Jetlag – a disease of travelers

Jetlag is a disease of happy people. How else to call those who manage to visit several time zones in a couple of days? Alas, you have to pay for all the pleasures.

Today you are in Sydney, tomorrow in Kiev, the day after tomorrow in Tokyo. A lot of impressions, several successful business meetings. However, when you return, you cannot sleep until the morning, and at dinner you nod off. Headache, loss of appetite, and general fatigue are a few more popular symptoms. Meet – this is jetlag.

They say that our body needs one day for each time zone to adapt. Where does an active and business traveler get so much from? Here are some tricks you can use to outsmart the jet lag.

  • If you have a very, very long flight (for example, in Australia), the most reasonable thing is to split it into several stages and spend the night in a hotel between flights. Otherwise, try to stay awake the first night en route and fall asleep in the evening by Australian time.
  • If you are young and full of energy, then you can recommend a method not recommended by the Ministry of Health. Have a good drink and prokemarit almost the entire multi-hour flight (if you arrive in the morning).
  • Some people advise to time the arrival in the evening. Exercise and long walks will cause healthy fatigue and you will go to bed on time local time.
  • Severe dehydration is a well-known effect of being at high altitudes for a long time. And dehydration affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the ability of the body to resist jet lag. So drink as much as possible on the plane.
  • Some psychological factors should not be underestimated either. After the flight, you look ten years older, you are wearing stale clothes and, in general, it’s time to shower. But in normal life, you do not stay with makeup for 24 hours in a row and change at least once during this time. The same must be done in the air. Once you’re on the plane, wash off your makeup and apply moisturizer. Towards the end of the flight – make up again and change at least some parts of the toilet.
  • Large hotels usually offer anti-jetlag treatments. Nothing special. A complex of massage, aromatherapy and other salon procedures with relaxing or, conversely, tonic properties. The main thing is to clarify the last aspect in advance and not get into something too relaxing early in the morning.
  • Melatonin is a hormone responsible for sleepiness. It is he who will help you take a nap if you feel too cheerful after midnight. Medicines containing melatonin must be prescribed by your doctor.
  • Coffee makes you nervous and makes you more dehydrated. Effervescent multivitamins (such as Berocca or any other vitamin C containing), dissolved in a glass of water, will help you to invigorate without harm to the body.
  • Move the clock! And immediately begin to follow the local routine of life. This helps you quickly get used to jet lag.
  • And finally, it is worth taking for granted that sometimes you cannot argue with nature. So, if you have to fly around the entire globe in a week, plan 2-3 days of respite upon your return.
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