Japanese makeup: master class. Video
The uniqueness of a Japanese woman is her contrast. Delicate porcelain skin is combined with pronounced eyes and red, inviting lips. The technique of applying Japanese makeup is used not only when preparing girls for masquerades, Halloween and unusual photo sessions. It is quite applicable in everyday life, albeit in a slightly restrained version.
Japanese makeup: master class
Basic principles of Japanese makeup
The study of the technique of applying oriental makeup would be worth starting with its classification.
Modern Japanese-style make-up can be divided into three groups:
- everyday makeup
- anime girl eye makeup
- geisha makeup
When giving preference to one or another option, adequately assess its necessity. After all, having come to the office with anime-style makeup, you will look at least ridiculous.
Everyday Japanese makeup is already fairly Europeanized and can be used by both blondes and girls with dark skin. The tonal basis for it needs to be chosen two tones lighter than your own skin tone. Remember that the result should be a matte skin, so do not neglect the use of powder.
The skin of Japanese girls is flawlessly smooth, so you should pay special attention to masking irregularities on the face, if, of course, there are any.
Eye makeup in everyday use is limited to drawing an arrow and densely painting eyelashes with mascara. For a bright contrast, makeup artists advise using also shadows of light shades. As a result, black eyeliner will look even more advantageous.
Anime makeup is a Japanese make-up for eye enlargement. To achieve this goal, professionals advise to carefully work out the lower eyelid, applying eyeliner in rounded lines, additionally painting over the lash line with a white pencil.
And to give the eyes an oriental slant, focus on the inner corner of the eye, using light shades of shadows
Geisha makeup is an option for special occasions, which is more correctly attributed to stage makeup. The technology for its application is the same as for everyday make-up, but all the stages are even more exaggerated. So, the skin is almost whitened to a porcelain state, and the lips are painted again with bright red lipstick, forming a specific bow.
Japanese makeup technique
In theory, doing Japanese makeup is as easy as drawing a daily makeup. But in reality, to implement it, you need to have a number of practical skills.
The first is to apply black eyeliner to the upper eyelid. Japanese women have a slightly slanted look. To achieve the same effect, start drawing the arrow just below the inner corner of the eye and, leading it along the lash line, slightly raise it near the outer corner. The eyeliner ends with a characteristic bend, and the line itself should be thick.
There are no peculiarities in the design of eyebrows in this type of make-up
Japanese women in their makeup do not focus on them, drawing characteristic curves. Most often, the eyebrows have a naturally flowing shape.
The final touch is the blush. The color is chosen depending on the type of makeup: from pale pink to bright scarlet. They must be applied strictly on the cheekbones, giving the face grace and sculpturality.