Jerusalem artichoke – origin, properties, use in the kitchen

Jerusalem artichoke, or Jerusalem artichoke, is a plant that takes the kitchens of everyone interested in a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet by storm. Jerusalem artichoke has many properties that have a positive effect on the condition of our body: it has a positive effect, among others on the nervous and digestive systems and the action of the heart muscle.

Jerusalem artichoke – origin

Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), also known as Jerusalem artichoke or ground pear, is a plant native to North America, cultivated by native American peoples even before colonization – we are talking about the Topinamboore Indians, hence the common name of the plant. Jerusalem artichoke came to Europe along with geographical discoveries, and was cultivated since the XNUMXth century.

Jerusalem artichoke – valuable ingredients

Jerusalem artichoke has many ingredients that are valuable for our health. The high content of inulin in the edible tuber of the plant supports the treatment of type 2 diabetes and is responsible for reducing the level of insulin resistance. Inulin is also responsible for the proper level of intestinal microflora development and stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Eating Jerusalem artichoke is therefore recommended for people complaining of constipation or other digestive problems, and prevents gastric and intestinal ulcers, which often lead to cancer. In addition, inulin reduces the level of the so-called bad cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the formation of atherosclerosis. Inulin, combined with pectin and fiber, present in large amounts in Jerusalem artichoke, allows you to effectively cleanse the body of toxins. Consumption Jerusalem artichoke dishes turns out to be helpful especially in the case of ailments related to excessive alcohol consumption, effectively detoxifying the body. The fiber contained in Jerusalem artichoke supports slimming treatment, giving the stomach a feeling of fullness while maintaining a very low glycemic index. The high potassium content in topinambour is responsible for lowering blood pressure. Magnesium and B vitamins (especially vitamin B3 – niacin) regulate the work of the nervous system, effectively reducing the perceived level of stress and positively influencing our concentration. Lots of Jerusalem artichokes can be used directly on the skin to treat burns, ulcers and psoriasis.

You can learn more about the nutritional values ​​of Jerusalem artichoke and the possibilities of using it in the kitchen during a visit to a dietitian. You can do it conveniently via the portal. Consultation takes place remotely without leaving home in a form convenient for the patient.

Also read: Not all fruits and vegetables are equally healthy

Jerusalem artichoke in the kitchen

Jerusalem artichoke is an extremely juicy tuber with a delicate, sweet taste. Taste topinamburu can be compared to nuts or artichokes. Tubers topinamburu they can be boiled, fried, baked, and eaten raw – cut into thin slices.

If you are interested in a healthy, well-balanced diet, buy a dietary package offered by Arkmedic. It will allow you to change your eating habits permanently under the control of a dietitian.

Jerusalem artichoke – recipes

The simplest Jerusalem artichoke dish is fries – vegetables do not need to be peeled thoroughly, but the tubers should be cleaned of soil. They should be cut and put on hot oil. Jerusalem artichoke is fried a little longer than traditional potatoes.

Another quick dish made of Jerusalem artichoke is casserole. The cleaned Jerusalem artichoke should be boiled for 5 minutes and then cut. Line a casserole dish with chopped Jerusalem artichoke, adding finely chopped onion, grated garlic clove and a few anchovies fillets. Pour it all over with about 100 ml of cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake everything at 180 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. It’s also worth trying Jerusalem artichoke salads. 200 g Jerusalem artichoke (peeled), a large cucumber, a bunch of radishes, a small red onion – cut all vegetables into cubes or slices. We add a can of red beans. Pour the whole marinade with 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, tablespoons of honey and pepper. You can decorate the salad with chives or pomegranate seeds.

Jerusalem artichoke can be found in the composition of the Fit torpeda cocktail mix, which has a slimming effect. You can find the preparation on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Jerusalem artichoke – cultivation

Unfortunately, the vegetable is still not a very popular plant in Poland. This is probably due to ignorance of what the correct one should look like cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke. Nothing easier! It is enough to cut a few tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, put it in the ground and wait for the harvest. Jerusalem artichoke is very simple to grow, all the effort is limited to placing the tubers in the ground (or in a pot), the vegetable does not require special fertilizers or a lot of work. As Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial perennial, it is worth taking care of the started cultivation so that it does not grow too much. Two can be cultivated in Poland varieties topinamburu: Albik (white club-like tubers) and Rubik (irregular purple tubers). The Fuseau (long, white tubers), Golden Nugget (conical tubers) and Boston Red (large, red tubers) varieties are also popular in the world.

See also:

  1. The best cold medicine. Germs don’t stand a chance
  2. It is a real “superfruit”. Thanks to it, the body ages more slowly
  3. Small fruit concealing great power

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