Jam: benefits and harms to the body
Jam is a wonderful reminder of summer and warm family gatherings. A sweet, melt-in-your-mouth delicacy with a delicate aroma is prepared in every family, and there are thousands of recipes. We talk about the beneficial properties of jam and figure out whether it can harm health

The peoples of Transcaucasia, Turkey and Central Asia have long been preparing pekmez and cue, Moldavians, Romanians and other residents of the Danube – pelt. The French love berry confiture, the British – jam and soft fruit marmalade. s, receiving guests, traditionally put jam on the table.

In this article ” Healthy Food Near Me” you will learn about the benefits and harms of jam. 

The history of the appearance of jam in nutrition

In the countries of the East, jam began to be made about two thousand years ago. The Persians added a lot of spices, it turned out a kind of sauce for spicy dishes.

In ancient Greece, quince was boiled with honey, making the syrup viscous (1). Ancient Rome adopted the culinary traditions of the Greeks. In the book “Apicus” of the end of the XNUMXth century AD. tells about the intricacies of making jam from pears, plums, apples, rose petals and lemon. Mass production of jam in Europe began in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, when relatively inexpensive sugar from the colonies appeared on sale.

In Our Country, the name “preserve” was born at the end of the XNUMXth – beginning of the XNUMXth century, as they said about boiled sweets. In the cookbooks of the time, cooking in sweet syrup was commonly referred to as candiing, and apples were the most commonly used fruit.

When there was no sugar in Our Country yet, jam was made on honey in a heated oven, where the sweetness languished for several hours. The ability to make jam was considered so important for a woman that it was taught specifically. The best recipes have been treasured and passed down from generation to generation.

What is jam

In terms of texture, jam differs from jam, marmalade, marmalade and confiture in that berries or fruits retain their shape. Even if they are cut into pieces before cooking, there is always liquid syrup in the jam. In Our Country, jam made from raspberries, strawberries, cherries and apricots is popular, but this is a matter of taste. A sweet delicacy is cooked not only from berries and fruits, but also from vegetables, such as zucchini (2). In addition, flower petals, nuts, cones, lemon zest are used, so each type of jam differs in taste, color, texture and properties.

Jam from pine conesOutwardly, it looks like liquid honey, has a resinous taste with bitterness. Relieves cough, useful for beriberi and stomach problems. It has a tonic effect, so it is not recommended to eat before bed
Dandelion jamIt has an amber-yellow color and a honey taste. Rich in beta-carotene and trace elements. It is used to strengthen the immune system, with hepatitis, joint ailments and anemia.
Walnut JamPrepared from milky green nuts, which are harvested in the first month of summer. If you make jam with a peel, it turns out dark. In the cold season – an excellent tool for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and protection of the immune system
CrimsonOne of the most fragrant types of jam contains a lot of essential oils and acetylsalicylic acid. Helps with colds, brings down high temperatures, strengthens the immune system and removes toxins
From black currantIt has a pleasant aroma and sweet-tart taste with sourness. Homemade dessert is used to treat respiratory diseases, improve appetite, cleanse the intestines of toxins
CherryCherry contains a lot of phytoncides, it is a natural antibiotic. Cherry jam contains a lot of iron, cobalt and copper. It is useful for low hemoglobin, for the normal functioning of muscles, skin and blood vessels.
From viburnumNatural delicacy is loved for its scarlet color and light bitterness. Viburnum jam is eaten for seasonal colds, intestinal disorders and to get rid of heartburn.
From fir conesIt is rich in phytoncides – active substances that inhibit the reproduction of bacteria, fungi and protozoa. Used with low hemoglobin, to strengthen the gums and cleanse the respiratory tract during illness
Sea buckthornIt has a golden-orange color and a pleasant sourness. Champion among other types of jam. It contains the most fat: 100 g – 3,6 g and the least carbohydrates – 34,4 g. For this reason, sea buckthorn jam is one of the most useful.
From mountain ashRed rowan is a bitter berry. To soften the taste, apples are usually added to rowan jam. Dessert helps to cope with flu and bronchitis.
From honeysuckleJam from berries with an original sweet and sour taste is useful for hypertension and other cardiovascular ailments. It improves blood circulation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
from feijoaFrom the southern green fruits with tender pulp, jam is obtained, similar in taste to strawberries and pineapple. Especially popular is “raw” jam, for which feijoa is peeled.
chokeberryBlack chokeberry contains twice as much vitamin P as blackcurrant. Dark tart jam helps with thyroid diseases and hypertension.
From dogwoodA delicacy of sweet and sour berries is eaten to prevent colds and as a general tonic.
BlackberryThere are a lot of dietary fibers in tender jam, which normalize digestion. Malic acid, flavonoids, vitamins and mineral compounds help with bloating, pneumonia and acute respiratory infections.
BlueberryJam is distinguished by dark blue, even black color, coloring effect and memorable taste. Blueberry delicacy is eaten to improve vision, prevent infectious diseases, get rid of constipation and diarrhea.
from figsA sweet treat from the southern latitudes helps to remove phlegm from the lungs, has an antipyretic effect and has a mild laxative effect.
StrawberryOur Country’s favorite dessert has a bright red color and a strong aroma. Strawberry jam lowers blood pressure, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents the growth of cancer cells.
MulberryMulberry or mulberry contains a lot of potassium, so jam from this berry is suitable for people suffering from cardiovascular ailments. In moderation, it normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and helps to get rid of edema.
PlumPlum jam is rich in B vitamins. It speeds up metabolism, has a mild laxative and diuretic effect.

