Jennifer Lawrence: “It was a terrible humiliation, I sobbed”

Fashionable gloss diligently “thinners” Jennifer on the covers, and this irritates her. She does not see elegance in thinness and hates deceit. How a Hollywood star lives with such qualities is a mystery. But this does not affect its popularity. On September 14, the psychological thriller “Mom!” was released in Russian distribution, the next main role of Jennifer.

She flies onto the roof of the hotel like a comet. In the community of stars, she, then 20 years old, appeared just as quickly. Comets among the stars are quickly hewn and begin to shine with an even politically correct light. But this girl continues to blaze after winning an Oscar and three record nominations for it, with three Golden Globes and a contract with Dior.

Lawrence has been outspoken on various occasions, tripping on the red carpet and falling on stage while getting up for the Oscars. She loves to eat. He also drinks wine and loves reality shows, especially The Real Housewives, Miami season.

Jennifer is an ordinary generation Z girl: a white T-shirt and a short white skirt, sneakers. She was late not at all for the time of changing, but for half an hour, but she does not apologize, instead, in a boyish way, she raises her hand and shows a T-shirt wet under her arm: “Look how she rushed, she even got wet.”

She does not look like an eccentric party girl, a star delighted with herself. For some reason, I know that behind all this leapfrog with the meeting there is not arrogance, but serious reasons, and she really rushed in camouflage black glasses along Burton Way, and the bodyguard – who is also a driver, a strong young man with a military bearing – barely kept up for her.

Lawrence shows that she despises half-truths and excuses. So I want to ask her only serious questions, ignoring politeness with compliments, and her age – only 27 – too.

Psychologies: I just can’t understand one thing. When very frank, “naked” photos were stolen from your iCloud and posted on the Web … Why didn’t you say that this was a montage, photoshop? Why did they start a lawsuit, because it was a confession – yes, the photos are mine! You provoked a completely ugly discussion on the topic “but you shouldn’t act like that” …

Jennifer Lawrence: But these were my photographs.

You set yourself up!

But those were my photos! And this … no sex scandal, as they wrote. I insisted and insist that I was the victim of a sexual crime: my body belongs only to me, it is I who decide whether to show it to the public or not. I’m not going to play around and be ashamed. And I think it’s important to declare your right openly.

In fact, for many, that act caused understanding. And one more performance of yours completely delighted the audience – I’m talking about an open letter to major studios against discrimination against actresses. To be honest, I was even scared for you.

When information surfaced that male actors receive, on average, with equal data, 20% more than we do … Yes, I just could not be silent! But I understand the jokes about this and also laughed when one TV presenter said: Detroit nurses and teachers are in full solidarity with Jennifer Lawrence, they also cannot understand how to live on 52 million … Really funny.

But I’m not talking about millions, I’m talking about discrimination, and it concerns all women. I wouldn’t be surprised if nurses and teachers, in terms of equality with men, are also not all right.

But you risk your career!

Look, I’m from Kentucky. When people ask me whether the characters from The Hunger Games, Winter Bone, or Joy are close to me, I answer emphatically: no. I would never agree to play boring people like me. Direct, without a second bottom, without drama … I am arranged simply. I cry when I’m sad and laugh when I’m happy. Injustice revolts me, but kindness touches me.

Do you know how I got Pippi? (Pippi Longstocking – Lawrence’s dog, a purebred Chihuahua. – Approx. Ed.) When that thief published my “naked” photos … It was a terrible humiliation, I sobbed. I had to call my dad to tell him what happened! Do you understand? I then starred in the next Hunger Games movie, received a huge fee, but I would give five of these to not make that call!

Then my mother arrived with her dog, then still a puppy. And then the dog climbs onto my lap and begins to lick my tears. With my mind, I understand: instinct, salt … But maybe not instinct? I did not let go of her all day, only she saved me. It was clear – Pippi is now mine. Since then we have always been together.

Come on, girls!

Jennifer Lawrence named the dog after Pippi Longstocking, the heroine of the book by Astrid Lindgren, a 9-year-old girl who lived without adult care, made important decisions herself and boldly rebuffed the offenders of the weak. This is the first example of feminism that opened up to the actress when she herself was at the age of Pippi. The fact that Jennifer wears T-shirts with the inscription “We should all be feminists” also speaks of Jennifer’s beliefs.

How did your dad react to the call?

Oh, fortunately, at that moment he was playing golf, he was in a great mood, he did not scold me, on the contrary, he consoled me. Although I was expecting him to say everything about my personal porn … By the way, maybe my directness comes from them, from Lawrence men. I was the first girl in 50 years to be born into this family. I have two older brothers, only uncles, and all my paternal cousins ​​are boys. Sometimes it seems to me that nature simply made an oversight, allowing me to appear in our family.

There was no grooming, no diligence, no pleasantness in me. I felt like a complete fool

I grew up among boys, didn’t get along well with girls, and school became just hell for me – I was worse than other girls in everything. Yes, and so far. Last year, Dior, arranged a photo shoot related to the European Championship: their models were supposed to play football. My photos could not be used as a promotional photo shoot. All girls are restrained, they think about how they look, their movements are graceful. And I am a red face, excitement and excitement!

So it was at school – I had neither grooming, nor diligence, nor pleasantness. I felt like a complete fool. I left school at the age of 14 without regrets … In general, tricks are not peculiar to me. I say what I think. And most importantly, I am not silent – which is worse.

