
The new novel by the French writer Jean-Claude Mourlev (known to the Russian reader from the book “The River Flowing Back”, Samokat, 2006) has become an international literary event and has been translated into 11 languages.

The new novel by the French writer Jean-Claude Mourlev (known to the Russian reader from the book “The River Flowing Back”, Samokat, 2006) has become an international literary event and has been translated into 11 languages. «Winter Battle» is a dystopia, the story of the struggle of four teenagers with a fictional, but no less terrible totalitarian regime. The heroes escaped from boarding schools to resume the battle for freedom, in which their parents were defeated 15 years ago. Their winter battle is one of those that are said to have been lost beforehand. And yet … Murlev managed to create an amazing hymn to courage and freedom, «youthful prose» in the best sense of the phrase.

Scooter, 360 p.

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