Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

Useful properties and contraindications of Jerusalem artichoke is an urgent issue for lovers of unusual products. This plant is used both for treatment and for food, so it is curious to study the beneficial properties and photos of the Jerusalem artichoke pear.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

Nutritional value and composition of Jerusalem artichoke

The medical and nutritional value of Jerusalem artichoke is due to its rich composition. Basically, useful components are concentrated in the root of the plant, an earthen pear, but the aerial parts also have valuable properties.

The vitamins in Jerusalem artichoke are as follows:

  • retinol and thiamine, carotene;
  • riboflavin and choline;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamins C and E;
  • nicotinic acid and vitamin K;
  • potassium and iron;
  • sodium and selenium;
  • copper and manganese;
  • pyridoxine;
  • folic acid B9;
  • zinc, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium.

Also, the plant contains a lot of fiber, the useful composition includes organic acids and a large amount of water.

Jerusalem artichoke calories

Ground pear belongs to the category of vegetables, so the calorie content of the product is low. 100 g contains only 73 kcal, you can use the product even with a tendency to obesity.

The content of BJU in Jerusalem artichoke

Nutrients in the ground pear are distributed as follows: 17 g of the product is occupied by carbohydrates, 2 g is accounted for by proteins, and only 0,1 g is allocated to fats. Thus, Jerusalem artichoke can be considered an easy-to-digest product.

What does Jerusalem artichoke taste like?

Ground pear remains quite an exotic product, so its taste is far from familiar to everyone. According to most people, fresh Jerusalem artichoke resembles a cabbage stalk or turnip with a slight nutty flavor. After heat treatment, the taste of the product changes and becomes more like mushroom.

Is it possible to eat Jerusalem artichoke raw

If the ground pear is of high quality, fresh and well washed, then you can use it raw, it will be useful. You can use the product in the same way as other vegetables – eat fresh, boiled or baked. However, it must be remembered that the taste of raw Jerusalem artichoke is quite specific and not everyone likes it.

What is useful Jerusalem artichoke

Ground pear is valued not only for its unusual appearance and taste, but also for a lot of useful properties. With regular use, the product has a pronounced positive effect on the body:

  • helps with colds and intestinal ailments;
  • improves metabolism and protects against heart diseases;
  • strengthens blood vessels and helps fight high blood pressure;
  • accelerates the removal of toxins from the body and cleanses the tissues of toxins;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves brain function.
Attention! Eating an earthen pear is useful for a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of potassium, and is also very rich in B vitamins.

What is useful Jerusalem artichoke for men

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for the body are especially pronounced in relation to men. First of all, the product has a fast and powerful positive effect on potency. Ground pear enhances libido, prevents diseases of the prostate gland, and also stimulates the production of spermatozoa and improves their quality – it is useful to use the product when planning conception.

  • When potency is weakened, Jerusalem artichoke is recommended to be eaten raw or processed every day, this will be enough for problems in the genital area to disappear after some time.
  • In addition, half an hour before intimacy, you can use 100 ml of fresh earthen pear juice, such a remedy will have an almost instant positive effect.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for men is not only a beneficial effect on potency. The product serves as an effective prevention of cardiovascular ailments, which are especially susceptible to men after 40 years. Ground pear cleanses and makes blood vessels more elastic, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens the overall endurance of the body.

What is useful Jerusalem artichoke for women

The beneficial properties of the earthen pear of Jerusalem artichoke are also manifested in relation to the beautiful half of humanity. First of all, the product saves women from the development of anemia, chronic fatigue and muscle weakness, as it saturates the body with a large number of valuable components.

Eating Jerusalem artichoke is useful during menstruation – due to the increased content of iron, it will help to avoid a decrease in hemoglobin levels. The product evens out the hormonal background and therefore helps to cope with mood swings, increases psychological stability and generally has a tonic effect.

An unusual product has anti-cancer properties, like most vegetables, Jerusalem artichoke contains many antioxidants. It is useful for the prevention of oncology, and with an existing disease. It is impossible not to note the beneficial effect of the product on female beauty, when using an earthen pear, the condition of the epidermis and hair improves, nails and teeth become stronger.

Is it possible topinambur during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, you can use the product, it will be of great benefit. First of all, Jerusalem artichoke will help to avoid a decrease in immunity and anemia – expectant mothers often suffer from a lack of vitamins, and an earthen pear eliminates the deficiency of nutrients in the body. In addition, the product has laxative properties, so it will help get rid of constipation, which also often accompanies pregnant women.

During pregnancy, an earthen pear regulates the feeling of hunger and reduces toxicosis, helps to eliminate heartburn. The product is also useful for the developing fetus, since all the valuable substances in its composition contribute to the normal formation of the baby’s body.

