One of the world’s most famous computer developers in Silicon Valley, Jeff Hawkins, founder of the Redwood Institute of Neurology (USA), is the author of a revolutionary theory of the structure and functioning of the human brain.
In his book, he argues that the peculiarity of our thinking is that each time, assessing the situation and predicting the future, the brain uses all the resources of memory: our experience and our body of knowledge. The uniqueness of the mind based on the memory model is one of the main themes of this book. The author also answers questions about how consciousness is born, why most of us are so prone to prejudices, why in adulthood we learn new things with great difficulty. This book helps you understand yourself, your motivations and behavior. The theory of Jeff Hawkins also explains why the most modern computers are not intelligent and what are the prospects for creating truly intelligent machines that do not copy, but surpass human abilities. The co-author of the book is Sandra Blakeslee, a science columnist for the New York Times.
Williams, 240 p.