Joint ultrasound – indications and the course of the examination

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Joint injuries, sprains or dislocations are serious injuries that leave a permanent mark and can effectively impede movement. In order to assess their condition, find out the cause of their ailments and apply specific treatment, a proper diagnosis is essential. It is impossible to set it up without proper examinations, which should include ultrasound of the joints. What are the indications for its implementation?

The role of joints in the human body

Not everyone knows that joints develop in the human body already in the 6th week of gestation. This is when soft connections are formed between the bones, which in most joints develop already by the 12th week of pregnancy.

Apart from the fact that they are a combination of two adjacent bones, what is equally important, they allow them to move relative to each other. What does it mean? Thanks to the joints, we are able to maintain vertical position of the body and move around. This is why each of their injuries can effectively hinder their daily functioning.

What is an ultrasound examination?

Ultrasound is an ultrasound examination, i.e. a method that allows for a safe and non-invasive look into the depths of the human body. For this purpose, it uses the action of ultrasonic waves. These are acoustic waves, but inaudible by the human ear.

Ultrasonograf, i.e. the device used to perform the ultrasound examination, is an apparatus consisting of two most important parts: the head and the screen with the monitor. When applied to the body, the head sends ultrasound waves, which penetrate the skin and hit other tissues inside the body.

By bouncing off the tissues ultrasonic waves they go to the head again, which sends them to the monitor, where they are transformed into an image. As our bodies contain tissues of different structure and hardness, they reflect ultrasound differently. That is why, on the monitor, the image that reflects them consists of spots of varying degrees of gray, which make up a whole.

Indications for ultrasound of joints

Depending on what joint your condition is afflicted with, your doctor will look at different parts of each joint.


The ultrasound examination of the joints is the first step in the diagnosis of any joint ailments. They are performed almost always when the patient complains of pain, the joint is swollen or has a limited range of motion.

Among other indications to follow Joint ultrasound lists:

  1. redness within the joint;
  2. joint injury;
  3. inflammation;
  4. detection of changes in the form of tumors and joint cysts in palpation;
  5. previous joint surgery – postoperative control to detect hematomas, abscesses;
  6. diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint ultrasound consists of single examinations of all joints in the human body. So we can do:

  1. Ultrasound of the shoulder joint;
  2. Ultrasound of the knee joint;
  3. Ultrasound of the elbow joint;
  4. Ultrasound of the wrist and hand;
  5. Ultrasound of the hip joint;
  6. Ultrasound of the ankle and foot.

Ultrasound of the shoulder joint is most often performed in patients with chronic, severe and recurrent pain. It is also recommended to limit its mobility and weaken the muscles in its vicinity. Thanks to him, the so-called aching shoulder syndrome.

Ultrasound of the knee joint is performed in most cases in patients with a previous knee injury and during physical therapy to assess the progress it gives. Thanks to its accuracy, the ultrasound examination also allows to assess the condition of the knee tendons and ligaments.

Ultrasound of the elbow joint is considered to be the most accurate examination to assess the condition and functioning of the elbow. Since all the structures of the elbow joint are located just under the skin, ultrasound allows for the diagnosis of cysts, the so-called tennis and golfer’s elbow, bursitis and epicondylitis, and ulnar nerve canal syndrome. The test also allows for the assessment of the extent of damage to tendons and muscles within the joint.

Sensory disturbances, cysts, limitation in the grip of the hand, swelling – all these ailments can be diagnosed thanks to Wrist and hand ultrasound. The test allows you to find out the cause of the problem, but also to assess its extent. We also perform an ultrasound of the wrist during treatment, which assesses its effectiveness.

Ultrasound of the hip joint It is usually performed in older people, who often suffer from damage to the joint and the femur. What is paid most attention to when performing an ultrasound is the presence of fluid in the joint, which can cause serious disorders, such as the so-called slamming hip.

Ultrasound of the ankle and foot is performed most often when redness of unknown origin appears on the patient’s foot. They are also used in patients with ankle injuries and foot strains.

Contraindications for the ultrasound examination of the joints

Since ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive examination method that does not interfere with the functioning of the body, there are practically no contraindications that would prevent its use. However, it should be remembered that ultrasound examinations cannot be performed on skin with open wounds and burns. Pain in the patient may be triggered by ultrasound examination in the area of ​​the joint after the injury.

How to prepare for ultrasound examination of joints?

Performing an ultrasound examination of the joints does not require special preparation on the part of the patient. On the day of the examination, however, you need to put on comfortable clothes that can be easily and quickly taken off in order for the doctor to perform an ultrasound. It is also worth remembering to go to them with all the results of previous tests, if any.

The course of ultrasound examination of joints

Depending on the type of joint examined, the ultrasound is performed on the patient in a lying or sitting position. The first step is to interview the patient by the doctor about their ailments, their duration and intensity, as well as the medications taken and past illnesses.

After obtaining the necessary information, the doctor will put a special gel on the examined area, used for ultrasound examinations, which is to improve the conduction of ultrasound waves, as well as the glide of the transducer on the patient’s skin. The person performing the test will then place the transducer against the skin and, by moving and pressing it at different angles, will observe the view of the inside of the joint on the monitor screen.

After the test is completed, the gel residue should be wiped off the body surface with a paper towel. The person who carried out the research will give us photos taken during its execution, on paper or on a CD. They will be accompanied by a description of the test that will help our attending physician in diagnosing the problem.

It must be remembered that performing ultrasound of the joint, when we want to use the refund, we will have to wait for a few weeks or several months for an appointment. Since joint ailments often hinder everyday functioning, many patients decide to undergo ultrasound examinations in private offices and clinics, the price of which starts from PLN 100.

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