, it is possible to combine a tasty and healthy product that could be preserved for a long period. It is enough to purchase such a kitchen appliance and learn how to use it, as well as arm yourself with pear juice recipes for the winter through a juicer.

Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

Pear juice in a juicer for the winter according to a classic recipe

Juices sold in packages on store shelves can contain an extremely large amount of preservatives and sugars, the use of which will lead to a deterioration in health rather than improvement. In order not to worry about the correct choice of store products, you need to make the desired drink yourself in order to clearly know its composition and adjust the amount of certain additives in accordance with taste preferences.


  • pears;
  • sugar.

How to prepare a natural product:

Chop the washed pears into medium-sized slices and place in a compartment with holes. Pour water into the lower compartment using filtered or spring water. Install a tier for the accumulation of juice and at the very top – a compartment with pear fruits. Place a drink container under the straw. Cover the juice cooker with a lid and set to boil. Liquid will start to drip after about 20 minutes.

After the process is completed, the juicer can be removed from the heat.

Pour the finished product into a separate pan and boil, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil again.

Then fill the jars with the resulting drink, close the lids and hide under the blanket until completely cooled.

Guided by this basic recipe, competently performing all the steps of an entertaining process, you can make pear juice through a high-quality juice cooker, which will really compete with factory-made store products.

Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

Natural apple-pear juice (at home). Apple pear jam.

Apple and pear juice in a juicer for the winter

The simultaneous ripening of pears and apples makes it possible to prepare tasty, nutritious, natural juice for the winter. In addition, this combination of fruits will reduce the risk of bacterial growth, as a result, preservation will have a longer shelf life. And this is also a significant savings for the family budget, because the purchase of pears, apples at the autumn fair for a penny will make it possible to please all family members all year round.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • 3 kg of pears;
  • 3 kg of apples;
  • sugar to taste.

The main processes in the preparation of apple-pear juice in a juicer:

  1. Fill the container at the bottom of the machine with water according to the instructions.
  2. Send the device to the stove.
  3. Wash the pears and apples, remove the seeds, cut into slices and put in a lattice container in the upper part of the apparatus.
  4. Sprinkle sugar on top of fruits.
  5. Place the container with the contents in the device and, as soon as the water boils, close the lid.
  6. The collection process takes about 1 hour.
  7. The collected juice should be drained using a tube into jars, after sterilizing and drying them. Then close with lids. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket until they cool completely.

Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

Pear juice for the winter through a juicer with the addition of citric acid

Хорошая идея заготовить полезный напиток из груш в домашних условиях, который будет прекрасной альтернативой покупным сокам. Его неоспоримое преимущество в богатом наборе минеральных веществ и витаминов, которые помогают бороться со многими болезнями. В этом рецепте компоненты нужно брать, ориентируясь на вкусовые предпочтения.


  • pear;
  • sugar;
  • lemon acid.

Step-by-step instructions for making natural pear juice in a juicer:

  1. Wash ripe pears well. Divide small fruits into quarters, large ones into 6-8 parts.
  2. Pour water into the lower part of the juicer, put a tier for the accumulation of fruit liquid and fill the upper part with prepared pears. Lower the tube with the clamp into the container. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the contents until the pears stop emitting liquid. This process takes 1,5 hours. Drain the first part of the outgoing juice back into the juice cooker, then remove the clamp so that the liquid itself flows into the substituted container.
  3. The resulting product must be brought to the desired taste with citric acid and sugar, focusing on your preferences. After that, boil the composition and pour it into jars, roll it up, turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and let the preservation cool completely for several hours.

Juice from curds in a juicer for the winter

How to store pear juice

Чтобы грушевый сок через соковарку оставался годным к употреблению как можно дольше, следует соблюдать определенные правила. Хранить полученный продукт нужно в прохладном, темном помещении, температурные показатели которого составляют не больше 10 градусов, а уровень оптимальной влажности – 75%. Только так заготовка на зиму сохранит все витамины и полезные вещества в течение всего года.


Pear juice for the winter through a juicer is one of the ways to replenish the supply of vitamins for all family members, as well as improve mood, give vigor. And the taste and aroma of the product will surely diversify any table.

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