You defined Trump’s victory as a catastrophe for the world. Your scandal with the accusations of director David O. Russell, who treated the actors harshly on the set of American Hustle, is widely known. To top it off, you called a city hall employee who refused to register same-sex marriages even though the law came into force in her state. “It’s easy and pleasant to tell the truth”?

To be honest, it’s all hard and disgusting. Saying things that others don’t like to hear. Do not try to please, do not laugh it off – speak out directly. But someone has to do it. However, when it comes to discrimination, as in the case of gays, then that was nice. And besides, the lady was from Kentucky! From my Kentucky! I was offended that they might think of all of us because of her …

In general, I will never be nasty with someone who cannot answer. I have a slogan: don’t be another bitch in the bitch kennel. I gave David O. Russell a very principled row because he is the director, the head of the set. I would not behave like this with a cameraman or make-up artist.

And yet: is it a character? Have you always been like this? Or is it the right that gives fame?

Seems like always. I now realize that I’m pretty ruthless. I cut off right away. When I was 14, my mother and I went to New York, I stepped on this famous concrete pavement and said to myself: this is my life. And she resolutely told her parents that I was leaving school and going to New York, I would be an actress. They were shocked: you can’t, you can’t. No, I say, I’m just going. I had money – I sat with the neighbor’s children – and I went to them.

With neighborhood kids? And how much money was there?

For a ticket and for two months of life. I have never been a spender! I didn’t buy small things in stalls, I wasn’t fond of clothes, and now I’m like that – I don’t throw money down the drain …

So, I declare that I’m going to New York. Parents are against it, but they are not tyrants, they say, okay, go for the summer, if nothing works out, come back and finish school like a person. They sent a brother with me, Blaine, he was 18. We rented an apartment, creepy but cheap. They looked around and said in unison: “We’re going to die here.” My brother stayed with me for six months, then left.

I tried with might and main, I got roles, but there was not enough money. And a lot of rats. The apartment was on the ground floor, at night I was afraid to get up to use the toilet – rats snooped everywhere. I bought bread, and an hour later I found it bitten. And threw it away. And then I thought: damn, I don’t have money to buy bread every hour! I began to carefully cut off the bitten parts. That is, literally shared food with rats.

Mom did not share with me the problems of adolescence. This is, in general, wrong. I wouldn’t want to

But that’s okay, there are worse things in the world. And rats are, well, a well-known New York problem. Last year, Morgan Spurlock’s film “Rats” came out – about how they practically took over the States, a documentary, very convincing. My brother called me and said: “Go, look at ours” …

In general, yes – I chop off. Now I feel sorry for my mother: she saw her daughter into adulthood so early. Did not share with me the problems of adolescence. This is, in general, wrong. I wouldn’t want to.

Mom, don’t worry!

Horror Darren Aronofsky “Mom!” long before the release became a record holder. The cast is all Oscar-winning – there are three nominees and two winners. Michelle Pfeiffer, who retired, admitted that after reading the script, she did not understand anything, but … agreed to act. The premiere took place in competition at the Venice Film Festival, which does not favor genre films. America’s most powerful film distribution network has canceled the next version of Friday the 13th to release this film.

“Mum!” – not just horror, but psychological horror. About a happy married couple whose home is invaded by strangers and transforms their lives, their relationships and their personal goals. Aronofsky is America’s most flamboyant and consistently independent filmmaker. One source of inspiration is said to have been the classic Rosemary’s Baby. They say that he forbade the artists even at home to talk about the filming. And finally, they say that this is the most likely contender for the main Oscar of the year. But the most engaging conversations are no substitute for watching.

“Mum!” at the box office from 14 September.

Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris, Michelle Pfeiffer.

Do you want to have children?

While I want to find someone with whom I want to have children. I have difficult relationships with men. You see, I rarely fall in love. This spark – hop! and you’re on the hook – I rarely do that. And it is rare for a man not to strive to dominate. I don’t know why he needs this, but he must be sure that the main one is in a pair. I stopped giving in to it.

And there was always a technical problem: it’s hard for me to meet someone new, I’m a terrible stay-at-home. Truth. On the edge of autism. I’m always looking for a reason to stay at home. That is, I need to get up in the morning with the thought that something needs to be done, and in the evening I return home with the realization that something has been done. And then be sure to stretch out on your couch.

After I won an Oscar, film producer Harvey Weinstein invited the stars to a party. The guests had a lot of fun, my parents talked with everyone. And I stood in the corner with a glass, looked at how they were drinking violently, and went home. This is the typical me.

Which is not very typical of your profession and Hollywood.

Oh, it’s certainly not my job to be typical. I’m always on top of everything. By the way, I’m considered fat, I’m photoshopped for covers. But at the word “diet” I become … a native of Kentucky in anger. And veganism and gluten-free eating…hell, it’s just another type of eating disorder!

And only now, when the fashion for normal bodies seems to be creeping up, they sometimes tell me: you have a normal physique. Well, yes, I do not look like a starving crow, like many Hollywood women. But I spend at the gym every day for three hours. So I’m still a man with an artificial body.

too personal

As Jennifer Lawrence herself admitted, she rarely falls in love. We talk about three bright novels: with actor Nicholas Hoult, musician Chris Martin and director Darren Aronofsky.


Nicholas Holt

5 years of romantic relationship linked Lawrence with British actor Nicholas Hoult. They met on the set of the blockbuster X-Men: First Class. In 2013, they parted for a short time, but reunited in reality and on the screen in the continuation of the X-Men: Days of Future Past franchise. And the relationship ended only in the middle of 2014.

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