Januvia: instructions for use

Januvia: instructions for use

Type 90 diabetes is diagnosed in 63% of all types of diabetes. The cells of the body cease to perceive insulin, and beta cells cease to function normally, or die altogether. In patients with diabetes, the number of beta cells is reduced by XNUMX%. As a result, the body is unable to overcome insulin resistance.

There are many medications available to control the glycemic index. Biguanides and thiazolidinediones are prescribed to overcome insulin resistance. Sulfonylureas and glinides are used to produce their own insulin. Drugs called Acarbose and Glucobay interfere with the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract. However, it is not enough to choose an effective drug, it is important that it is safe for the human body. The fact is that many drugs for the treatment of diabetes can provoke weight gain, and obesity is the main cause of the development of the disease.

Januvia is a drug from the group of DPP-4 inhibitors. Its international names are Januvia, Sitagliptin and Sitagliptin. Reception of Januvia allows you to reduce appetite, which in the future will lead to weight loss. This is not the only advantage of this medication.

Januvia has been used to treat diabetes for over 10 years. During this period, it was possible to accumulate sufficient experience in its use, which allows us to judge the effectiveness of the drug.

Januvia: composition and form of release

Januvia: instructions for use

The main active ingredient of Januvia is sitagliptin, which is an incretin mimetic. Sitagliptin is presented as phosphate monohydrate. The drug is available only in the form of tablets, but they have a different dosage. Magnesium, sodium, calcium hydrogen phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose are used as a filler.

Depending on the dosage of the drug, the color of the tablets will differ: if the dose is minimal, then the drug is colored pink, and if the maximum is then beige.

The marking available on the tablets also characterizes their dosage:

  • The 25 mg tablet is labeled 221.

  • The 50 mg tablet is labeled 112.

  • The 100 mg tablet is labeled 227.

All tablets are packaged in blisters, which are placed in a cardboard box.

No special storage conditions are required for the medicinal product. The ambient temperature must not exceed 30 °C. The shelf life is one year.

Efficiency of Januvia

Januvia inhibits DPP-4. Treatment with this drug allows you to increase the production of a certain class of hormones that stimulate the production of insulin. These hormones are called incretins. At the same time, the synthesis of glucagon in the liver decreases.

Taking the drug inhibits the process of disintegration of the peptide hormone (GLP-1), which is necessary for insulin to be fully absorbed by the cells of the body. As a result, blood glucose levels stabilize.

Incretins are synthesized in the intestine after a person has eaten. These hormones are responsible for controlling the production of your own insulin.

Januvia reduces the level of glycated hemoglobin, fasting glucose in the blood and promotes weight loss. From the digestive system, the drug enters the bloodstream for a period of 1 to 4 hours. At the same time, the calorie content of foods or the time they are eaten does not affect the absorption of the drug.

It is very convenient that Januvia can be taken at any time, regardless of food. The drug is excreted mainly by the kidneys. Januvia can be used as an independent remedy for the treatment of diabetes, and in combination with other drugs. Most often, Januvia is combined with Metformin. A prerequisite is diet and adequate exercise.

Indications for admission

Januvia: instructions for use

Januvia is recommended for use in type XNUMX diabetes.

In a complex treatment regimen, the drug is used according to the following indications:

  • If the transition to a healthy lifestyle did not bring the desired result, then Januvia is prescribed in combination with Metformin.

  • If the “Januvia + Metformin” scheme did not bring results, then patients are prescribed the “Januvia + drugs from the sulfonylurea group (Glucagon, Daonil, Diabeton, Amaryl)”. Also, this regimen is indicated for patients who cannot continue treatment with Metformin due to various circumstances.

  • Januvia can also be combined with pioglitazone and rosiglitazone.

In addition, Januvia can be combined not only in double, but also in triple combinations:

  • When maintaining a healthy lifestyle and following a diet, Januvia is prescribed as an adjunct to sulfonylurea derivatives and Metformin, provided that treatment with 2 drugs has failed.

  • You can also combine Januvia with Metformin and thiazolidinediones if other drugs do not give a positive effect.

Often, Januvia is combined with insulin injections if they are not enough to overcome the disease.

Contraindications for taking Januvia

Contraindications to taking Januvia are:

  • The period of gestation and lactation.

  • Allergy to the components that make up the drug.

  • Childhood.

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.

If the patient has problems with the work of the kidneys, then Januvia should be taken under regular monitoring of the blood picture. Renal failure is a reason to switch to other drugs. The same applies to patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Possible side effects

Januvia: instructions for use

Side effects most often develop when the patient has taken too much of the drug, or he has an increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. At the same time, existing diseases may worsen, or new health problems may arise. Sometimes side effects are observed only when Januvia is taken in combination with other drugs.

However, in itself, diabetes mellitus is associated with the risk of developing various complications, including acute conditions:

  • DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis) – a breakdown in metabolic processes.

  • Precomatose state – a harbinger of coma.

  • glycemic coma.

Chronic complications of diabetes:

  • Angiopathy.

  • Neuropathy

  • Retinopathy.

  • Nephropathy.

  • encephalopathy etc.

Retinopathy often leads to blindness in diabetic patients. In the United States alone, about 24 cases of vision loss due to retinopathy are recorded each year. Nephropathy is the basis for the development of renal failure, which occurs in 000% of cases. Neuropathy is the leading cause of limb amputations in patients.

