General description of the disease
There is a misconception that jaundice and Botkin’s disease This is the same. In fact, jaundice is a series of pathological changes associated not only with impaired liver function, but also with other organs. Jaundice develops due to metabolic disorders bilirubin, которое могут вызвать разные факторы [3]… This is a clinical symptom of various pathologies.
With an excessive accumulation of bilirubin in the patient’s body, the patient’s skin, membranes of the eyeballs and mucous membranes turn yellow (hence the name of the disease).
This pathology is quite common, especially many cases of jaundice are recorded in countries with a warm climate, where sanitary conditions are insufficiently observed.
Classification and causes of jaundice
- conjugation form jaundice develops due to the negative effects on the liver of drugs or other external factors. Also, this form can be congenital;
- hemolytic form occurs due to the toxic effect of drugs or as a side effect in lymphosarcoma and anemia;
- physiological form occurs in newborns due to the immaturity of the enzyme system;
- neonatal form occurs quite often and occurs immediately after birth. It can be provoked by an incorrectly compiled diet of a pregnant woman, iodine deficiency in the fetus, the presence of diabetes mellitus in the expectant mother, smoking during the period of bearing a baby, hormone deficiency in a newborn;
- parenchymal form of jaundice can be triggered by cirrhosis of the liver or viral hepatitis;
- hepatic form can develop against the background of alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis.
Jaundice can also be caused by;
- cholelithiasis;
- cholestasis;
- complications after surgery;
- drug poisoning of the liver;
- leptospirosis;
- liver cancer;
- syphilis;
- various infections;
- mechanical damage to the digestive tract;
- intoxication due to taking certain medications.
Jaundice symptoms
Jaundice symptoms depending on the form of the disease;
- 1 suprahepatic form jaundice is characterized by a mild yellowness of the skin, the skin has a rather pale shade. At the same time, the liver is slightly enlarged, the membranes of the eyeballs have a lemon tint, there are practically no pains in the right hypochondrium, the feces are colored dark due to the increased level of stercobilin;
- 2 with hepatic jaundice spider veins appear on the body, the patient’s palms become yellow, the spleen may enlarge. The patient is worried about vomiting and nausea;
- 3 subhepatic form characterized by an enlarged nodular liver, fever, pronounced itching, loss of body weight, greenish skin color.
Common symptoms:
- sharp weight loss;
- icteric color of the sclera and mucous membranes;
- in some cases, itchy skin;
- dark beer-colored urine;
- fecal masses of a grayish tint;
- changes in the blood;
- chills;
- fatigue;
- the skin is yellowish, greenish or reddish;
- nausea;
- pulling pains in the liver;
- an increase in the size of the liver, and in some cases the spleen.
Complications of jaundice
The nature of the complications of this pathology depends on the level of bilirubin in the blood, in high concentrations it poisons the body and disrupts the functioning of the nervous system.
Jaundice is a confirmation that serious pathological processes are taking place in the body that cannot be ignored. With incorrect treatment of Gospell’s disease, liver failure may appear, and with untimely treatment of liver cirrhosis and hepatitis, the patient may die.
In newborns, jaundice usually resolves on its own within 7-10 days. If this does not happen, then you need to contact a neonatologist. Elevated bilirubin in newborns can cause anemia, which can result in a delay in physical and mental development.
Preventing jaundice
Basic preventive measures for jaundice:
- 1 avoid psycho-emotional overstrain;
- 2 adhere to a work and rest schedule, get enough sleep;
- 3 visit only trusted dentists, cosmetologists and manicurists, you must be sure that they sterilize the instruments correctly;
- 4 do not gain excess weight;
- 5 boil tap water;
- 6 treat infectious diseases in a timely manner;
- 7 do not allow unprotected intimate contacts with unfamiliar people;
- 8 try to give up bad habits;
- 9 do not prescribe medication for yourself;
- 10 wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before eating;
- 11 lead an active lifestyle;
- 12 do not go to restaurants and other catering establishments, the cleanliness of which you doubt;
Jaundice treatment in mainstream medicine
The methods of therapy depend on the form and severity of the disease. In this case, the main thing is to start treatment on time in order to avoid the appearance of dangerous complications.
If the cause of jaundice is blockage of the bile duct stones, then the patient undergo endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. In order to more effectively fight viral hepatitis, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids.
With jaundice, all patients are shown vitamins, droppers with glucose and therapy aimed at combating intoxication. It is also necessary to use antispasmodic drugs.
Among physiotherapeutic procedures in the fight against jaundice, diathermy, ultrasound on the liver area, iontophoresis, plasmaphoresis have proven themselves well.
Healthy foods for jaundice
In order to speed up the treatment process, it is necessary to follow a strict diet, which should be aimed at normalizing the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you need to include the following foods in the diet:
- fresh herbs;
- grain bread;
- dried apricots;
- low-fat dairy products;
- a sufficient amount of boiled, stewed and raw vegetables;
- beans;
- cabbage;
- nuts;
- zucchini;
- fresh fruits and vegetables;
- uncomfortable pastries;
- dried fruits compote;
- viscous cereals in milk;
- cereal soups with vegetable broth;
- steam omelets;
- jelly from non-acidic fruits;
- boiled sausages;
- berries;
- boiled rabbit
- broth of dogrose;
- a lot of still water.
Traditional medicine for jaundice
- 1 take a decoction of dandelion root after meals for ¼ glass;
- 2 eat fresh rowan berries;
- 3 drink cabbage juice as often as possible;
- 4 take a decoction of milk thistle seeds for 2 months half an hour before meals;
- 5 Mix 400 g of adult chopped aloe with 1 bottle. Cahors, add 500-600 g of honey and leave for 2 weeks. Drink 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach. until the mixture is finished;
- 6 to get rid of itching, take a bath in a decoction of barley grains;
- 7 to alleviate the condition of newborns, babies are bathed in a decoction of marigold flowers or in a decoction of golden flowers[2];
- 8 a mixture of Glauber’s salt and baking soda in a ratio of 1: 4 promotes intensive bile secretion;
- 9 itching can be reduced by treating the skin with salicylic or menthol alcohol;
- 10 drink warm water on an empty stomach with the addition of Karlovy Vary salt;
- 11 add crushed wormwood herb powder to prepared food;
- 12 sauerkraut juice gives good results in the treatment of jaundice;
- 13 drink a decoction of oat straw before meals;
- 14 a decoction of dried mint leaves to drink as tea;
- 15 insist on alcohol of barberry berries and take 30 drops daily;
- 16 drink tea from blackcurrant shoots;
- 17 eat 1 leaf of Kalanchoe three times a day[1];
- 18 decoction of birch buds and leaves.
Dangerous and harmful foods for jaundice
During the treatment of jaundice, the following foods should be avoided;
- alcohol;
- garlic;
- fried food;
- canned food;
- smoked fish and meat;
- animal fats;
- strong coffee;
- sweet soda;
- sour berries and fruits;
- ice cream;
- pastry;
- rich fish and meat broths;
- mushrooms;
- beans;
- pickles;
- minimize salt intake.
All of the above products stimulate the secretion of the pancreas, make the liver and gallbladder work in an enhanced mode, provoking increased bile production. Thus, they create an increased load on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, promote intestinal fermentation and stimulate increased gas production.
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