Is it possible for a nursing mother Jerusalem artichoke

During lactation, it is allowed to use Jerusalem artichoke, it will benefit the woman and improve the composition of breast milk. True, in order to avoid negative reactions in an infant, an earthen pear should be boiled. A fresh product contains too much dietary fiber and can cause flatulence and colic in a child.

Can Jerusalem artichoke children

Vitamin product has a beneficial effect on the state of the child’s body. If you include Jerusalem artichoke in the baby’s menu, the vegetable will help strengthen the child’s immunity and prevent digestive failures. In addition, in winter, an earthen pear will serve as an excellent prevention of beriberi.

The benefits of the product are very high, and Jerusalem artichoke rarely causes harm, so it can be introduced into the children’s diet from 8 months. At first, the child should be given the Jerusalem artichoke root boiled and in small quantities, along with other dishes. As a separate dish, Jerusalem artichoke can be offered to babies after 3 years, at this age the child’s intestines will be able to cope with a large amount of fiber present in the product.

Attention! Since in rare cases the properties of an earthen pear can harm the body, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before introducing an unusual product into a children’s diet.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

What helps Jerusalem artichoke

Ground pear in its raw and processed form can serve not only as a tasty food product, but also as a medicine. The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for the human body are used to treat many ailments, if you follow proven recipes, the beneficial effect of using the product will be very pronounced.

Does Jerusalem artichoke help with pressure

Ground pear juice is useful for high blood pressure and chronic hypertension. A fresh root crop should be grated on a fine grater, then squeezed through tightly folded gauze the right amount of juice – about 100 ml. The juice is diluted with water in an equal volume, and then the remedy is taken in a glass three times a day.

How to take Jerusalem artichoke in diseases of the pancreas

Jerusalem artichoke is one of the few products approved for use in pancreatitis. A vegetable improves metabolic processes, promotes the production of necessary enzymes and helps to digest food faster, so it will be useful for inflammation of the pancreas.

It is impossible to eat a vegetable during the period of the most acute pains, but as soon as the exacerbation subsides, raw Jerusalem artichoke can be introduced into the diet and consumed 150 g per day. It is also allowed to eat boiled or dried earthen pear, but fermented and fried Jerusalem artichoke should be discarded, they will have an irritating effect on the diseased organ.

Important! The earth pear will bring the greatest benefit in pancreatitis if you eat it with the peel, but, of course, before that, the vegetable must be thoroughly washed.

Treatment of joints with Jerusalem artichoke

The product contains calcium and silicon, so it benefits the joints – it strengthens bones and ligaments. It is enough to eat 50 g of Jerusalem artichoke per day so that the feeling of stiffness in the joints goes away, and the pain sensations noticeably decrease. It is useful to use the product for arthritis and rheumatism, for radiculitis and osteochondrosis, the benefits will be from both raw and boiled vegetables.

Rules for use in gout

The properties of the earth pear bring significant benefits in the deposition of harmful salts in the joints. With gout, Jerusalem artichoke is used in a variety of ways, for example:

  • make compresses for diseased joints – the fresh root of the vegetable should be ground into gruel, put on gauze or cloth and applied to the sore spot for an hour;
  • take healing baths with the addition of a decoction of dried Jerusalem artichoke – 1,5 kg of raw materials are poured into 8 liters of water, boiled for about half an hour and added to a filled container;
  • take a healing infusion inside, 2 large spoons of finely chopped dried ground pear pour 500 ml of hot water, insist all night, and then filter and drink 100 ml four times a day.
Attention! With gout, Jerusalem artichoke can be included in the daily diet and taken as part of salads and other dishes on a regular basis.

What is useful ground pear for anemia

The vitamin composition of the product is of great benefit in case of deficiency of nutrients in the body. The raw washed tuber of the plant must be finely grated, then squeeze the juice out of the slurry through gauze or a fine strainer. A large spoonful of honey is added to a glass of juice, mixed and drunk on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Since a huge amount of vitamins and minerals is concentrated in the juice of the plant, the product eliminates anemia very quickly, and health improves.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

How to take Jerusalem artichoke for gastrointestinal diseases

The valuable properties of Jerusalem artichoke tubers are of great benefit in case of malfunctions in the stomach and intestines. It is recommended to use a vegetable and products based on it for gastritis and ulcers, it is necessary to drink 100 ml of fresh juice squeezed from raw tubers three times a day.

Important! It is recommended to take Jerusalem artichoke with an ulcer during remission. During the acute course of the disease, it is better to refrain from healing juice, it can damage the body.

Of particular benefit will be the fiber of Jerusalem artichoke for constipation. To empty the intestines and restore the normal functioning of the metabolism, you can take only 50 ml of fresh vegetable juice diluted with water in equal proportions in the morning. In addition, the following is beneficial:

  • dried earthen pear finely chopped;
  • mixed with an equal amount of pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • take 1 large spoon of the resulting mixture and pour 3 cups of hot water.