If the patient violates the doctor’s prescriptions regarding the multiplicity and dosage of Januvia, this can provoke digestive disorders and upset stools. Other complications include a decrease in immunity, which is manifested by infectious lesions of the respiratory system.

Also, patients taking Januvia complain of headaches and jumps in blood pressure. A clinical blood test may reveal a slight increase in the level of white blood cells. It is believed that Januvia is capable of provoking the development of pancreatitis, but there is no scientific justification for this assumption.

If a person receives the drug for a long time, then there may be disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system and from the hematopoietic system. The patient should consult a doctor with changes in blood pressure, as well as with heart rhythm disturbances.

Science does not know of a single case of addiction to the drug Januvia. However, if a person does not change his lifestyle, then the effect of treatment will not be achieved.

If an overdose occurs

Januvia: instructions for use

Januvia is a drug for the treatment of a complex and serious disease. Therefore, you should not deviate from the treatment regimen proposed by the doctor. This is the only way to achieve the desired effect. You need to start treatment with 80 mg of the drug.

An overdose of 10 times the volume can provoke a hypoglycemic attack. In this case, a person has headaches, weakness, digestive disorders. The patient’s condition deteriorates sharply.

Treatment is reduced to gastric lavage and taking adsorbing drugs. Be sure to take the victim to a medical facility. Depending on the symptoms of an overdose, he will be prescribed appropriate therapy.

An overdose of the drug does not happen often. In the vast majority of cases, it is due to intolerance to the components of the drug, or the use of other medications, when prescribing complex therapy.

Hemodialysis in case of overdose is of low efficiency. In 4 hours, using this method, it is possible to remove no more than 13% of the dose taken.

The effectiveness of Januvia treatment as part of complex therapy

While taking Januvia with Rosiglitazone, Metformin, Warfarin and Simvastatin, no decrease in the activity of these drugs was observed.

If a woman is undergoing treatment, then she can continue to take oral contraceptives when necessary. Januvia enhances the effect of Dioxin, but dose changes are not required.

It is also allowed to combine Januvia with Cyclosporine and Ketoconazole. However, it must be taken into account that Januvia loads the kidneys, therefore, medicines for complex treatment should be selected with caution.

General instructions

Januvia: instructions for use

Before starting therapy, you need to study the instructions for the drug. Its intake does not depend on food intake.

If a person missed taking a medicine, then this must be done as soon as he remembered about it. The dosage in this case should be standard.

The average dose of Januvia is 100 mg/day. If the patient has kidney problems, then it is reduced to 50 mg per day. The severe course of the disease requires a daily dose of 25 mg per day. Treatment with Januvia as part of complex therapy is impossible without prior medical consultation. The endocrinologist should select the required dose.

When a patient requires dialysis, the minimum dose of the drug is prescribed to him. After the age of 65, the introduction of any restrictions is not required, but only on condition that the person does not suffer from renal pathology.

Special Recommendations

The drug Januvia is a prescription drug. Glycemia rarely develops when taking it. The effect of Januvia on the body when high doses of insulin are administered is unknown. Therefore, such patients should regularly donate blood for sugar.

The reception of Januvia does not affect the central nervous system, so a person can continue to engage in their usual work activities.

If the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, then this threatens the development of anaphylactic shock. In this case, a person develops swelling in the face, the skin becomes covered with a rash. A severe manifestation of an allergic reaction is Quincke’s edema. This condition requires the provision of emergency medical care and refusal of treatment.

Januvia: instructions for use

If you refuse treatment with hypoglycemic drugs, then it will not be possible to avoid the progression of type 2 diabetes. In this case, it is required to choose a drug that would not provoke the emergence of new health problems.

Doctors recommend taking into account the glycemic and non-glycemic capabilities of the drug when selecting a hypoglycemic drug. Glycemic properties are a decrease in glycated hemoglobin, the likelihood of hypoglycemia, insulin production, and the safety of using the drug. Non-glycemic properties are the effect on body weight, drug tolerance, safety, cost and availability for a particular patient. This also includes the features of the use of the drug.

Experts speak of Januvia in a positive way:

  • Fasting glycemia is approaching normal.

  • Postprandial glucose levels are within acceptable limits.

  • The drug meets all safety standards.

  • Januvia is an effective drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

Reviews of patients with diabetes about the drug Januvia

Januvia analogues

Januvia: instructions for use

The following medicines can act as analogues of Januvia:

  • Onglyza (based on saxagliptin). The cost of 30 tablets is 1978 rubles.

  • Galvus (base – vildagliptin). For 28 tablets you need to pay 841 rubles.

  • Galvus Met (based on vildagliptin and metformin). For 30 tablets, you will need to pay 1448 rubles.

  • Trajenta (base – linagliptin). The price for 30 tablets is 1866 rubles.

  • Comboglise Prolong (based on metformin and saxagliptin). The most expensive drug For 30 tablets, you will need to pay 2863 rubles.

  • Nesin (base – alogliptin).

All these drugs work in the same way: they help reduce appetite, do not have a depressant effect on the central nervous system, on the heart and blood vessels. Focusing on prices, you can choose the best drug for the cost.

Type XNUMX diabetes is not a death sentence for a person. Medicines will allow you to lead a fulfilling life, and medical devices for measuring blood sugar are available for use at home.

If a person follows the recommendations of specialists, then the disease can be brought under control. To do this, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and take medicines, one of which may be Januvia.

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