Jane Fonda: aerobics for women

Jane Fonda: aerobics for women

American Jane Fonda made history not only thanks to her success in acting and modeling. Her main merit is the invention of aerobics, the creation of exercises that emphasize flexibility and posture formation. WDay.com has selected 8 of the most popular exercises from Foundations to help you tidy up your figure for summer vacation. Hello miniskirt!

Fitness Revolution Foundations

Beauty Jane Fonda has repeatedly shared with the world the secrets of her gorgeous appearance. And she often emphasized that the main thing for women is: a) never to go on rigid diets and b) to play sports all the time. The actress herself devoted many years to dancing, and after she turned 40, she made a real revolution in the States, turning into “Lady aerobics”.

Jane Fonda opened her first aerobics studio in Beverly Hills in 1979. After that, the actress organized four more clubs in other cities in America. In some of them, Jane taught herself! In 1981, she released an illustrated edition of The Jane Fonda Development Book, which by 1986 had sold as many as two million copies. Jane Fonda’s biggest entrepreneurial success has been her famous body-building exercise videos. The whole world remembers them.

Read on:

8 famous exercises from actress and model Jane Fonda

Exercise # 1

Starting position: lying on your left side, lean on the elbow of your left hand. The right leg, bent at the knee, should be in front of the straightened left leg.

The right hand should be on the right knee during this exercise. Slowly lift up your straight left leg, as high as possible (as shown in the photo). Watch your breathing. Keep your back straight. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Then switch legs.

Exercise # 2

Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Extend your left arm upward, while your right arm should remain below.

Stretch your left hand to the right while tilting, while reaching with your right hand to your left thigh (as shown in the photo). Do five bends, then switch hands. After that, tilt your torso forward (it should become parallel to the floor) and repeat the movements with your hands – with a straight left, stretch over your head to the right, and with your right hand stretch to your left foot. Do five reps, change hands. Straighten up, arms extended in front of you. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise # 3

Starting position: Get on your knees, rest on your straightened arms. Keep your back straight. Look ahead.

Slowly lift your left leg bent at the knee, as if taking it to the side (as shown in the photo). At the final point of the lift, your leg should be parallel to the floor. Make sure that your body weight is evenly distributed between your two arms and your right leg, and your back remains straight. Change your legs. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Exercise # 4

Starting position: Lunge forward with your left leg so that its upper part – from knee to hip – is parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows and place your hands on your shoulders (as shown in the photo).

Watch your posture – keep your back straight! Now begin to make turns of the body – to the right (as far as you can), to the left, to the right, to the left. After doing 10 repetitions, move on to the bends. Continuing to keep your back straight, bend first to the right (as far as you can), then to the left, to the right, to the left. Do 10 reps. Change your legs.

Exercise # 5

Starting position: lying on the floor with arms extended along the body.

Raise your torso and pelvis so that your body forms a straight line above, from your shoulders to your knees (as shown in the photo). Watch your breathing. Repeat the exercises 20 times. In the final top ten, try to increase your pace and climb faster.

Exercise # 6

Starting position: standing on the floor, spread your arms to the sides without straining them. Bend your wrists.

Bend your knees in turn, as if “waddling” from one to the other. At the same time, do rotations with your hands – first 20 forward, then 20 backward. To make the exercise more difficult, while doing it, bring your back shoulder blades together and apart – a great option for those who dream of a sexy back!

Exercise # 7

Starting position: kneel down and rest on straight arms. Keep your back straight and look forward.

Start pulling your left knee to your chest, trying to raise it as high as possible (see photo). After that, take your leg back, lifting it and straightening it – so that the leg together with your back forms a straight line. Pull your leg up to your chest again, and then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do 20 reps.

Exercise # 8

Starting position: sitting on the floor, lean back, leaning on your arms bent at the elbows. Keep your legs straight.

Begin to do “scissors”, crossing your legs – first the left over the right, then vice versa. While doing this exercise, slowly raise your legs – so that at the top point they, together with your torso, form a right angle. Return your legs to their starting position by lowering them to the floor. Do 15 reps.

Based on materials from Self.com.

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