Japanese baby born at 268g was released from hospital

It is an exploit. To this day, never in the world has a baby born so small left the hospital unharmed. This little Japanese boy, born at 22 weeks pregnant, weighed only 268 g at birth. It was then held in the palm of an adult’s hand. Today, after 5 months spent in neonatal care at Keio Hospital in Tokyo, he was able to return to his home,with a weight of 3,238 kg. According to the doctors’ statement, the little boy normally drinks milk. 

Growth retardation in utero

The baby boy’s birth was induced at 22 weeks gestation (24 weeks gestation) due to stunted growth. “I am happy that he gained so much weight, because frankly, I wasn’t sure he would survive ”her mother said in a message to the media. The doctor who followed the baby, Dr Takeshi Arimitsu, says he is keen to let people know that “even when a baby is born very small, there is a possibility that he can leave the maternity hospital in good shape ”. A happy event all the more exceptional as the survival rate of newborns weighing less than 300 g is low, “especially if it is a boy”, underlines the hospital. 

After 5 months in the hospital, the parents of the little boy finally discover the happiness of welcoming their baby at home.  

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