Judo for children: at what age training, classes
To become a professional in the martial arts, you need to practice for at least 10 years. Therefore, judo for children starts at the age of 7-8. Young children are also taken to sports sections, but the kids are not able to master complex techniques, so their classes are reduced to general physical training.
This type of single combat differs from other martial arts in that strikes are prohibited in it and the number of painful holds is limited, but suffocation maneuvers are allowed. Judo can be practiced not only by boys, but also by girls. They sometimes achieve great sporting success.
Judo for children – training match in the kids club
All judo commands are given in Japanese. To get a victory, you need to score more points than your opponent. Each move is assessed by a judge. For example, if you put your opponent on both shoulder blades, you can earn the maximum number of points – 10, and get a well-deserved victory. If the opponent becomes unbearably painful, he knocks on the tatami with his hand, this is a sign to end the fight.
There is always a warm-up before starting the lesson. In judo, knees, toes and collarbones are most often injured, so it is important to stretch all joints well before the fight.
Competition and training clothing
At competitions, competitors wear clothes of different colors to make it easier for the judges to distinguish between them. A professional suit for this sport is called a kimono or judoga.
It is forbidden to wrestle without a kimono in judo.
In accordance with the level of skill, the guys are given a belt of a certain color. The black belt is worn by the best masters, and white is given to beginners, there is also yellow, green, brown.
How to choose a judo section and at what age to give a child
The proximity to your home of a sports school or club is a definite plus in choosing, but it should not be the only one. The main indicator that you have sent your child to the right place will be his desire to go to training sessions without missing a beat.
Before you enroll a kid in a section, it is advisable to talk to the trainer, find out how he teaches children, according to what program. Look at the equipment of the hall – there should be special mats on the floor and walls.
The age difference between children of the same group should not exceed 2 years.
Do not rely on the fact that the child will be immediately taught wrestling techniques. First, there is general physical training, then the coach teaches children how to protect themselves from injuries and only then shows the technique of the fight and the techniques of fighting. A child can go to the first competition only after 5 years, or at best after 2 years.
In the judo section, boys and girls from 7-8 years old are accepted, the main thing is the desire to practice. This sport is especially good for active children, they become more balanced and self-confident.