Joint treatment with alternative methods

In matters of healing, our grandmothers are real experts. Thanks to them, we know that headaches can be treated with cabbage leaves, and lower back pain with a warm cat. presents eight unusual treatments.

Joint treatment with alternative methods

Heal a cold

If you often catch colds, it means that your immune system is hooked, which can be raised by finely chopped and mixed lemon, honey and garlic. To be sure, add a teaspoon of alcohol, stir. Take a teaspoon at a time.

warts Treatment

If the wart has jumped on the finger, you need to tie a red woolen thread on the wrist, if on the leg, then the thread should be tied at the ankle. You need to wear the thread for 2 weeks, then remove and bury it in the ground. You can not go far and use a regular pot of flowers for these purposes. When the thread decays, and this will happen in about a month, the wart will disappear.

Two ways to relieve tooth pain

  1. If a tooth hurts, you need to tie a clove of garlic to your wrist (for a pulse), for this purpose it is convenient to use a regular bandage. Place the garlic on the side of the aching tooth. It will not be possible to cure the tooth in this way, but the pain will subside, and you can safely make an appointment with the dentist.

  2. If it hurts, you need to put a piece of bacon on the gum. Relieves swelling and soreness. Perhaps it’s all about the presence of salt in the lard.

Read editorial tips

A simple woolen thread can help relieve wrist pain.

If your wrists hurt

Sorokovikova Alexandra, editor of the sections “Sex” and “Family”:During sports activities or from constant work with a computer (with an uncomfortable position of the hands on the table), wrists often hurt. To get rid of the discomfort, you need to tie a woolen thread around your wrist. I don’t know how it works. But this was done by my mother, who was a professional volleyball player. And in this sport, as you know, knocked out wrists are the most common injury.

Skin diseases

Bulkina Nadezhda, editor of the news section:An infusion of celandine will help. Take a pharmacy package of celandine (not in bags), pour the contents into a liter jar and fill with alcohol or vodka. Insist 1-2 weeks in a dark place. Wipe sore spots with a cotton swab. Treats all skin conditions, even scabies.

Pain in the joints

  1. For joint pain and sprains, attach fresh birch leaves to the sore spot, close with a bag, insulate, wrapping it with a scarf. When it starts to burn, remove the compress. This procedure should not be tolerated for a long time, otherwise there will be a burn.

  2. For leg pains, as well as colds, you can do the following procedure: pour crushed dry birch leaves into socks, put on and leave overnight.

Bleeding from the nose

Udonova Natalia, editor of the sections “Beauty” and “Health”:If the nose bleeds, take any key (from the door or from the box), thread a string or string through it, tie it around your neck. The thread should be of such length that the key is located exactly between the shoulder blades. The bleeding will stop very quickly.

With colds

Painter Marina, service editor:With a cold and a runny nose, in childhood, they warmed my nose with buckwheat. They heated the cereal in a frying pan, poured it into a handkerchief and applied it to the nose. The runny nose disappeared on the third day.

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