You need to insist the remedy for an hour, then the broth is filtered and drunk during the day, like regular tea. With regular use, such a drink will help restore intestinal activity to normal and prevent constipation.

Medicinal properties of other parts of the plant

Many useful substances are concentrated in the roots of Jerusalem artichoke, but other parts of the plant also have similar positive properties. They contain even more antioxidants and flavonoids, valuable for any recovery processes in the body.

What are useful leaves and stems of Jerusalem artichoke

On the basis of stems and leaves cut before flowering, healing infusions and decoctions are prepared that help:

  • with skin irritations, scratches, wounds and burns;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • with osteochondrosis and arthritis;
  • in atherosclerosis and anemia;
  • with a cold.

Stems and leaves have healing and regenerating properties, so they quickly have a positive effect in almost any inflammatory process.

  • With ARVI and influenza, an infusion of Jerusalem artichoke leaves benefits – a large spoonful of raw materials is crushed, poured into 700 ml of hot water and insisted for 10 hours. The filtered remedy should be taken half a glass three times a day.
  • To cleanse the liver and remove harmful substances from the body, you can prepare an alcohol tincture on dried leaves. About 500 g of raw materials are poured with a liter of vodka, put in a dark place for 2 weeks, and then strained and drunk three times a day – a large spoonful of the product must be diluted in 150 ml of water.

Tincture on the stems and leaves of an earthen pear can rub sore joints and make therapeutic compresses. Gauze or cloth is simply moistened in a healing agent, and then fixed on the joint for 20 minutes.

Baths with Jerusalem artichoke leaves and stems

With inflammatory diseases of the skin and ailments of the joints, a bath with the addition of a healing decoction of the leaves and stems of Jerusalem artichoke helps well. The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • about 2-3 kg of stems and leaves are properly crushed and poured into 10 liters of water;
  • after boiling over low heat, boil for half an hour;
  • allow the broth to cool slightly and filter through cheesecloth.

The finished product must be poured into the typed bath, the water temperature in which does not exceed 40 ° C. Take a healing bath for 20-25 minutes.

In total, the procedure should be repeated daily for 20 days, then you should take a break for the same period and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment again.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body

The benefits of tea with Jerusalem artichoke

The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke are reflected in the recipes for healing tea; this drink can be consumed for general health promotion, inflammation relief and maintaining healthy stomach function. It has an unusual refreshing taste and has a complex effect on the body, beneficially affecting the digestive, nervous and immune systems.

Tea can be made from both raw tubers and leaves, in both cases the drink will be beneficial.

  • To prepare tea from tubers, several washed roots of the plant must be peeled, soaked for 20 minutes in water with lemon juice, and then drained. The tubers are crushed with a blender or meat grinder, the gruel is placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water for 8 hours, and then filtered before use.
  • Tea on the leaves can be prepared from both fresh and dry raw materials. A few large spoons of leaves are simply poured into a thermos and infused for 2-3 hours, and then drunk like regular tea.

Since Jerusalem artichoke drinks have an unusual taste and not everyone likes it, you can put a little honey in them.

The use of the healing properties of earthen pear in cosmetology

Since Jerusalem artichoke contains a huge amount of vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids, it is also used for beauty care. Products based on it have a pronounced anti-aging effect, smooth even deep wrinkles and improve the color and relief of the face. In addition, the ground pear in cosmetology helps to get rid of acne and acne, and the benefits for the hair are manifested in the fact that the Jerusalem artichoke infusion strengthens the curls and returns them a healthy shine.

To strengthen weakened hair, you can use this remedy:

  • 4 large spoons of crushed leaves of the plant are poured with a liter of hot water;
  • insist for 40 minutes;
  • filter, and then rinse the curls after a scheduled wash.

To get rid of wrinkles, you can prepare the following mask:

  • 3 fresh tubers are washed and then rubbed on a fine grater;
  • gruel is mixed with half a teaspoon of honey;
  • The mixture is distributed over clean skin for 20 minutes.

The effect of using the product becomes noticeable after about 10 procedures, and in total it is recommended to do the mask at least 20 times.

Restrictions and contraindications for admission

Useful properties and contraindications of the Jerusalem artichoke vegetable are adjacent to each other, in some situations it is better not to use an earthen pear. Contraindications for it are:

  • hypotension;
  • individual allergy to the product;
  • tendency to diarrhea and increased gas formation.

It should be noted that the contraindications of Jerusalem artichoke are more related to fresh tubers of the plant. For example, after heat treatment, there is much less fiber in a vegetable, and with moderate use, the product does not cause flatulence.

Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harms to the body


Useful properties and contraindications of Jerusalem artichoke largely depend on the volume of use and on the state of the body of a particular person. For most people, an unusual vegetable benefits and helps get rid of a number of unpleasant symptoms.

Ground pear (Jerusalem artichoke) – useful properties

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