James Dobson is the founder and president of Focus on the Family, a charitable evangelistic organization dedicated to preserving the family and the home. Dr. Dobson is one of America’s recognized leaders in marriage and family matters, a practicing psychologist in California, and a couples and child counseling therapist in Colorado. His international radio program Focus on the Family is broadcast on over 2000 radio stations worldwide.
He and his wife Shirley are the parents of two adult children, Ryan and Diana.
James Dobson is convinced that love for children is not only and not so much unconditional acceptance, which is understood by many as giving up parental positions in front of children, but the assertion of parental authority and demanding upbringing, where parents take responsibility for the fruits of their work.
His book “Don’t be afraid to be strict” was published in Russia, and the editors of the Psychologos recommend it to all parents.