The Jonathan apple tree is one of the gardeners’ favorite varieties. Valued for productivity and unpretentiousness in care, pleases with beautiful ripe fruits with decent taste. Only owners who are familiar with the rules of selection and agricultural technology can see the maximum possibilities of a tree.
The story of
Currently, this variety is not just popular: its varieties can be found in almost any gardener who may not know what exactly is growing in him.
Initially, the Jonathan apple tree was bred by American breeders. According to one version, the author is Rachel Hingley, who gave the tree a name in honor of her husband. It is known that when the variety was obtained, the seeds of the Espopus and Spitzenberg varieties were crossed. In various sources in Our Country, you can find a tree under a different name: Winter Khoroshavka, Winter Red. In Japan, Jonathan’s apple tree is called Kougyoku (Kougyoku).
Description of the Jonathan apple tree with a photo
A wide variety of species forces gardeners to get confused in the characteristics of a tree. To date, about 40 “clones” of the tree are known. The most popular among them are the apple tree Jonathan Gold and Red. If you study the description and photo, you can find both similarities and differences.
tree appearance
The apple tree is medium-sized, with a crown in the form of a ball, but not quite correct. Skeletal branches have different lengths, so it seems that the crown is slightly “flattened” from above. In adulthood, this feature is almost invisible. The color of the branches is brown or greenish.
The fruits are tied on kolchatka or fruit twigs. But it will be possible to harvest from annual growths.

One of the characteristic features of the Jonathan apple tree is the presence of a silvery coating on the leaves.
Unlike its progenitor, the red Jonathan apple tree, the Gold variety is not medium-sized, but vigorous. During the growth period, the crown resembles a wide oval, but as soon as the tree begins to bear fruit, its shape changes to spherical.
It begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting; up to 9-12 kg of apples can be harvested from mature trees aged 40-60 years.

The Jonathan Gold apple crop is a greenish-yellow fruit that turns an orange-red blush as it ripens.
Separately, it is worth paying attention to the tree, which is often called the kidney mutation of the culture. According to the description and photo with reviews, the Jonathan Red apple tree is very similar to the main variety: the crown is medium-sized, not very thickened, rounded. The tree successfully resists frost, produces fruits similar in taste and appearance.
A distinctive feature: the fruits of the Jonared variety are larger and with a brighter color, but the fruits of the Jonathan apple tree are richer in taste characteristics.
Description of fruits
In summer photos, Jonathan apples look very attractive: large, rounded with a slight ribbing and a flat top. The surface of the fruit is even and smooth. The skin is yellow-green during growth, but acquires a reddish blush as it matures.

The weight of each apple in the Jonathan variety can vary from 100 to 150 g
The pulp is dense in structure, but very juicy, beige in color. The aroma of the fruit is pronounced. If you properly store the crop, then you can enjoy it until mid-spring.
Characteristics of the Jonathan apple tree
It should be borne in mind that, regardless of the variety, the characteristics of the trees are similar. The fruits are similar in appearance, apart from a few differences. Therefore, when choosing a seedling, one should rely on general data.
In Jonathan, the ripened flesh can be of various creamy shades, in unripe fruits it is white-green. Wine-sweet taste.
In the Red variety, the sweetness is slightly less pronounced, and in the Gold hybrid there are balanced sweet and sour notes. Some tasters note the presence of an astringent aftertaste.
Terms of maturation
From the moment the seedling is planted in the hole to the first harvest, at least five years must pass. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-September, so the variety is considered to be late winter.
At the moment, the maximum figure is registered – this is 490 kg per tree. On average, gardeners with proper care collect up to 400 kg from each specimen.

A characteristic feature of the Jonathan apple tree is that the more abundant the harvest, the smaller the fruit.
Frost resistance of the Jonathan apple tree
It is impossible to grow a tree throughout Our Country: it does not have sufficient frost resistance. With proper care, the columnar Jonathan apple tree can withstand temperatures as low as -26-28,9 ° C.
Apple Pollinators Jonathan
The variety is partially self-pollinating, so you can refuse to plant other trees in the neighborhood. But then the owner will never see a decent harvest.
It is recommended to place such varieties as Mackintosh, Melba, Wellesley or Idared in the same garden with the Jonathan apple tree.
Growing regions
Despite the wide distribution of the variety in Europe and the USA, a tree cannot be found everywhere on the territory of Our Country. A seedling can successfully take root and bear fruit in the North Caucasus region. There is an apple tree Jonathan winter in Belarus.
Disease resistance
A tree cannot boast of high immunity. Under adverse conditions, it is often affected by powdery mildew. Scab resistance indicators are average, there is a risk of developing bacterial cancer.
Advantages and disadvantages
The variety is valued for the presentation of the fruit and high yield. Thanks to these characteristics, the Jonathan apple tree is grown to collect fruits on an industrial scale.

A characteristic feature of the variety is stable and early fruiting throughout life.
- worthy tasting qualities and a pronounced aroma of pulp;
- good transportability;
- the possibility of long-term storage of fruits (until April inclusive);
- versatility of the use of fruits.
- average frost resistance;
- the need to plant pollinators;
- medium resistance to diseases and pests.
Planting an apple tree Jonathan
The first stage of work is the selection of a quality seedling. It is best to purchase the Jonathan Gold apple variety in specialized stores. On the seedling there should be no foliage on the shoots. The root system of a healthy plant is undamaged, well moistened.
Important! The growth of a Jonathan apple tree seedling should not exceed 1,5 m. The older the tree, the harder it is to take root during transplantation.
The site for cultivation should be chosen warm, well lit by sunlight. The soil on it should be loamy or sandy, fertile.
The optimal time for planting in spring is April, and in autumn it is September or the first weeks of October.
Work algorithm:
- Form a hole so that the roots are spacious. The depth of the pit is at least 70 cm.
- Mix the soil at the bottom of the hole with organic fertilizer.
- Drive a peg for support.
- Install the seedling, cover it with soil. Form a near-trunk circle around it, compact the earth.
- Plentifully water the apple tree, mulch.
Features of care
One of the mandatory steps is watering. The young tree must be protected from the scorching sun. Moisten the soil should be systematic. Watering should be plentiful, but in moderation: the root system must not be allowed to rot. The next day after the procedure, it is recommended to loosen the ground around the trunk.

In the first 2-3 years after planting, the tree does not need top dressing, and then complex funds must be applied to the soil three times per season.
Particular attention should be paid to preparing for winter. If the temperature in the region drops below -15 ° C, then wrap the tree with agrofibre or spruce. The space around the trunk must be mulched. For this, hay or straw, coniferous needles are suitable.
Trees are pruned in the second year after planting. It should be done annually. It is best to set aside time for this in mid-spring and autumn. All damaged and frostbitten branches are subject to pruning. It is also recommended to thin out the shoots in order to increase the yield.
How to store Jonathan apples
If you place the crop in a refrigerator, where the temperature is + 2-8 ° C, then it will last until March. If these conditions are violated, then dark spots appear on the skin of the fruit. This reduces the taste of the fruit, giving it a bitter taste.
The Jonathan apple tree is one of the worthy varieties that can be grown both for personal use and on an industrial scale. With proper care and proper planting, the gardener will receive a stable harvest every year. Special attention should be paid to the storage of harvested fruits.