Japanese-style gazebo: how to make an original pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands, design drawings with dimensions

Japanese philosophy is embodied not only in ideas and lifestyle, but also in original architecture and landscape design. A Japanese-style gazebo looks beautiful on a suburban area, attracting the attention of others and increasing the owner’s self-esteem.

Design and style features

The shape of the gazebo can be round or square. The main thing that gives the building a Japanese style is a multi-tiered roof (pagoda). According to Eastern philosophy, such a roof inspires peace, giving rise to a sense of harmony with the outside world.

Japanese-style gazebo: how to make an original pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands, design drawings with dimensions

We list the main design features:

  1. The roof has a slight concave bend and is much wider than the base.
  2. The upper part of the pagoda is pointed, the ribs are curved. This architecture gives the building lightness and airiness.
  3. The Japanese gazebo is always open, the walls are almost absent. To protect visitors from heat or precipitation, curtains made of linen or other strong material, beige or pastel colors are used.
  4. Given the peculiarities of the domestic climate, it is possible to cover the walls with decorative gratings that can withstand gusts of wind. In the future, climbing plantations are allowed along the lattices.
  5. The gazebo can be placed on piles, enhancing the feeling of weightlessness, and also provided with a curved bridge.

Although pagodas in the East are built using reeds, bamboo and rice paper, these materials are not very suitable for our climate, not to mention the difficulty of obtaining them in the right quantities. Reeds are easily damp, paper partitions will soon begin to ruffle the wind. In domestic realities, it is worth giving preference to more durable natural materials – wood and stone, this is quite in oriental customs.

The color of the gazebo is chosen muted, bright colors are incompatible with a state of peace and solitude. No flashy flashlights! This is Japan, not China.

Video “Japanese-style gazebo for a summer residence”

In this video, you will learn how to make a Japanese-style wooden gazebo with your own hands.

Gazebo for giving in the Japanese style – Dacha. 26.04.2014/79/XNUMX Issue XNUMX

Do-it-yourself construction

The location for the gazebo in the country should be selected secluded, away from noisy streets, in the shade of trees, with beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. It is desirable that there is a stream nearby, or at least a decorative fountain – the sound of flowing water helps to relax.

Please note that such a structure, according to Eastern culture, must be oriented to the cardinal points:

  • a blank wall should be facing north or south – this will help keep cool in the summer heat;
  • the side walls and entrance face west or east, allowing you to enjoy sunset and sunrise views.

To build a gazebo with your own hands, you will need tools that make it easier and faster to work with wood. It is advisable to have on hand:

  • circular and vertical band saws;
  • milling and jointing machines;
  • thickness gauge.

However, if you wish and persevere, you can build a Japanese-style gazebo with hand carpentry and carpentry tools. You need to have the right skills.

Having picked up a suitable drawing, decide in advance on the dimensions, quantity of materials, and calculate the costs. Hexagonal or even octagonal structures can be erected, although it is easier for beginners to start with a square or round shape.

Suitable materials:

  • smooth, processed logs or wide beams as support pillars;
  • hard rock timber 10–15 cm thick for walls;
  • roof boards;
  • suitable roofing material.


First, the site is prepared:

  1. The site is cleared of debris, stones and tree roots.
  2. Remove the top sod to a depth of 30 cm to prevent the growth of weeds.
  3. According to the drawing, the markup of the future structure is applied.
  4. Pegs are installed in the corners, marking the location of the supporting posts.

You can get by with a lightweight foundation, wood is a light material. Suitable columnar or pile type. For bookmark:

  1. Pits are made in the ground, the bottom is covered with a sand cushion.
  2. The pillars are set in such a way that they rise above the ground by 30 cm or more, the gazebo should seem to “float” in the air.
  3. Pits with supporting posts are concreted.

The area around can be paved with stone or paving slabs.

Frame of walls

When the concrete hardens, a bottom strapping of solid timber is organized on the supports. Next, a beam for walls is vertically mounted on the strapping. For convenience, floor boards can already be laid out along the bottom trim – it will be more convenient to walk, and the frame will begin to assemble faster.

Having fixed the wall beam strictly vertically and fastening it with lags, the upper trim is mounted on top. It will fix the walls and serve as the basis for a multi-tiered roof.


Roof tiers are mounted by laying pre-prepared boards. The effect of raised corners is achieved by filing boards installed at the edges. By giving them some rounding, it is possible to obtain the required Japanese flavor.

The tiers are firmly fixed to each other. Each subsequent one is made smaller.

Having collected the required number of tiers (usually two are enough), they are sheathed on top with boards. Next, the material is painted, and then covered with soft tiles. The uppermost tier is covered first, followed by all the lower ones in turn.

Japanese-style gazebo: how to make an original pavilion for a summer residence with your own hands, design drawings with dimensions

A skate can be made from chopped petals.

Upon completion, proceed with laying the flooring, leaving minimal gaps for the outflow of water. If desired, a plinth is laid out in the center for a barbecue oven and erected from bricks, then decorating with stylized tiles. Now it will be possible to organize a traditional Japanese tea party in the gazebo.

Floor boards are painted in dark red tones, varnished.


Under the ceiling, lamps in the form of traditional Japanese lanterns will look to the place. Two pieces for lighting is enough. The walls are decorated with tulle curtains, another option is covered with rice paper.

In the depths of the structure, it is desirable to organize a niche in which a suitable oriental decoration is placed:

  • strict composition of flowers;
  • a scroll with picturesque drawings;
  • calligraphic letters.

The original building in oriental style will serve as the main decoration of the site for a long time.

The owners will get a great oasis of peace and serenity.

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