Arthritis mostly affects older people, but pain and stiffness can also occur in younger people. The most common reflex to eliminate pain is to buy painkillers. However, it is worth using other home remedies to fight rheumatic pain. We present 8 such methods.
1. Probiotics.There are a lot of harmful bacteria in the digestive system. They can cause inflammation in the body. Probiotics containing microorganisms significantly reduce this condition. The most effective in the fight against bacteria are probiotics Bifidobacterium infantis and those containing bifidobacteria.
2. Omega-3 fatty acids.Doctors constantly praise these extremely beneficial compounds for health. They are found in the largest amounts in marine fish (tuna, salmon, sardine). These precious acids not only support the work of the brain and heart, but also help to significantly reduce joint pain and stiffness.
3. Gamma-linolenic acid.It is found primarily in botanical oils, i.e. oils from evening primrose, borage, blackcurrant seeds. Research by American scientists has shown that the systematic intake of capsules based on oil, e.g. borage oil, can reduce joint pain and even effectively cure arthritis.
4. Spices.Spices are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. The most beneficial for patients are ginger and turmeric. According to doctors, ginger extract effectively inhibits the action of chemicals that cause inflammation in the body.
5. Diet for inflammation.Certain foods can contribute to inflammation in the body. There are also numerous products that effectively soothe it. Therefore, people suffering from rheumatism should include fruits, vegetables, fish, herbs, olive oil, green tea, and whole grains in their diet. Sugar, flour and red meat should be avoided.
6. Hot water.A visit to the swimming pool can effectively alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism. However, you don’t need to wear a bathing suit every day to experience pain relief. Just prepare a hot bath to relieve pain, reduce stiffness and relax tense muscles.
7. Herbal supplements.A lot of anti-inflammatory products are turned into dietary supplements. Such preparations include bromelain, a special enzyme derived from pineapple, and oleanolic acid, which is the composition of olive oil. However, when using dietary supplements, you should be patient because the results may be visible only after 4 weeks of taking.
8. Relax. Stress aggravates many diseases. Therefore, it is very important to unwind and relax properly. The state of bliss and tranquility can be achieved through massages or meditation. According to research, the Tai Chi technique has a very good effect on rheumatic pain. .