Jasmine essential oil: properties. Video reviews

Jasmine essential oil: properties. Video reviews

Essential oils are very popular remedies in folk medicine, the use of which has been practiced for a long time. Jasmine oil is one of the healthiest and most expensive and is often called the king of flower oils.

Jasmine is a plant of the genus of shrubs and lianas, up to six meters high, belongs to the olive family. Jasmine is native to North India (Kashmir region). Now it is grown in Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Italy, and also in France.

Getting jasmine essential oil is a very laborious process. White jasmine flowers are harvested at night or early in the morning, during which time their aroma is strongest. The essential oil is extracted from a large mass of flowers by the method of enfleurage. By its consistency, it is thick, dark brown in color with a rich exotic aroma.

Jasmine scent is an essential component in modern perfumery. It is used in almost all high-quality perfumes and is a must-have in expensive French perfumes.

Jasmine oil – a fragrance from ancient times

Jasmine was introduced to Spain during the Arab rule, after which it spread throughout the Mediterranean. In the 19th century, jasmine began to be cultivated in France and obtained from it an essential oil for the production of perfumes.

In ancient times, jasmine was a highly revered flower of the Chinese and Arabs, and the Indians gave it a sacred status. In India, jasmine flowers have been used in various religious ceremonies. Decorations and garlands of these flowers were presented to the guests. The aroma of jasmine was used to fumigate palaces, it was used to make incense for the body, and tea was scented with flower petals. Jasmine oil was added to love potions.

Jasmine essential oil, useful properties and uses today

Natural jasmine oil is an excellent remedy for combating stress and depression. It has relaxing and calming properties and stimulates the activity of the brain.

Jasmine oil is a good aphrodisiac, it also helps with:

  • impotence treatment
  • premature ejaculation
  • frigidity
  • normalization of hormonal levels
  • relieving inflammation in the genitals

Jasmine oil relieves menstrual cramps, pregnancy and childbirth. But remember that it cannot be used for the first 4 months of pregnancy.

Jasmine oil is an excellent treatment for hair and problem skin. It is able to eliminate dermatitis, eczema and allergic rashes. It is used in cosmetology as a unique anti-aging agent. It has an analgesic effect on injuries, bruises, spasms and colic. It is an effective expectorant medicine for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Keep in mind that real jasmine essential oil cannot be cheap, otherwise this is a fake. The label must read: “100% natural essential oil”, the manufacturer, the distributor and the name of the country of origin of the raw material are indicated. It is imperative to have a record of the expiration date of the goods and the batch number.

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