Jam Pyatiminutka (5-minute) from pitted cherries: delicious recipes for the winter

“Five-minute” pitted cherries are the fastest way to process berries in time. The recipe has a minimal material cost. Jam is prepared from cherries alone or with the addition of currants, citric acid or vanilla. A delicious dessert keeps well and does not lose its nutritional value for a long time.

Jam Pyatiminutka (5-minute) from pitted cherries: delicious recipes for the winter

Whole cherries in syrup

How to cook jam “Five Minute” from pitted cherries

Pitted cherry dessert is very popular, you can cook it according to any recipe. The main thing is that the berries retain their integrity in the finished product, and the jam does not turn out to be a shapeless mass. They make preparations for the winter only from high-quality raw materials and over low heat.

Often the fruits are damaged by pests. In appearance, the surface may be without signs of disturbance, and the flesh is spoiled. Before processing, the fruits are placed in lightly salted water with the addition of citric acid or vinegar. Leave in the solution for 10-15 minutes. The procedure will not affect the taste of the dessert, and the pests will leave the berry.

Cherries are taken only ripe, without mechanical damage, so that there are no rotten areas. The drupes are washed well and scattered in a thin layer on a fabric surface. Leave until moisture evaporates. For the “Five Minute” cherries are used pitted.

They are removed with a special device or improvised means: a pin, a hairpin, a cocktail tube. The main task is to minimize damage to the pulp and preserve the juice. Before discarding the bones, they are boiled for 30-40 minutes in a small amount of water. The resulting broth is added to the finished dessert to add flavor.

For the preparation of jam, aluminum, tin or copper utensils are used. An enameled container is not suitable, since even with thorough mixing there is a risk that the mass will burn to the bottom and the taste of the product will be spoiled. Preference is given to wide dishes with high edges. The workpiece should not occupy more than half the volume of the container.

When the jam boils, foam rises to the surface. If the pan is not deep enough, the foam can get on the outer walls of the pot and the stove. The foam in the cooking process is removed completely as it appears. It is she who causes the fermentation of jam.

Important! Before laying the finished jam, the jars are washed with baking soda, then with detergent and sterilized together with the lids.

Classic pitted 5-minute cherry jam

The classic Five-Minute recipe is often used, which includes pitted cherries. The dessert consists of berries and sugar in equal proportions.

The sequence of making jam:

  1. Pour cherries and sugar in layers in a container.
  2. Leave for 4 hours, during this time gently mix several times so that the juice evenly mixes with sugar and the crystals dissolve well.
  3. The container is put on medium heat, when the mass boils, the jam is kept for 10 minutes.
  4. Foam will constantly appear on the surface, it is removed.
  5. Boiling dessert, along with syrup, is poured into jars and rolled up.

The winter blank is turned upside down and wrapped with improvised materials: a blanket, blankets or old warm jackets.

Pitted cherry jam “Pyatiminutka” with “proofing”

Jam is prepared with “proofing”, that is, in two stages after the first boil, the product is allowed to brew, only then it is brought to full readiness. Berries and sugar can be taken in equal proportions or 700 kg of cherries per 1 g of sugar.

Jam Pyatiminutka (5-minute) from pitted cherries: delicious recipes for the winter

Jam with “proofing” turns out to be a thicker consistency

The sequence of jam “Five minutes”:

  1. Prepared cherries are covered with sugar, gently mixed so that the fruits do not deform.
  2. Leave for 4 hours, then mix the workpiece and put it on the stove.
  3. Bring the “Five Minute” to a boil, during which time the crystals will completely dissolve in the juice.
  4. As soon as the jam boils, it is removed from the stove and the workpiece is left for 8-10 hours. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening and leave the jam overnight.
  5. The second time, the product is boiled for 10 minutes.

“Five minutes” is packaged in jars, rolled up and covered with a blanket or blanket.

Pitted Cherry Jam: 5-Minute Recipe with Citric Acid

You can cook pitted Pyatiminutka cherry jam for the winter with the addition of citric acid. Recipe Ingredients:

  • cherry – 1 kg;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 1,2 kg.

The acid will not be felt in the taste of the finished product, but the addition of a preservative will increase the shelf life of the jam to 2-3 months.

Five-minute jam technology “:

  1. The berries are placed in a bowl and covered with sugar.
  2. Leave for 5 hours.
  3. Put on fire, pour water. When the mass boils, remove the foam and stir thoroughly.
  4. The workpiece boils for 5 minutes. During this time, the syrup should be free of crystals.
  5. Dishes with jam are left to cool completely.
  6. Turn on the fire, add citric acid to the cherry mass and boil for 7 minutes.

Cherries are laid out in jars, poured with syrup and rolled up.

Jam “Pyatiminutka” from pitted cherries with currants and vanilla

Currants can be taken of any variety and color, but the black variety is better combined with cherries. It gives the dessert a special aroma and pleasant taste.

Ingredients of the jam:

  • cherry – 0,5 kg;
  • currants – 0,5 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • vanilla – 2 sticks.

Method of preparation:

  1. Sugar is divided into equal parts, one is filled with currants, the other with cherries in different containers.
  2. Leave the workpiece for 5 hours.
  3. Bring the drupes and currants to a boil (each in its own saucepan).
  4. Set aside for 8 hours to infuse and cool.
  5. Combine the components, add vanilla, boil for 10 minutes.

They are laid out in jars, rolled up and covered with a blanket.

Storage Rules

Jam “Pyatiminutka” does not involve long-term heat treatment, so its shelf life is relatively short. Keep the workpiece in the basement at a temperature not higher than +4 0C, the shelf life in this case is no more than eight months, the option with the addition of acid is about 12 months. After breaking the tightness, the jam is kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7-10 days.


“Five-minute” pitted cherries are a quick and economical way to process berries. The jam is not thick, with a rich wine color and cherry aroma. Dessert is served with tea and coffee. Used for sweet pastries, toasts.

Cherry JAM “Pyatiminutka” or Pitted Cherry Jam

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