Jojoba oil: application for hair, recipes for masks

😉 Hello everyone! From the article “Jojoba oil: application for hair, recipes for masks” you will learn how to restore health and beauty to your hair.

The miraculous power of this oil has been known for a long time – it was known to the Indians under the name “liquid gold”. Despite the development of cosmetology, it is still difficult to find an analogue for this wonderful product that is comparable to it in terms of effectiveness.

The amazing properties of jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a substance obtained by processing flowers, leaves, wood of Chinese Simmondsia. This is an evergreen shrub that does not grow in China, as you might think, but in America, Australia, some countries in Africa and the East.

Jojoba oil: application for hair, recipes for masks

The oil is actively used in cosmetology and pharmacology, it is added to masks and face creams, and medicines. The composition of this amazing substance includes a number of vitamins, valuable minerals, trace elements. It is extremely useful for the hair, as it is capable of:

  • accelerate growth;
  • strengthen the roots;
  • normalize fat content;
  • reduce electrification;
  • saturate with valuable substances and vitamins;
  • restore the structure of the affected curls, especially after curling and dyeing;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • provide effective protection.

Pure use

Liquid Gold is indicated for all hair types, but is especially recommended for oily and dry hair. It can be used as a standalone tool. We recommend the following methods:

Massage. The product is ideal for massage, because it is well absorbed, easy to rinse off, leaves no residue or odor. Before the procedure, the oil is heated to a pleasant temperature, then rubbed into the roots with vigorous movements.

Finally, put on a plastic bag, wrap a towel over your head and leave for 60 minutes. It remains only to rinse the curls with shampoo. Massage is very useful for weakened hair, it can strengthen it, enhance growth, add shine and strength.

Compresses. You can apply the product along the entire length and leave it overnight, wrapping your head in a towel beforehand, or treat only the ends. With the help of such procedures, it is easy to cope with the problem of split ends, to make the curls soft and shiny.

Combing. If the curls are dull, weakened, and began to fall out, you should try this method: grease the comb with oil and use it several times a day.

Hair mask recipes

Oil is useful not only in its pure form. It is good to add it to caring products, especially shampoos. It is also included in many hair masks that are prepared and applied at home.

Jojoba oil: application for hair, recipes for masks

Before you start choosing the right recipe, read the recommendations:

  1. Hair should be washed and dried before applying the mask to keep it slightly damp.
  2. After applying the mask, cover your head with a cap or wrap it in a towel.
  3. You cannot constantly use the same mask – the formulations must be changed.
  4. At the end of the procedure, the hair should be washed with shampoo.
  5. The course of using masks is 1-2 months. Then you should take a break of several months.

Jojoba oil is a common ingredient in masks, so recipes are easy to find. For example, to 2 tablespoons of oil you can add:

2 tbsp. l. burdock oil. Warm up a little, massage the scalp, leave for no more than 40 minutes. An excellent nourishing mask.

Essential oils of orange, grapefruit (3 drops), chamomile (2 drops), vitamins A, E in solution (5 drops). Apply to skin and full length of hair for 50 minutes. A charge of vitamins for the health and beauty of curls.

1,5 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. ordinary mustard. Smear the roots, apply the remainder to the hair, wait 20 minutes. Stimulates growth.

1 tbsp. l. honey. The impact is made on the roots and the entire length of the hair, the composition is left for half an hour. Makes curls shiny, restores and nourishes them. ATTENTION! This product, unlike the others, is used before washing.

1,5 tbsp. l. honey, the yolk of one small egg. Apply to full length for half an hour. Restoration and strengthening of weakened curls.

2 tbsp. l. honey, the yolk of one egg, half a teaspoon of propolis. Rub into skin, leave for an hour. Eliminates dandruff.

All your hair needs!

Sometimes serious problems arise with hair, but liquid gold oil can solve almost any of them. All that remains is to choose the appropriate method, select the recipe – and enjoy the excellent result!


Jojoba oil: application for the health and beauty of hair

Mask with jojoba oil for hair. Jojoba oil for hair, recipe, application, review.

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