Job baby with adenoids

Job baby with adenoids

Adenoids are growths of the lymphatic tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Vegetations are formed as a result of inflammatory processes against the background of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If the treatment is delayed, then the adenoids can grow to an impressive size, which leads to serious complications and requires surgical intervention. If therapy is started in the early stages of adenoid development, then complete recovery can be achieved. The complex treatment regimen often includes the homeopathic preparation Job baby.

Job baby is a drug that contains the following components:

  • Iodine, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalize metabolic processes in the body, increase its protective forces.

  • Thuja, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, destroys microbes, increases the overall tone of the body and its resistance to various infections.

  • Barberry berries, which have an antipyretic and choleretic effect, relieve inflammation and fight bacteria.

  • A pierced vein that allows you to reduce body temperature, relieve inflammation, thin viscous mucus, facilitating its discharge.

To give the drug an attractive taste, the manufacturer added sugar grains to its components.

The drug is produced in the form of dragees, which are placed in a bottle of their opaque dark glass. Job baby is a drug that has received official permission to use for the treatment of adenoids from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Indications for use

Job baby with adenoids

The main effect that the drug has is to reduce inflammation. Therefore, doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of adenoids, but as part of complex therapy. Indications for the use of a homeopathic remedy

Job baby:

  • Adenoid vegetations 1, 2 and 3 degrees.

  • Complications of the adenoids.

  • Acute and chronic tonsillitis.

  • Frequent cold infections.

It should be taken into account that third-degree adenoids require surgical intervention, as they cause multiple complications. The child will suffer from frequent otitis, from hearing and speech impairment, and will begin to lag behind in development. Therefore, Job baby can be prescribed to improve the patient’s well-being during the period while he is awaiting surgery. With adenoids of the first and second degree, the drug can help relieve inflammation, normalize nasal breathing and avoid surgical intervention. Treatment should not be interrupted when the first improvements appear. It should be long, but coursework. This is the only way to achieve full recovery.

From what age can I take Job baby?

The drug Job baby can be taken from the age of three, but not earlier. This is due to the fact that a young child can simply choke on a granule, or swallow it. In addition, the product contains thuja, which should not be used to treat children under the age of 2 years.

Even though the concentrations of the main active ingredients in the drug are extremely low, you should consult a pediatrician or otolaryngologist before using it.

How to take the drug Job baby with adenoids?

Job baby with adenoids

The granules of the drug are not chewed before swallowing, they are not taken as a whole. They must be placed under the tongue and dissolved until completely dissolved. Do not drink dragees with water. The drug is not combined with food intake. The granules dissolve one hour before meals or one hour after meals.

For the treatment of adenoids, the following dosages are indicated:

  • Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 10 granules, 2 times a day.

  • Children aged 6 to 12 years are prescribed 8 granules, 2 times a day.

  • Children from 3 to 6 years old are prescribed 8 granules, 2 times a day.

The drug is taken for five days, after which they take a break of 2 days. The duration of treatment, on average, is equal to 10 days. Do not refuse to take the drug due to the fact that it is recommended to drink up to 10 tablets at a time. The granules are miniature in size, so they do not cause difficulties with taking the next dose.

Job baby is prescribed not only for the treatment of adenoids, but also for prophylactic purposes. In this case, you will need to take the drug in the above dosages, but once a day. They drink the drug for 3 days in a row, then take a break for 4 days. The duration of the prophylactic course should not exceed 6 weeks. If the need arises, the course can be repeated, but this requires a preliminary medical consultation.

What to look for before starting treatment

Job baby with adenoids

Before starting therapy, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • After the start of taking the drug, the severity of the symptoms of the underlying disease may increase. For example, the nose will be more stuffed up, the mucous contents will begin to separate from it. This should not frighten a person and become a reason for refusing treatment. Temporary exacerbation of symptoms is normal. In homeopathy, this phenomenon is called the “primary effect”, which indicates that the remedy has begun to work.

  • If deterioration in well-being is observed after a break made during treatment, then the drug should be taken less frequently.

  • With a pronounced exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to interrupt the treatment course for a week. If possible, medical advice should be obtained.

  • The first signs of improvement in well-being are observed after 2-3 weeks from the start of therapy.

  • If a person suffers from diabetes, he should take the drug with caution, since one granule contains 0,0002 bread units.

  • The manufacturer of the homeopathic remedy recommends refraining from vaccinating during treatment, or doing them in exceptional cases.

  • If a higher dose of the drug was accidentally taken than expected, then no action should be taken. Overdose does not adversely affect the state of health.

  • If there was an accidental interruption in treatment, then this will not greatly affect its results.

  • Eating weakens the medicinal effect, so you should not combine the next dose with the approach to the table.

  • During treatment, there is no need to abandon the usual activities, since the drug has no effect on the mental abilities.

  • Job baby can be used in a complex treatment regimen for adenoids. The drug does not interact with other drugs.

  • Although the product does not require special storage conditions (it can be kept at room temperature), nevertheless, the bottle should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Contraindications for use

Job baby with adenoids

The official instructions contain such contraindications to the use of the drug, such as: age under 3 years and individual intolerance to the components that make up the homeopathic remedy. However, doctors strongly do not recommend using it for the treatment of adenoids during the acute stage of the disease, as well as against the background of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (acute sinusitis).

People with thyroid diseases should take the drug with caution and only after medical consultation, as it contains iodine.

Side effects

The use of the drug Job baby does not provoke the occurrence of any side effects. An allergic reaction may be the only undesirable manifestation. It occurs when a person has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With the appearance of skin itching, rashes, lacrimation, rhinitis and other signs of allergy, it is necessary to refuse further use of the homeopathic remedy and seek the advice of a doctor.

Pros and cons of Job Baby

Job baby with adenoids

Pluses of the drug Job baby:

  • The drug is of plant origin with minimal dosages of active ingredients, so its use will not harm health.

  • The drug practically does not give side effects, with the exception of allergic reactions, which are extremely rare.

  • The drug does not interact with other drugs.

  • The drug is released without a prescription.

  • The drug is produced by Talion-A, which has been on the market for more than 20 years, since 1995. All the products that this company produces have a sales permit received from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. That is, Job baby is a means that is safe for human health.

  • The granules have a sweetish aftertaste, so children do not refuse treatment.

  • The drug has a long shelf life, which is equivalent to three years.

Cons of the drug Job baby:

  • The product is suitable for the treatment of children over three years of age. It is not prescribed for young children.

  • Treatment should continue for a long time until all symptoms disappear. Sometimes it takes a year or more.

  • The drug is in the middle price category. For a package of 20 g, you will need to pay about 200 rubles.

  • The drug has a number of contraindications.

  • The manufacturer does not recommend any vaccinations during treatment. In childhood, this can be a serious reason for refusing therapy.

  • As an independent remedy, Job baby is not used for the treatment of adenoids. It is used only in a complex treatment regimen.

It is worth taking into account that Job baby is a homeopathic remedy. Official medicine believes that such drugs do not have proven effectiveness. Therefore, the decision to take it should be agreed with the doctor.

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