The composition and calorie content of jam

The nutritional value and composition of the jam depends on the fruits and berries used.

Average calories per 100 g285 kcal
Proteins0,4 g
Fats0,1 g
Carbohydrates74 g

BJU figures may vary depending on which berries or fruits the jam was made from.

The benefits of jam

Homemade jam contains a lot of copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, calcium, organic acids, tannins and carotenoids. A properly prepared dessert is rich in fiber, a natural antioxidant – vitamin C (3), vitamins A, B1, B2, K and PP.

The benefits of jam for women

Essential oils, which are part of the jam, help to cope with stress and improve the functioning of the nervous system. Most berries and fruits contain useful substances that are involved in cellular metabolism. Moderate consumption of jam slows down the aging process. Jam is one of the helpers during PMS. Magnesium and vitamin B2 improve blood flow, relieve nausea and have an analgesic effect. Raspberry jam is often eaten during pregnancy to relieve morning sickness.

The benefits of jam for men

Certain types of sweet treats are good for men’s health. Raspberry jam, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, helps in the treatment of prostatitis. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which helps to avoid early heart attacks and strokes. Green walnut jam improves brain blood supply, memory and attention, helps to restore muscles after sports training.

The benefits of jam for children

Babies under one year old are not advised to give jam, as it can cause allergies. For a child over 1 year old, jam is useful, but in limited quantities.

– Adults can enjoy jam without compromising health, if you consume no more than 100 g per day. Children can be given jam after 1 year no more than 1-2 teaspoons. Up to 3 years – no more than 1 tablespoon, and after 3 years – no more than 40 g per day, – says sanitary doctor, epidemiologist Nikolai Dubinin.

Jam harm

The sweet treat is high in calories, so it is not advised to eat it for those who are obese. Jam is made from berries and fruits, so it can cause allergies.

– Jam is not evil, but it is important to know when to stop. Ascorbic acid during heat treatment loses from 50 to 80% of its useful properties. Making jam is a long process. Therefore, eating jam with spoons in the hope of replenishing the daily intake of vitamin C is a dubious idea, says nutritionist and specialist in work with eating behavior Regina Bobina. – The composition of homemade jam is extremely simple: berries or fruits plus sugar. A large amount of sugar is the most serious argument not to lean on jam. With the British Nutrition Foundation’s recommendation of no more than 30 grams (6 teaspoons) of sugar per day (4), jam doesn’t seem so harmless. It can exacerbate the risk of heart disease and type XNUMX diabetes. It is best to eat berries and fruits fresh and frozen.

The jam may contain hydroxymethylfurfural (OMF) – a potentially dangerous carcinogen, which is formed as a result of the decomposition of sugar from high temperatures and long-term storage. A high content of OMF leads to the development of gastritis and liver diseases. As a rule, there is no OMF in fresh jam. After six months of storage, OMF is 15 mg/kg, after a year 25 mg/kg, and after 1,5 years – 75 mg/kg (3).

The use of jam in medicine

What jam is the most useful and what types of this delicacy are advised by doctors? Our expert Nikolay Dubinin will tell about it.

  • Quince jam improves digestion. Thanks to enzymes, quince, even in processed form, is able to reduce pressure.
  • A citrus treat contains a large amount of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid.
  • Sea buckthorn is a storehouse of phytoncides; jam from this berry is especially recommended for pregnant women.
  • Dogwood berries contain a lot of iron, useful organic acids, vitamin C, B, PP. Dessert from them can be beneficial for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  • Raspberry has antipyretic properties due to acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acid.
  • Cranberries are rich in vitamin C and many other beneficial substances. It is recommended to eat jam from it for colds and urinary tract diseases.
  • Walnut jam contains a lot of iodine. It is useful in diseases of the thyroid gland, helps to recover from illness and reduces fatigue.
  • Cherry delicacy is shown to people suffering from insomnia. It uplifts the mood and stimulates the immune system.

The use of jam in cooking

This popular delicacy can act as an independent dessert, and it is also used for glazing dishes, fillings for pies, cakes and other baked goods. Some types of jam are good as a sauce for meat, fish and poultry dishes.

