This famous book by the outstanding Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget appeared for the first time in 1921 and changed the development of the entire world of child psychology. Piaget was convinced that the child is not at all a small adult, he has his own needs and his own mindset adapted to these needs.
This famous book by the outstanding Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget appeared for the first time in 1921 and changed the development of the entire world of child psychology. Piaget was convinced that the child is not at all a small adult, he has his own needs and his own mindset adapted to these needs. In order to understand the specifics of the functioning of children’s thoughts, he came to the children’s classes at the Baby House and carefully observed how they communicate. Analyzing their judgments, Piaget made some surprising discoveries. For example, he realized that the main distinguishing characteristic of the child’s cognitive activity is egocentrism: young children are focused only on their needs and interests and are not able to accept a different point of view. Their speech is also egocentric. And only with age, by about 10-12 years, does it gradually become socialized, which allows the child to communicate with other people. Piaget’s ideas, first expressed in this book, were developed by him in many experimental works over more than half a century. Together with a clear exposition of Piaget’s theory, we will find in the book the original notes of children’s conversations and will be able to trace the course of the great scientist’s reasoning.
Rimis, 448 p.