Jim Carrey in the comedy of social absurdity “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”

A person can give up everything for love. And it does not matter what or who will become its object. Successful and serious, it would seem, the hero of Jim Carrey, for example, fell in love with penguins. Six. Received in a strange inheritance.

A person can give up everything for love. And it does not matter what or who will become its object. Successful and serious, it would seem, the hero of Jim Carrey, for example, fell in love with penguins. Six. Received in a strange inheritance. Elegant, in white shirt-fronts, tuxedos and yellow shoes, which is so bold … In general, Mr. Popper threw everything at their feet – he turned his house into a snow-covered fragment of Antarctica, almost landed in jail, completely forgot about work … Here! This is the beauty of this comedy, clearly post-economic crisis. She says to everything that happens in it: earthlings, give up social races, don’t rush about with your dowjones and real estates! All this is blown away in one moment! Look how much beautiful, unknown there is in the world. We don’t even know that we can fall in love…

DIRECTOR: Mark Waters.

CAST: Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino, Angela Lansbury.

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