“Raw” gooseberry jam with oranges

To preserve the beneficial properties of berries as much as possible, we will prepare a delicious dessert without heat treatment.

gooseberries1 kg
oranges2 piece.
Sugar1 kg

Wash the gooseberries and oranges, sort the berries, and pour over the citruses with boiling water, cut into slices and peel. Grind gooseberries and oranges with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the fruit and berry puree, mix and leave overnight to dissolve the sugar. Arrange the jam in sterile jars, close the lids and put in the refrigerator.

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onion jam

An unusual delicacy not only tastes good, but has healing properties. Onion jam is good for colds

Medium onion7 piece.
Vegetable oil2 Art. spoons
Sugar0,6 kg
White wine2 Art. spoons
Vinegar 5%2 Art. spoons

Cut the onion into half rings and fry until golden brown in oil. Add sugar, half a glass of water and heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 30 minutes. Pour in vinegar, wine and cook for another 10 minutes. Divide the cooled jam into jars.

Plum jam

Recipe from an expert in the preparation of jams of non-standard combinations, the founder of the Jamovarnya company “Something with something” Ekaterina Deeva. This jam is combined with cheese, fried meat, cottage cheese and pancakes. For its preparation, you can use not only fresh plums, but also frozen ones.  

Plum, pitted560 g
Sugar400 g
Lemon juice25 ml  
Vanillahalf a pod 
Badian4 stars 
  • Peeled plum – 560 g
  • Sugars – 400 g
  • Lemon juice – 25 ml  
  • Vanilla – half a pod 
  • Badyan – 4 stars 

Cut the vanilla in half and scrape the contents into the pan with a knife. The pods themselves need to be preserved – they can flavor sugar by placing them in a sugar bowl, or you can additionally add them when cooking jam. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave overnight. 

The next day, bring to a boil and cook until tender at a temperature of 104-105 degrees. If you do not have a special thermometer, readiness can be checked like this: if a drop of jam does not spread on a saucer, it’s time to remove from heat. 

Added spices can be removed or left – so the aroma will be more saturated. 

Next, you need to remove the pan from the heat and pour the jam into sterilized jars. Close with clean hot sterilized lids, cover with a warm blanket or leave overnight in the oven that is turned off, but previously preheated to 120-150 degrees. This is necessary so that the jam jar cools slowly and condensation does not form on the lid.

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How to choose and store jam

When cooking, make sure that the jam fills the jars to the brim. The less air remains in the container, the longer the taste and aroma remain. 

Jam, cooked according to the classic recipe with a sugar content of 1: 1, can be stored in packaged form at room temperature. But an open jar of treats should be put in the refrigerator. “Raw” jam, cooked without cooking, is kept in a cool place. 

It is better to eat any jam before the new harvest, because over time it candied, loses its beneficial properties and deteriorates. For example, when stored for more than one year, cherry jam with pits begins to release hydrocyanic acid.

Popular questions and answers

Everyone has tried a sweet dessert, but its preparation is considered a real art, so there is always something to learn. Let’s answer some popular questions about jam.

When is Raspberry Day?

The author of the Raspberry Jam Day was a popular online culinary community from Our Country. A fun celebration was invented in 2015 and is celebrated every year on August 16th. The date was not chosen by chance. In ancient times in Our Country, it was in mid-August that they celebrated the holiday of honoring this fragrant berry – Raspberry. 

What is the best thickener for jam?

The thickener is used to reduce the cooking time, give the jam a bright color, the desired viscosity and consistency. A good option is pectin: a natural product retains the aroma and texture of fruits and berries. Gelatin is also suitable as a thickener. With the classic recipe, 1 kg of berries for 1 kg of sugar put 40 g of gelatin. You can use agar-agar. The thickener, made from seaweed, brings thyroid-friendly iodine to the jam.

What to do with jam if it is candied?

This happens if the jam is overcooked, too much sugar is added, or it has been standing for a very long time. The easiest way out is to use a candied dessert as a filling for pies, make compote or jelly. If you want to return the jam to a liquid consistency, heat the jar in a water bath or in the microwave, observing the precautions. True, melted jam should be used as soon as possible.

Sources of

  1. Shikhaliev S. S., Abakarova A. A. On the issue of improving the production technology of quince jam // Bulletin of the Dagestan State Technical University. 2010. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-voprosu-sovershenstvovaniya-tehnologii-proizvodstva-varenya-iz-ayvy
  2. Sannikova T. A., Machulkina V. A., Gulin A. V. Influence of variety on the yield of marrow jam // Magyar Tudomanyos Journal/ 2020. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vliyanie-sorta- na-vyhod-varenya-iz-kabachkov/viewer
  3. Belysheva L. L., Polyanskikh E. I. About homemade jam. URL: https://rspch.by/ru/node/413
  4. British Nutrition Foundation. Sugar. URL: https://www.nutrition.org.uk/healthy-sustainable-diets/starchy-foods-sugar-and-fibre/sugar/

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